Sverker Alänge

Showing 97 publications


Corporate-startup collaboration: effects on large firms' business transformation

Annika Steiber, Sverker Alänge
European Journal of Innovation Management. Vol. 24 (2), p. 235-257
Journal article

Corporate-startup Co-creation for Increased Innovation and Societal Change

Annika Steiber, Sverker Alänge
Triple Helix. Vol. 7 (2-3), p. 227-249
Journal article

Three operational models for ambidexterity in large corporations

Sverker Alänge, Annika Steiber
Triple Helix. Vol. 5 (5), p. 1-25
Journal article

Culture: The New Black

Annika Steiber, Sverker Alänge
Management for Professionals. Vol. Part F581, p. 87-104
Book chapter

The Entrepreneurial Organization Is Dynamic and Ambidextrous

Annika Steiber, Sverker Alänge
Management for Professionals. Vol. Part F581, p. 121-142
Book chapter

The Silicon Valley Model

Annika Steiber, Sverker Alänge
Management for Professionals. Vol. Part F581, p. 143-155
Book chapter

Sustainability in 2016

Sverker Alänge
Alänge, Sverker and Lundqvist, Mats eds. (2016) Sustainable Business Development: Frameworks for idea evaluation and cases of realized ideas - Second edition, Chalmers University Press, Gothenburg, p. 4-23
Book chapter

Silicon Valley Modellen: Ledarskap & organisation för entreprenörskap & innovation

Annika Steiber, Sverker Alänge
Management of Innovation and Technology. Vol. Maj 2016 (2), p. 3-4
Magazine article

Silicon Valley: A Cradle of Management Innovation

Annika Steiber, Sverker Alänge
Management for Professionals. Vol. Part F581, p. 37-51
Book chapter

Entrepreneurship: What It Really Is, and Why It Must Be Integrated into Management of the Firm

Annika Steiber, Sverker Alänge
Management for Professionals. Vol. Part F581, p. 53-63
Book chapter

Interactions between Ideas and Behaviour in Organizations

Magnus Marmgren, Sverker Alänge, Stefan Book
Quality Innovation Prosperity. Vol. 20 (2), p. 185-207
Journal article

Six Basic Principles for a Changing World

Annika Steiber, Sverker Alänge
Management for Professionals. Vol. Part F581, p. 19-35
Book chapter

The Silicon Valley Model: Management for Entrepreneurship

Annika Steiber, Sverker Alänge

Preface: It’s Time for a New Model

Annika Steiber, Sverker Alänge
Management for Professionals. Vol. Part F581, p. vii-x
Other text in scientific journal

The World Is Changing

Annika Steiber, Sverker Alänge
Management for Professionals. Vol. Part F581, p. 1-17
Book chapter

The Art & Science of Mobilizing Stakeholders for Sustainable Development and a Resilient Society

Sari Scheinberg, Sverker Alänge
XIV International Triple Helix Conference in Heidelberg September 25-28, 2016, p. 1-8
Other conference contribution

The Volvo Robust Engineering System: how to make robust design work in an industrial context

Azadeh Fazl Mashhadi, Sverker Alänge, Göran Gustafsson et al
Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. Vol. 27 (5-6), p. 1-19
Journal article

Implications Beyond Silicon Valley

Annika Steiber, Sverker Alänge
Management for Professionals. Vol. Part F581, p. 151-171
Book chapter

A Special Breed of People

Annika Steiber, Sverker Alänge
Management for Professionals. Vol. Part F581, p. 65-85
Book chapter

Naturalizing sustainability in product development: A comparative analysis of IKEA and SCA

Sverker Alänge, Gunilla Clancy, Magnus Marmgren
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 135, p. 1009-1022
Journal article

Leading for Entrepreneurship

Annika Steiber, Sverker Alänge
Management for Professionals. Vol. Part F581, p. 105-120
Book chapter

Organizational innovation: a comprehensive model for catalyzing organizational development and change in a rapidly changing world

Annika Steiber, Sverker Alänge
Triple Helix. Vol. 2 (1), p. 1-25
Journal article

Organizational innovation: verifying a comprehensive model for catalyzing organizational development and change

Annika Steiber, Sverker Alänge
Triple Helix. Vol. 2 (14)
Journal article

A learning alliance for robust design in product development – The case of Volvo 3P and Chalmers University of Technology

Azadeh Fazl Mashhadi, Sverker Alänge, Lars-Uno Roos
Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. Vol. 25 (9-10), p. 1-18
Journal article

The underlying drivers of International Research Cooperation

Sari Scheinberg, Sverker Alänge, Tran Dinh Lam et al
The Higher Education Research Collaboration Toolkit: Manage your intellectual property in cross border research, HEIP-Link Project (2014). Trans-national R&D Cooperation: The role of IPR. University of Alicante, Alicante, p. 18-31
Book chapter

Backcasting - What is a sustainable future and how do we reach it?

