Dilute Bismides for Mid-IR Applications
Book chapter, 2013

Dilute bismides are a group of emerging materials with unique properties. Incorporation of a small amount of Bi in common III–V host materials results in large band-gap reduction and strong spin-orbit splitting, leading to potential applications in mid-infrared (Mid-IR) optoelectronics. In this chapter, we review recent progresses on epitaxy and characterizations of novel bismides, i.e., GaSb1−x Bi x , InSb1 − x Bi x , InAs1 − x Bi x , and InAsSbBi. Although these dilute bismides have been successfully grown, to obtain high Bi incorporations and retain high crystal quality is still very challenging.


Yuxin Song

Chalmers, Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2), Photonics

Yi Gu

Jun Shao

Shu Min Wang

Chalmers, Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2), Photonics

Springer Series in Materials Science

0933-033X (ISSN) 21962812 (eISSN)

Vol. 186 1-27
978-1-4614-8121-8 (ISBN)

Driving Forces

Sustainable development

Areas of Advance

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Materials Science

Subject Categories

Other Materials Engineering

Condensed Matter Physics


Nanofabrication Laboratory





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