Direct images of semi-meromorphic currents
Journal article, 2018

We introduce a calculus for the class ASM(X) of direct images of semi-meromorphic currents on a reduded analytic space X, that extends the classical calculus due to Coleff, Herrera and Passare. Our main result is that each element in this class acts as a kind of multiplication on the sheaf PMX of pseudomeromorphic currents on X. We also prove that ASM(X) as well as PMX and certain subsheaves are closed under the action of holomorphic differential operators and interior multiplication by holomorphic vector fields.

Pseudomeromorphic current

Semi-meromorphic current

Residue current

Analytic space


Mats Andersson

University of Gothenburg

Chalmers, Mathematical Sciences, Algebra and geometry

Elizabeth Wulcan

University of Gothenburg

Chalmers, Mathematical Sciences, Algebra and geometry

Annales de lInstitut Fourier

0373-0956 (ISSN)

Vol. 68 2 875-890

Subject Categories

Algebra and Logic


Mathematical Analysis



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