Sverker Alänge, John Holmberg
Chapter 5 in Alänge, Sverker & Lundqvist, Mats eds. (2014) Sustainable Business Development: Frameworks for Idea Evaluation and Cases of Realized Ideas, Chalmers University Press, Gothenburg, p. 63-69
Book chapter


Sverker Alänge
Chapter 2 in Alänge, Sverker & Lundqvist, Mats eds. (2014) Sustainable Business Development: Frameworks for Idea Evaluation and Cases of Realized Ideas, Chalmers University Press, Gothenburg, p. 4-20
Book chapter

A corporate system for continuous innovation: The case of Google Inc.

Annika Steiber, Sverker Alänge
European Journal of Innovation Management. Vol. 16 (2), p. 243-264
Journal article

The formation and growth of Google: A firm-level triple helix perspective

Annika Steiber, Sverker Alänge
Social Science Information. Vol. 52 (4), p. 575-604
Journal article

El Método de Afinidad-Interrelación MAI

Sverker Alänge

Do TQM principles need to change? Learning from a comparison to Google Inc.

Annika Steiber, Sverker Alänge
Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. Vol. 24 (1-2), p. 48-61
Review article

Management Systems’ Influence on Sustainable Innovation: A Comparative Analysis of Two Large MNCs

Magnus Marmgren, Gunilla Clancy, Sverker Alänge
18th International Conference on Sustainable Innovation, Epsom, UK, 4th – 5th November 2013
Paper in proceeding

Scenario Planning - The future now

Boo Edgar, Sverker Alänge
Chapter 6 in Alänge, Sverker & Lundqvist, Mats eds. (2013) Sustainable Business Development: Frameworks for Idea Evaluation and Cases of Realized Ideas, Chalmers University Press, Gothenburg, p. 66-82
Book chapter

Actionable knowledge to develop more sustainable products

Gunilla Clancy, Morgan Fröling, Magdalena Svanström et al
6th International Conference on Life Cycle Management, Göteborg, 25-28 August
Other conference contribution

Introducing Robust Design in Product Development Learning from an initiative at Volvo

Azadeh Fazl Mashhadi, Sverker Alänge, Lars-Uno Roos
Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. Vol. 23 (9-10), p. 1191-1205
Journal article

Understanding Management Systems: a test of a conceptual framework

Magnus Marmgren, Sverker Alänge, Stefan Book
15th International QMOD Conference, 6-9 September, Poznan, Poland, p. 1-15
Paper in proceeding

Are TQM principles conducive to continuous innovation?

Annika Steiber, Sverker Alänge
15th International QMOD Conference, 6-9 September, Poznan, Poland, p. 1-13
Paper in proceeding

Building Teams and Organizational Learning in China: A case illustrating how Action research can be used in a cross-cultural context to support new ways of working between universities and industry

Sverker Alänge, Sari Scheinberg
The 10th GLOBELICS International Conference, 9-11 November, 2012 in Hangzhou, China, p. 4985-5007
Paper in proceeding

Diffusion of organisational innovations: an empirical test of an analytical framework

Sverker Alänge, Annika Steiber
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. Vol. 23 (8), p. 881-897
Journal article

How to sustain innovativeness - the case of Google

Annika Steiber, Sverker Alänge
Proceedings of the Triple Helix 9 Scientific Conference at Stanford University 11-14 July 2011
Paper in proceeding

Sustainability through business development of early stages ideas: experiences from an action based pedagogy

Sverker Alänge, Mats Lundqvist
Proceedings of EESD 10 International Conference on Engineering Education in Sustainability, Sept. 19-22, Gothenburg
Other conference contribution

Scenario planning

Sverker Alänge, Boo Edgar
Edited book

A Mature Capability Model: Towards Dynamic Sustainability

Osman Zulfiqar Alvi, Sverker Alänge
Proceedings from the 16th International EurOMA Conference, June 14-17 2009, Gothenburg
Paper in proceeding

The Affinity-Interrelationship Method AIM

Sverker Alänge

The case of a missed opportunity? A closer look at how industrial design skills could help companies create customer satisfaction

Lisa Carlgren, Sverker Alänge, Nils Kumar
Proceedings of the 12th International QMOD Conference in Verona, 27-30 August 2009
Paper in proceeding

The Role of the University in Protecting and Creating Value from Indigenous Knowledge

