World volume fields, SL(2;Z) and duality: The type IIB three-brane
Journal article, 1997

We propose a method for constructing super-brane actions where every background tensor potential corresponds to a world-volume field strength. The procedure provides a natural coupling to the background and automatically displays the SL(2;Z) symmetry of the IIB string theory. The Dirichlet 3-brane is used as a test ground for these ideas. A polynomial action consistent with non-linear self-duality is presented. Invariance of the action under kappa-symmetry is demonstrated for arbitrary on-shell type IIB supergravity backgrounds and is shown to require self-duality.


Martin Cederwall

Chalmers, Department of Theoretical Physics and Mechanics, Mathematical Physics

Anders Westerberg

J. High Energy Phys. 9802:004,1998

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Physical Sciences

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