On Lateral Stability of Heavy Vehicle Combinations - Linking Accident Analysis and Vehicle Dynamics
Licentiate thesis, 2008
Accident Analysis
Vehicle Dynamics
Performance Measures
Lateral Stability Control
Heavy Trucks
Lateral Instability
Sogol Kharrazi
Chalmers, Applied Mechanics, Vehicle Safety
Included papers
Study of Heavy Truck Accidents with Focus on Manoeuvres Causing Loss of Control
International Journal of Vehicle Safety,;Vol. 3(2008)p. 32-44
Journal article
Proposal for Using Sine with Dwell on Low Friction for the Evaluation of Yaw Stability for Heavy Vehicle Combinations
2008 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety, ICVES 2008; Columbus, OH; United States; 22 September 2008 through 24 September 2008,;(2008)p. 163-167
Paper in proceeding
The Effectiveness of Rear Axle Steering on the Yaw Stability and Responsiveness of a Heavy Truck
Vehicle System Dynamics,;Vol. 46(2008)p. 365-372
Journal article
Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Vehicle Engineering
Technical report - Department of Applied Mechanics, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden: 1652-8565
Public defence
2008-10-21 15:15
Lecture room EA, Hörsalsvägen 11
Opponent: Dr. Erik Dahlberg, Scania