Sogol Kharrazi

Showing 30 publications


A Method for Obtaining Reference Friction Values for Validation of Road Friction Estimation Algorithms

Mattias Hjort, Fredrik Bruzelius, Sogol Kharrazi et al
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, p. 50-56
Paper in proceeding

All-season tires – investigation of braking performance in summer and winter conditions

Mattias Hjort, Fredrik Bruzelius, Sogol Kharrazi et al
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
Paper in proceeding

An open assessment tool for standardized performance measures of long combination vehicles

Bengt J H Jacobson, Sogol Kharrazi, Niklas Fröjd et al
17th International Symposium on Heavy Vehicle Transport & Technology (HVTT17). Vol.
Paper in proceeding

A Reviw of more then a Decade of Research and Field Tests on longer Vehicle ON LONGER Combinations in Sweden that supported Road Approval

Sogol Kharrazi, Leo Laine, Lena larsson et al
Proceedings of the joint HVTT17-ICWIM9 symposium
Paper in proceeding

Low speed performance based standards for the Nordic countries

Fredrik Bruzelius, Sogol Kharrazi
International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems. Vol. 28 (1), p. 110-124
Journal article

How well a single-track linear model captures the lateral dynamics of long combination vehicles

Manjurul Islam, Niklas Fröjd, Sogol Kharrazi et al
Vehicle System Dynamics. Vol. 57 (12), p. 1874-1896
Journal article

Method and arrangement for vehicle stabilization

Kristoffer K D Tagesson, Leo Laine, Sogol Kharrazi

Generic framework for assessment and extraction of envelopes for long combination vehicles

Krishna Kashampur, Bengt J H Jacobson, Manjurul Islam et al
Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Heavy Vehicle Transport Technology, HVTT15
Paper in proceeding

Method and arrangement for vehicle stabilization

Kristoffer K D Tagesson, Leo Laine, Sogol Kharrazi

An Open Assessment Tool for Performance Based Standards of Long Combination Vehicles

Bengt J H Jacobson, Peter Sundström, Sogol Kharrazi et al

Model and Road Surface Sensitivity of Longitudinal Performance Based Standards

Fredrik Bruzelius, Sogol Kharrazi, Emil Pettersson
The 14th International Symposium on Heavy Vehicle Transport Technology, p.
Paper in proceeding


Stefano Sedran, Fredrik Bruzelius, Sogol Kharrazi et al
14th International Symposium on Heavy Vehicle Transport Technology (HVTT14)
Paper in proceeding

Robustness analysis of a steering-based control strategy for improved lateral performance of a truck-dolly-semitrailer

Sogol Kharrazi, Mathias R Lidberg, Jonas Fredriksson
International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems. Vol. 22 (1), p. 1-20
Journal article

Traffic safety of Heavy Goods Vehicles and implications for High Capacity Transport vehicles

Jesper Sandin, András Bálint, Helen Fagerlind et al
Transport Research Arena 2014, Paris
Conference poster

Towards Performance Based Standards in Sweden

Sogol Kharrazi, John Aurell, Maliheh Sadeghi Kati et al
International Heavy Vehicle Transport Technology Symposium, October 27-31, San Luis, Argentina, 2014.
Paper in proceeding

A generic controller for improving lateral performance of heavy vehicle combinations

Sogol Kharrazi, Mathias R Lidberg, Jonas Fredriksson
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. Vol. 227 (D5), p. 619-642
Journal article

Improving Lateral Performance of Longer Combination Vehicles – An Approach Based on Eigenstructure Assignment

Sogol Kharrazi, Tim Gordon, Mathias R Lidberg
IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Alcala de Henares, Spain, 3-7 June 2012, p. 328-333
Paper in proceeding

Implementation of active steering on longer combination vehicles for enhanced lateral performance

Sogol Kharrazi, Mathias R Lidberg, R. Roebuck et al
Vehicle System Dynamics. Vol. 50 (12), p. 1949-1970
Journal article

Predictive Yaw and Lateral Control in Long Heavy Vehicles Combinations

Mansour Keshavarz Bahaghighat, Sogol Kharrazi, Mathias R Lidberg et al
Proceedings of 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Atlanta, 15-17 December 2010, p. 6403-6408
Paper in proceeding

Lateral stability control of a long heavy vehicle combination by active steering of the towed units

Sogol Kharrazi, Jonas Fredriksson, Mathias R Lidberg
IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC, p. 168-173
Paper in proceeding

Allocation of Braking and Steering Forces for Lateral Stability Control of a Heavy Vehicle Combination

Sogol Kharrazi, Mathias R Lidberg
Proceedings of the IAVSD'09 Conference
Conference poster

Proposal for Using Sine with Dwell on Low Friction for the Evaluation of Yaw Stability for Heavy Vehicle Combinations

Leo Laine, Sogol Kharrazi, Nicolas Dela
2008 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety, ICVES 2008; Columbus, OH; United States; 22 September 2008 through 24 September 2008, p. 163-167
Paper in proceeding

Study of Heavy Truck Accidents with Focus on Manoeuvres Causing Loss of Control

Sogol Kharrazi, Robert Thomson
International Journal of Vehicle Safety. Vol. 3 (1), p. 32-44
Journal article

The Effectiveness of Rear Axle Steering on the Yaw Stability and Responsiveness of a Heavy Truck

Sogol Kharrazi, Mathias R Lidberg, Peter Lingman et al
Vehicle System Dynamics. Vol. 46 (Supplement), p. 365-372
Journal article

Offset Eliminative Map Matching Algorithm for Intersection Active Safety

Tohid Ardeshiri, Sogol Kharrazi, Robert Thomson et al
2006 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, IV 2006; Meguro-Ku, Tokyo; Japan; 13 June 2006 through 15 June 2006 (1689609), p. 82-88
Paper in proceeding

Sensor Fusion for Vehicle Positioning in Intersection Active Safety Applications

Tohid Ardeshiri, Sogol Kharrazi, Jonas Sjöberg et al
8th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control
Other conference contribution

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