Doherty amplifier design for 3.5 GHz WiMAX considering load line and loop stability
Paper in proceeding, 2008

Legacy Doherty amplifier is characterized by using a larger transistor for the peak amplifier such that this reaches saturation with a smaller excitation signal. However due to device availability and modelling considerations, this is not often feasible. In this paper, the design and measurement of a Doherty amplifier utilizing only single sized device is realized. Unlike previous research works, intrinsic load line is utilized to tune the offset lines, as well as to verify the actual dynamic load principle. Stability aspects are covered for this type of amplifier, which are not normally included in earlier works. Finally an assessment of its applicability and benefits for WiMAX at 3.5 GHz is realized using a class AB amplifier as a comparison basis.


M. A.Yarleque Medina

KU Leuven

Pontifical Catholic University of Peru

D. Schreurs

KU Leuven

Iltcho Angelov

Chalmers, Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2), Photonics

B. Nauwelaers

KU Leuven

2008 European Microwave Integrated Circuit Conference, EuMIC 2008; Amsterdam; Netherlands; 27 October 2008 through 31 October 2008

978-287487007-1 (ISBN)

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering





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