The underlying drivers of International Research Cooperation
Book chapter, 2014

The HEIP-Link project is about developing the conditions and mechanisms for international research and development cooperation on a global level. This chapter aims at presenting and discussing some issues and potential areas to be considered in such international cooperation, in order for universities to both benefit from the research cooperation and participate in innovation processes. The chapter discusses the following essential questions related to international research cooperation: 1) What do we ultimately want to create from our university’s knowledge assets, e.g. from research results, experience? 2) How can international collaboration contribute to building the university knowledge assets? 3) If we build new knowledge assets in university collaboration - who will benefit from these new assets?


learning alliance

university-industry contracts


knowledge assets

Higher education

research cooperation


Sari Scheinberg

Sverker Alänge

Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Quality Sciences

Tran Dinh Lam

Christle De Beer

Rut Sierra

Nguyen Ngoc Hai

The Higher Education Research Collaboration Toolkit: Manage your intellectual property in cross border research, HEIP-Link Project (2014). Trans-national R&D Cooperation: The role of IPR. University of Alicante, Alicante


Subject Categories

Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics

Driving Forces

Innovation and entrepreneurship

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