Martin Cederwall

Showing 122 publications
The Chiral Ring of D=4, N=1 SYM with Exceptional Gauge Groups
Extended geometry of magical supergravities
Teleparallelism in the algebraic approach to extended geometry
Tensor Hierarchy Algebra Extensions of Over-Extended Kac–Moody Algebras
Superspace formulation of exotic supergravities in six dimensions
Tensor hierarchy algebras and extended geometry. Part II. Gauge structure and dynamics
Tensor hierarchy algebras and extended geometry. Part I. Construction of the algebra
Generators and relations for (generalised) Cartan type superalgebras
L∞ Algebras for Extended Geometry from Borcherds Superalgebras
L∞ algebras for extended geometry
Generators and relations for Lie superalgebras of Cartan type
Pure spinor superspace action for D = 6, N = 1 super-Yang-Mills theory
Algebraic Structures in Extended Geometry
An Off-Shell Superspace Reformulation of D = 4, N = 4 Super-Yang–Mills Theory
Algebraic structures in exceptional geometry
An off-shell superspace reformulation of D=4, N=4 super-Yang–Mills theory
Generalised diffeomorphisms for E9
Bifurcation in Quantum Measurement
Fundamental issues in extended geometry
Twistors and supertwistors for exceptional field theory
Superalgebras, constraints and partition functions
The geometry behind double geometry
Pure spinor superfields - an overview
Global aspects of double geometry
T-duality and non-geometric solutions from double geometry
The gauge structure of generalised diffeomorphisms
Exceptional geometry and tensor fields
Non-gravitational exceptional supermultiplets
Loop amplitudes in maximal supergravity with manifest supersymmetry
The geometry of pure spinor space
D=3, N=8 conformal supergravity and the Dragon window
Pure spinor superfields and Born-Infeld theory
Stärk matematiken och naturvetenskapen i nya gymnasiet
D=11 supergravity with manifest supersymmetry
From supergeometry to pure spinors
Pure spinor superfields, with application to D=3 conformal models
Operators on pure spinor spaces
Towards a manifestly supersymmetric action for 11-dimensional supergravity
Superfield actions for N=8 and N=6 conformal theories in three dimensions
N=8 superfield formulation of the Bagger-Lambert-Gustavsson model
Pure spinors and D=6 super-Yang-Mills
A note on topological M5-branes and string-fivebrane duality
The B-model on the A-model NS5-brane
Aspects of higher curvature terms and U-duality
U-Duality and the Compactified Gauss-Bonnet Term
A Note on Topological M5-branes and String-Fivebrane Duality
Membranes for Topological M-Theory
AdS Twistors for Higher Spin Theory
Supersymmetric Corrections to Eleven-Dimensional Supergravity
Thoughts on Membranes, Matrices and Non-Commutativity
Spinorial Cohomology, with Applications
Open and Winding Membranes, Affine Matrix Theory and Matrix String Theory
Spinorial cohomology of abelian d=10 super-Yang-Mills at alpha'^3
Deformation Independent Open Brane Metrics and Generalized Theta Parameters
D=10 Super-Yang-Mills at O(alpha'^2)
The Structure of Maximally Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory: Constraining Higher-Order Corrections
Superspace Methods in String Theory, Supergravity and Gauge Theory
Spinorial Cohomology and Maximally Supersymmetric Theories
Generalised 11-Dimensional Supergravity
Geometric Construction of AdS Twistors
Manifestly Supersymmetric M-Theory
(p,q) five-branes in nonzero B-field
World volume fields and background coupling of branes
Finite tensor deformations of supergravity solitons
Boundaries of eleven-dimensional membranes
The manifestly Sl(2,Z)-covariant superstring
An action for the superfive-brane in D=11 supergravity
Superembeddings, nonlinear supersymmetry and five-branes
World volume fields, SL(2;Z) and duality: The type IIB three-brane
Monopole and dyon spectra in N=2 SYM with higher rank gauge groups
The Dirichlet super three-brane in ten-dimensional type IIB supergravity
On the Dirac-Born-Infeld action for D-branes
The Dirichlet super p-branes in ten-dimensional type IIA and IIB supergravity
Problems with duality in N=2 super-Yang-Mills theory
Deformations in closed string theory - canonical formulation and regularization
Low energy dynamics of monopoles in N=2 SYM with matter
Why don't we have a covariant superstring field theory?
Towards a complete twistorization of the heterotic string
Schwinger terms and cohomology of pseudodifferential operators
Higher-dimensional loop algebras, non-abelian extensions and p-branes
A note on the relation between different forms of superparticle dynamics
Introduction to division algebras, sphere algebras and twistors
N=8 superconformal algebra and the superstring
Quaternionic superconformal field theory
E7 as D=10 space-time symmetry: Origin of the twistor transform
Octonionic particles and the S7 symmetry
An extension of the twistor concept to string theory
String field theory with chiral coordinates
Particles, superparticles and twistors
Particles, twistors and the division algebras
What's the matter with the Green-Schwarz action?
Light front string Green's functionals
Manifestly Lorentz covariant string theories in D=10 and D=18
Covariant superstrings do not admit covariant gauge fixing
Uniqueness of superstring actions
Light cone actions for gravity and higher spins: some further results
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Showing 5 research projects
Oändligtdimensionella superalgebror och grundläggande fysik
Hyperbolic Kac-Moody algebras and extended geometry
Maximal supersymmetry and geometry