Sogol Kharrazi
Visar 30 publikationer
All-season tires – investigation of braking performance in summer and winter conditions
An open assessment tool for standardized performance measures of long combination vehicles
Low speed performance based standards for the Nordic countries
How well a single-track linear model captures the lateral dynamics of long combination vehicles
Method and arrangement for vehicle stabilization
Generic framework for assessment and extraction of envelopes for long combination vehicles
Method and arrangement for vehicle stabilization
An Open Assessment Tool for Performance Based Standards of Long Combination Vehicles
Model and Road Surface Sensitivity of Longitudinal Performance Based Standards
Traffic safety of Heavy Goods Vehicles and implications for High Capacity Transport vehicles
Towards Performance Based Standards in Sweden
A generic controller for improving lateral performance of heavy vehicle combinations
Steering Based Lateral Performance Control of Long Heavy Vehicle Combinations
Implementation of active steering on longer combination vehicles for enhanced lateral performance
Predictive Yaw and Lateral Control in Long Heavy Vehicles Combinations
Lateral stability control of a long heavy vehicle combination by active steering of the towed units
Study of Heavy Truck Accidents with Focus on Manoeuvres Causing Loss of Control
On Lateral Stability of Heavy Vehicle Combinations - Linking Accident Analysis and Vehicle Dynamics
The Effectiveness of Rear Axle Steering on the Yaw Stability and Responsiveness of a Heavy Truck
Offset Eliminative Map Matching Algorithm for Intersection Active Safety
Sensor Fusion for Vehicle Positioning in Intersection Active Safety Applications
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