The Unexpected Spectrum of the Innermost Ejecta of the Red Hypergiant VY CMa
Journal article, 2019
ISM: molecules
stars: individual (VY Canis Majoris)
stars: winds, outflows
stars: massive
circumstellar matter
stars: mass-loss
line: identification
Roberta M. Humphreys
University of Minnesota
L. M. Ziurys
University of Arizona
J. J. Bernal
University of Arizona
Michael S. Gordon
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
L. Andrew Helton
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Kazunori Ishibashi
Nagoya University
Terry J. Jones
University of Minnesota
A. M. S. Richards
University of Manchester
Wouter Vlemmings
Chalmers, Space, Earth and Environment, Astronomy and Plasmaphysics
Chalmers, Space, Earth and Environment, Onsala Space Observatory
Astrophysical Journal Letters
2041-8205 (ISSN) 2041-8213 (eISSN)
Vol. 874 2 L26Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology
Atom and Molecular Physics and Optics
Theoretical Chemistry
Onsala Space Observatory