Christer Persson
Christer Persson is the Head of Division for Engineering Materials at the Department of Industrial and Materials Science. The research of his own research group is focused on mechanical properties of metals. Important research areas are thermo-mechanical fatigue and contact fatigue, and the applications can be found in the auto, railway and aero industries. In the research are mechanical testing, materials characterization and numerical modeling combined to give knowledge of deformation and fracture mechanisms. The overall aim is to develop better models for life prediction, and thereby contribute to increased safety and lower environmental impact.

Showing 30 publications
Precipitation of γ’ during cooling of nickel-base superalloy Haynes 282
Precipitation Kinetics and Morphology of Grain Boundary Carbides in Ni-Base Superalloy Haynes 282
Damage evolution around white etching layer during uniaxial loading
Effect of microstructure on dynamic shear localisation in Alloy 718
Influence of carbide distribution on ductility of Haynes®282® forgings
Microstructural examination of shear localisation during high-strain-rate deformation of Alloy 718
Alloy design for intrinsically ductile refractory high-entropy alloys
Rapid thermomechanical tempering of iron–carbon martensite
Anisotropy of Room Temperature Ductility in Haynes 282 Forgings
Analysis of wear debris in rolling contact fatigue cracks of pearlitic railway wheels
Dynamic strain aging in Haynes 282 superalloy
Influence of microstructure on deformation behaviour of alloy 718
3D characterisation of RCF crack networks
Mechanical properties of bulk- and hybrid nanocrystalline materials
Influence of microstructure of alloy 718 on high strain rate deformation
White etching layers on the Stockholm local traffic network
Subsurface crack networks and RCF surface cracks in pearlitic railway wheels
Modeling of Peening Stress in HVOF Sprayed IN718 Coating
Experiments and modelling of the cyclic behaviour of Haynes 282
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Showing 7 research projects
Återvinning av insamlad plast från förpackningar
Characterization of crack initiation and propagation in anisotropic material (CHARMEC MU35)
Research into enhanced track and switch and crossing system 2 (In2Track-2)
Development of analysis models for thermomechanical fatigue
Thermo-mechanical fatigue of NI-based supperalloys (TMF II)
Snabba deformationsförlopp vid maskinbearbetning och containment
Thermo-mechanical fatigue of NI-based supperalloys (TMF I)