Assembly Systems and Work in the Swedish Automotive Industry
Book chapter, 2013

See web-link given på Chalmers Public Library (CPL).

This is an edited chapter in a book (editor was Åke Sandberg from the Swedish Institute for work Life Research Stockholm (Arbetslivsinstitutet in Swedish). This publication enlightens the authors' research and development work regarding alternatives to line assembly. Comprising e.g. explaining of the different (real-life) assembly systems utilized in Sweden all through the passing years.

In a more overarching way, it criticizes the way the insights and experiences gained by such (more or less socio-technically advanced assembly system designs practised (a vast of misunderstandings and rumours are obviously at hand today. To some extent is thereby this actually a refined summarization of some of our earlier scientific contributions (see some of the other publications registered in Chalmers Public Library CPL).

product variants

materials feeding techniques

restructuring of information systems

alternatives to lean production


autonomous workgroups

alternatives to line assembly

assembly work


learning and training

Volvo Uddevalla plant

work structuring

manufacturing technology

work organisation

long work cycle times


Bo Blomquist

University of Gothenburg

Tomas Engström

Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Logistics & Transportation

Dan Jonsson

University of Gothenburg

Lars Medbo

Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Logistics & Transportation

Nordic Lights. Work, Management, and Welfare in Scandinavia

1 85972 106 0 (ISBN)

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Other Mechanical Engineering

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