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Corporate-startup collaboration: effects on large firms' business transformation
Corporate-startup Co-creation for Increased Innovation and Societal Change
Three operational models for ambidexterity in large corporations
The Entrepreneurial Organization Is Dynamic and Ambidextrous
Silicon Valley Modellen: Ledarskap & organisation för entreprenörskap & innovation
Silicon Valley: A Cradle of Management Innovation
Entrepreneurship: What It Really Is, and Why It Must Be Integrated into Management of the Firm
Interactions between Ideas and Behaviour in Organizations
Six Basic Principles for a Changing World
Preface: It’s Time for a New Model
Implications Beyond Silicon Valley
The Art & Science of Mobilizing Stakeholders for Sustainable Development and a Resilient Society
The Volvo Robust Engineering System: how to make robust design work in an industrial context
Naturalizing sustainability in product development: A comparative analysis of IKEA and SCA
Silicon Valley Modellen - lärdomar från världens mest innovativa företag
The underlying drivers of International Research Cooperation
Backcasting - What is a sustainable future and how do we reach it?
Sustainable Business Development: Frameworks for Idea Evaluation and Cases of Realized Ideas
A corporate system for continuous innovation: The case of Google Inc.
Diffusion of Organisational Innovations: Learning from selected programmes
The formation and growth of Google: A firm-level triple helix perspective
Do TQM principles need to change? Learning from a comparison to Google Inc.
Management Systems’ Influence on Sustainable Innovation: A Comparative Analysis of Two Large MNCs
Scenario Planning - The future now
Actionable knowledge to develop more sustainable products
Introducing Robust Design in Product Development Learning from an initiative at Volvo
Understanding Management Systems: a test of a conceptual framework
Are TQM principles conducive to continuous innovation?
Diffusion of organisational innovations: an empirical test of an analytical framework
How to sustain innovativeness - the case of Google
Sustainable Business Development: An anthology about realizing ideas - beta version
A Mature Capability Model: Towards Dynamic Sustainability
The Role of the University in Protecting and Creating Value from Indigenous Knowledge
Contracting industrial designers: A way towards improved product development
Involving Industrial Designers Earlier. A Case Study
Strategies and Practices for Sustainability: Experiences from Firm Level
Action Science – How researcher gender affects the research design and work approach
Diffusion of Quality Management: An empirical test of an analytical framework
Intellectual Properties: Alternative Strategies to Value Creation in Life Sciences
Intellectual Properties: Alternative Strategies to Value Creation in Life Sciences
Strategic planning towards sustainability - An approach applied on a company level
Innovation Systems in Latin America: Examples from Honduras, Nicaragua and Bolivia
The Quality of a Regional Innovation System - the case of Querétaro, Mexico
Quality Management from a Company Development Perspective - The complexity of a change process
Common concepts for Common Action: Sense Making or Senseless Making in Organizations?
Process Analysis in an Academic Environment
Nokia: An 'Old' Company in a 'New Economy'
Diffusion of organisational innovations: An Innovation System Perspective
The Learning Alliance: Relational Aspects to the Development of Competence
Diffusion of Organisational Innovations: Quality Management in Sweden
Soft Institutions and the Diffusion of Management Innovations across Borders
Ledarskap ur koncernchefsperspektiv
Study trip to the USA 1998 - visits to 6 universities
Standardization of the Doctoral Learning Process
Some Aspects of An Analytical Framework for Studying the Diffusion of Organizational Innovations
Det Nya Paradigmet för Industriell Verksamhet - Total Quality Management
The evolution of corporate entrepreneurship in Swedish industry - was Schumpeter wrong?
Evaluation of Industrial Policy: The Case of the Swedish Textile and Clothing Industry
ISO 9000: Erfarenheter från certifierade företag
ISO 9001 and Small Companies: a vehicle for growth and maturation
What role do QC-circles play in Sweden?
Total Quality Management as a Tool for Organizational Change - The case of Motorola
How should Quality Management be Taught?
Strategic technology management issues in Japanese manufacturing industry
Swedish Entrepreneurship in a Cross-Cultural Perspective
What Motivates People to Start Their Own Businesses: A Nordic Perspective
Acquisition of Capabilitities through International Technology Transfer
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