Studies on the Recovery of Secondary Antimony Compounds from Waste
Doctoral thesis, 2017
Municipal Solid Waste
Metal Oxide Varistor
Fly Ash
Toni Karlsson
Chalmers, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Energy and Material
Investigations into Recycling Zinc from Used Metal Oxide Varistors via pH Selective Leaching: Characterization, Leaching, and Residue Analysis
Scientific World Journal,;Vol. 2015(2015)
Journal article
Recycling Zinc from Metal Oxide Varistors Through Leaching and Cementation of Cobalt and Nickel
Journal article
Investigations into high temperature separation of antimony from metal oxide varistors
Journal of Cleaner Production,;Vol. 162(2017)p. 474-483
Journal article
T. Karlsson, Y. Colombus and B.-M. Steenari. “Investigation of the Kinetics and the Morphology of Cementation Products Formed During Purification of Zinc Sulfate Electrolyte.” Manuscript.
T. Gutknecht, C. Forsgren and B.-M. Steenari. “Recovery of Antimony: A laboratory study on the thermal decomposition and carbothermal reduction of Sb(III), Bi(III), Zn(II) oxides and antimony compounds from metal oxide varistors.” Accepted to Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy 11/2017.
T. Karlsson, H. Jilvero, Y. Colombus, L. Nordhag, E. Rasmussen, C. Forsgren, and B.-M. Steenari. “pH-Dependent Leaching of Sb, Pb, and Zn from MSWI Fly Ash Before and After an Acid Treatment.” Submitted to Waste Management 09/2017.
Denna forskning fokuserar på den mindre kända metalloiden, antimon och möjligheten att återvinna den från avfall. Två typer av avfall användes (1) metalloxidvaristorer (MOV), används som högspänningsskydd, innehåller en relativt stor mängd antimon i en liten avfallsfraktion och (2) flygaska från kommunalt förbränningsavfall som innehåller en relativt liten mängd antimon men av vilka stora mängder genereras årligen. Det globala utbudet av antimon domineras av ett land vilket har lett Europeiska unionen att klassificera antimon som ett kritiskt råmaterial. Bortsett från de sällsynta jordartsmetallerna har antimon den högsta försörjningsrisken.
Arbetet som beskrivs i denna avhandling syftade till att studera en process för att utvinna antimonföreningar från avfall. Det första steget var att identifiera antimonhaltiga föreningar, såväl som att karakterisera var och en av avfallsmaterialen. Eftersom det finns en begränsad mängd antimon som återvinns idag undersöktes flera tekniker för antimonutvinning inklusive lakning och termisk behandling. I litteraturen råder tvetydighet hos det termiska beteendet hos antimon (III) oxid, Sb2O3. Detta är olyckligt eftersom Sb2O3 är den viktigaste antimonföreningen ur ett industriellt perspektiv och den som används som utgångsmaterial i MOVs. Därför undersöktes även de termiska egenskaperna hos Sb2O3.
This research focuses on the lesser known metalloid, antimony and the feasibility of recovering it from waste. Two types of waste were used (1) metal oxide varistors (MOVs) which contained a relatively large amount of antimony but has a small waste volume and (2) municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) fly ash containing a small amount of antimony but a large volume is generated annually. The global supply of antimony is dominated by one country which has led the European Union to classify antimony as a critical raw material. Other than the rare-earth elements antimony has the highest supply risk.
The work described in this thesis was aimed at studying a process(s) to extract secondary antimony compounds from waste. The first step was to identify antimony containing compounds as well as characterize each of the waste materials. Since there is a limited amount of antimony being recycled today, several techniques were investigated for antimony extraction including leaching and thermal treatment. In literature, data on the thermal behavior of antimony (III) oxide, Sb2O3, shows significant ambiguity. This is unfortunate since Sb2O3 is the most important antimony compound from an industrial perspective and is used as a starting material in MOVs. Therefore, thermal properties of Sb2O3 were also investigated.
Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Inorganic Chemistry
Chemical Process Engineering
Metallurgy and Metallic Materials
Driving Forces
Sustainable development
Areas of Advance
Chalmers Materials Analysis Laboratory
Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 4344
Opponent: Prof. Vadim Kessler, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för molekylära vetenskaper, Uppsala Sweden