Sari Scheinberg, Andreas Norgren, Francisco Perera et al
7th International Globelics Conference, October 6-8, 2009 in Dakar, p. 21-
Paper in proceeding

Contracting industrial designers: A way towards improved product development

Sverker Alänge, Lisa Carlgren
Proceedings from the 16th International EurOMA Conference, 14-17 June 2009, Gothenburg
Paper in proceeding

The Role of the Board of Directors in Sustaining Organizational Change Programs: An empirical analysis of TQM, TPS and Lean change programs

Sverker Alänge, Annika Steiber
Proceedings from the 12the International QMOD Conference in Verona, 27-29 August 2009
Paper in proceeding

The board's role in sustaining major organizational change: An empirical analysis of three change programs

Sverker Alänge, Annika Steiber
International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences. Vol. 1 (3), p. 280-293
Journal article

Involving Industrial Designers Earlier. A Case Study

Lisa Carlgren, Sverker Alänge
Proceedings of Design to Business (D2B2) Tsinghua International Design Management Symposium in Beijing, april 23-26, 2009
Paper in proceeding

Board of Directors and Major Organizational Change Programs: An empirical review of implementation of Scania Production System and TQM

Sverker Alänge, Annika Steiber
Proceedings from 16th International EurOMA Conference, June 14-17, Gothenburg
Paper in proceeding

Innovation processes in a systems perspective

Sverker Alänge

Strategies and Practices for Sustainability: Experiences from Firm Level

Sverker Alänge, John Holmberg, Ulrika Lundqvist
10th International QMOD Conference at Campus Helsingborg, Lund University, June 18-20, 2007, Lund
Paper in proceeding

Action Science – How researcher gender affects the research design and work approach

Sari Scheinberg, Sverker Alänge
10th International QMOD Conference at Campus Helsingborg, Lund University, June 18-20, 2007, Lund
Paper in proceeding

Diffusion of Quality Management: An empirical test of an analytical framework

Sverker Alänge, Annika Steiber
10th International QMOD Conference at Campus Helsingborg, Lund University, June 18-20, 2007, Lund
Paper in proceeding

“Intellectual Properties: Alternative Strategies to Value Creation in Life Sciences

Sverker Alänge, Ulf Petrusson, Sari Scheinberg et al
Globelics Conference, October 4-7, Trivandrum
Paper in proceeding

Intellectual Properties: Alternative Strategies to Value Creation in Life Sciences

Ulf Petrusson, Sverker Alänge, Sari Scheinberg et al
Globelics Conference, October 4-7 2006, Trivandrum
Other conference contribution

From Research Idea to Market Integration: The psycho-social issues that are hindering the research to market process

Sari Scheinberg, Sverker Alänge, Rolando Jimenez et al
Globelics Conference, October 4-7, Trivandrum, India
Paper in proceeding

Strategic planning towards sustainability - An approach applied on a company level

Ulrika Lundqvist, Sverker Alänge, John Holmberg

A System for Ensuring the Quality of University Education: Course evaluation, reflection days, alumni evaluation and visiting committees

Sverker Alänge
Chalmers University of Technology self evaluation for the Swedish Board of Higher Education 2005, p. 4-
Book chapter

The Quality of a Regional Innovation System -– the case of Querétaro, Mexico

Sverker Alänge, Alejandro Ardila, Sari Scheinberg
Proceedings of the 7th International QMOD Conference ‘Management Challenge of the New Millenium’ in Monterrey, Mexico, August 4-6, 2004, p. 21-37
Other conference contribution

Quality Management from a Company Development Perspective - The complexity of a change process

Stefan Book, Sverker Alänge, Barry Solly
Proceedings of the 7th International QMOD Conference ‘Management Challenge of the New Millenium’ in Monterrey, Mexico, August 4-6, 2004, p. 57-70
Other conference contribution

Common concepts for Common Action: Sense Making or Senseless Making in Organizations?

