Performance based standards for high capacity transports in Sweden -- Report 1 Review of existing regulations and literature
Report, 2015

Project “Performance Based Standards for High Capacity Transports in Sweden” started at the end of 2013 to investigate applicability of PBS in Sweden. The purpose of the project is to propose a performance based regulation of HCT vehicles and their access to the road network; under a PBS approach to regulation, standards would specify the performance required from vehicle, rather than mandating how this level of performance should be achieved by putting limits on the vehicle length or weight. In this project, all the three domains of safety, infrastructure and environment will be addressed, but the focus is on safety for which extensive testing, simulations and analysis are planned. This report gathers the outcome of work packages 1 and 2 of the project, which is a review of the existing regulation in Sweden, PBS approaches in other countries and relevant literature and regulations.


Sogol Kharrazi

Robert Karlsson

John Aurell

Chalmers, Applied Mechanics, Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems

Performance Based Standards for High Capacity Transports in Sweden

VINNOVA (2013-03881), 2013-10-14 -- 2016-12-31.

Areas of Advance



Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Vehicle Engineering

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