Christina Mauléon, Bo Bergman, Sverker Alänge
Proceedings from the EGOS Colloqium (European Group for Organization Studies), July 3-5, Copenhagen.
Paper in proceeding

Process Analysis in an Academic Environment

Sverker Alänge, Stefan Book
Park Dahlgaard, S.M. and Dahlgard, J.J. eds. (2001), Building People and Organisational Excellence: Proceeding of the 4th International QMOD Conference, September 12-14, 2001 in Linköping, Sweden, p. 124-131
Paper in proceeding

Social Entrepreneurship in a University Context: The Case of a Student-initiated Project to Improve Learning and the Learning Environment at Chalmers University of Technology

Tomas Holst, Sverker Alänge
1st Conference of the International Entrepreneurship Forum ‘Entrepreneurship and Learning’ in Napoli, Italy, June 21 to 24, 2001, p. 1-15
Other conference contribution

Nokia: An 'Old' Company in a 'New Economy'

Sverker Alänge, Pascal Miconnet
Paper presented at the 21st Strategic Management Society Conference in San Francisco, October 21-24, 2001, p. 1-11
Paper in proceeding

Diffusion of organisational innovations: An Innovation System Perspective

Sverker Alänge, Rikard Lundgren
CIM-Working Papers (WP 2000:01), p. 40-
Magazine article

The Learning Alliance: Relational Aspects to the Development of Competence

Josef Frischer, Sverker Alänge, Sari Scheinberg
Work Values and Organizational Behavior Toward the New Millennium: Proceedings, from the 7th Bi-Annual ISSWOV conference in Jerusalem, June 25-28, 2000, p. 165-172
Paper in proceeding

Diffusion of Organisational Innovations: Quality Management in Sweden

Rikard Lundgren, Sverker Alänge
CIM-Working Papers (WP2000:02), p. 68-
Magazine article

Soft Institutions and the Diffusion of Management Innovations across Borders

Pascal Miconnet, Sverker Alänge
Paper presented at the 7th Bi-Annual ISSWOV Conference on Work Values and Organizational Behavior in Jerusalem June 26-28, 2000, p. 1-8
Paper in proceeding

Drivkrafter för industriell samverkan

H. Hansson, Annika Rickne, Sverker Alänge

Ledarskap ur koncernchefsperspektiv

Sverker Alänge, Johnny Lindström, Helena Lundberg Nilsson

Standardization of the Doctoral Learning Process

Sverker Alänge, Josef Frischer
CIM Working Papers (WP 1998:01), p. 1-20
Magazine article

Some Aspects of An Analytical Framework for Studying the Diffusion of Organizational Innovations

Sverker Alänge, Staffan Jacobsson, Annika Steiber
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. Vol. 10 (1), p. 3-21
Journal article

From job-less growth to growth-with-less-jobs: Employment and equity impact of technical and organisational change

Sverker Alänge, Staffan Jacobsson, Per Lindberg
Science and Public Policy. Vol. 23 (1), p. 27-38
Journal article

The evolution of corporate entrepreneurship in Swedish industry - was Schumpeter wrong?

Ove Granstrand, Sverker Alänge
Journal of Evolutionary Economics. Vol. 5 (2), p. 133-156
Journal article

Evaluation of Industrial Policy: The Case of the Swedish Textile and Clothing Industry

Sverker Alänge, Staffan Jacobsson
Small Business Economics. Vol. 6 (6), p. 465-475
Journal article

ISO 9000: Erfarenheter från certifierade företag

Sverker Alänge, Mats Lundqvist, Johan Gustafsson et al

ISO 9001 and Small Companies: a vehicle for growth and maturation

Sverker Alänge, Magnus Bengtsson
CIM-Working Papers (WP 1993:09), p. 21-
Magazine article

What role do QC-circles play in Sweden?

Sverker Alänge
Total Quality Management. Vol. 3 (2), p. 157-163
Journal article

How should Quality Management be Taught?

Sverker Alänge
European Journal of Engineering Education. Vol. 16 (2), p. 153-157
Journal article

Strategic technology management issues in Japanese manufacturing industry

Ove Granstrand, Sören Sjölander, Sverker Alänge
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. Vol. 1 (3), p. 259-272
Journal article

Swedish Entrepreneurship in a Cross-Cultural Perspective

Sverker Alänge, Sari Scheinberg
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 1988, p. 1-15
Paper in proceeding

What Motivates People to Start Their Own Businesses: A Nordic Perspective

Sverker Alänge, Asko Miettinen, Sari Scheinberg
ISBC 1988 conference in Helsinki, p. 1-7
Other conference contribution

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Showing 4 research projects


Mistra Environmental Nanosafety Phase II

Anna Furberg Environmental Systems Analysis
Sverker Alänge Science, Technology and Society
Christoph Langhammer Chemical Physics
Rickard Arvidsson Environmental Systems Analysis
Karl Palmås Science, Technology and Society
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (Mistra)

18 publications exist

Innovation cooperation between small and large firms

Sverker Alänge Science, Technology and Society


Open Innovation Markets

Sverker Alänge Quality Sciences

1 publication exists

Öppna innovationsmarknader

Sverker Alänge Quality Sciences
Annika Steiber Technology Management and Economics

1 publication exists
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