Wouter Vlemmings

Full Professor at Astronomy and Plasmaphysics

My research encompasses several topics. Many of these relate to interferometric observations of the environment of stars at the beginning and end of their life, as well as astrophysical magnetic fields.

Currently, my main focus is the extended atmospheres, and magnetic fields, of evolved stars as well as the binary interaction responsible for the collimated outflows of pre-planetary nebulae. A particular focus is also on the origin of cosmic dust.

I mainly use instruments such as ALMA, SMA, eMERLIN, JVLA, LOFAR, APEX and VLBI.

My work is currently or has previously been supported by a Knut- and Alice Wallenberg foundation project grant, a grant from the Olle Engkvist foundation, an ERC consolidator grant, a VR younger researcher award, two futher VR project grants, an Emmy-Noether grant from the German DFG, and a Marie-Curie postdoc and career integration grant.

Source: chalmers.se
Image of Wouter Vlemmings

Showing 197 publications


ALMA observations of CO isotopologues towards six obscured post-asymptotic giant branch stars

Theo Khouri, Daniel Tafoya, Wouter Vlemmings et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 694
Journal article

An impressionist view of V Hydrae: When MATISSE paints asymmetric giant blobs

L. Planquart, C. Paladini, A. Jorissen et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 687
Journal article

Maser polarization through anisotropic pumping

Boy Lankhaar, G. Surcis, Wouter Vlemmings et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 683
Journal article

Accurate sticking coefficient calculation for carbonaceous dust growth through accretion and desorption in astrophysical environments

D. Bossion, A. Sarangi, Susanne Aalto et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 692
Journal article

Probing the Extended Atmospheres of AGB Stars. I. Synthetic Imaging of 1D Hydrodynamical Models at Radio and (Sub-)millimeter Wavelengths

Behzad Bojnordiarbab, Wouter Vlemmings, Theo Khouri et al
Astrophysical Journal. Vol. 976 (1)
Journal article

Charting circumstellar chemistry of carbon-rich asymptotic giant branch stars: I. ALMA 3 mm spectral surveys

Ramlal Unnikrishnan Nair, Elvire De Beck, Lars-Åke Nyman et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 684
Journal article

Molecular line polarisation from the circumstellar envelopes of asymptotic giant branch stars

Wouter Vlemmings, Boy Lankhaar, L. Velilla-Prieto
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 686
Journal article

The <sup>17</sup>O/<sup>18</sup>O Ratio of Post-AGB Sources: Canonical and Non-Canonical Populations

J. Alcolea, Elisa Masa, Theo Khouri et al
Galaxies. Vol. 12 (6)
Journal article

Resolved ALMA observations of water in the inner astronomical units of the HL Tau disk

S. Facchini, Leonardo Testi, E. Humphreys et al
Nature Astronomy. Vol. 8 (5), p. 587-595
Journal article

Probing the dynamical and kinematical structures of detached shells around AGB stars

Matthias Maercker, Elvire De Beck, Theo Khouri et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 687
Journal article

One month convection timescale on the surface of a giant evolved star

Wouter Vlemmings, Theo Khouri, Behzad Bojnordiarbab et al
Nature. Vol. 633 (8029), p. 323-326
Journal article

6.7 GHz CH<sub>3</sub>OH masers polarization in massive star-forming regions: the Flux-Limited Sample

Gabriele Surcis, Wouter Vlemmings, Huib Jan van Langevelde et al
Paper in proceeding

Exploring the environment, magnetic fields, and feedback effects of massive high-redshift galaxies with [CII]

Kiana Kade, Kirsten Knudsen, Wouter Vlemmings et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 673
Journal article

6.7 GHz CH<inf>3</inf>OH masers polarization in massive star-forming regions: The Flux-Limited Sample

G. Surcis, Wouter Vlemmings, H. J. van Langevelde et al
Proceedings of Science. Vol. 428
Paper in proceeding

Monitoring of the polarized H<inf>2</inf>O maser emission around the massive protostars W75N(B)-VLA 1 and W75N(B)-VLA 2

G. Surcis, Wouter Vlemmings, C. Goddi et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 673
Journal article

An SiO Toroid and Wide-angle Outflow Associated with the Massive Protostar W75N(B)-VLA2

J. F. Gomez, J. M. Torrelles, J. M. Girart et al
Astrophysical Journal Letters. Vol. 956 (2)
Journal article

Monitoring of the polarized H<inf>2</inf>O maser emission around the massive protostars W75N(B)-VLA 1 and W75N(B)-VLA 2

G. Surcis, Wouter Vlemmings, C. Goddi et al
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Vol. 18, p. 177-181
Paper in proceeding

EVN observations of 6.7 GHz methanol maser polarization in massive star-forming regions V. Completion of the flux-limited sample

G. Surcis, Wouter Vlemmings, H. J. van Langevelde et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 658
Journal article

A repeating fast radio burst source in a globular cluster

Franz Kirsten, B. Marcote, K. Nimmo et al
Nature. Vol. 602 (7898), p. 585-589
Journal article

The messy death of a multiple star system and the resulting planetary nebula as observed by JWST

O. De Marco, Muhammad Akashi, S. Akras et al
Nature Astronomy. Vol. 6 (12), p. 1421-1432
Journal article

Observational identification of a sample of likely recent common-envelope events

Theo Khouri, Wouter Vlemmings, Daniel Tafoya et al
Nature Astronomy. Vol. 6 (2), p. 275-286
Journal article

Burst timescales and luminosities as links between young pulsars and fast radio bursts

K. Nimmo, J. W. T. Hessels, Franz Kirsten et al
Nature Astronomy. Vol. 6 (3), p. 393-401
Journal article

Distance estimates for AGB stars from parallax measurements

M. Andriantsaralaza, S. Ramstedt, Wouter Vlemmings et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 667
Journal article

DEATHSTAR—CO Envelope Size and Asymmetry of Nearby AGB Stars

M. Andriantsaralaza, Wouter Vlemmings, S. Ramstedt et al
Galaxies. Vol. 10 (1)
Journal article

First detection of AlF line emission towards M-type AGB stars

M. Saberi, Theo Khouri, Luis Velilla Prieto et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 663
Journal article

Milliarcsecond Localization of the Repeating FRB 20201124A

K. Nimmo, D. M. Hewitt, J. W. T. Hessels et al
Astrophysical Journal Letters. Vol. 927 (1)
Journal article

First Images of the Molecular Gas around a Born-again Star Revealed by ALMA

Daniel Tafoya, Jesus A. Toala, Ramlal Unnikrishnan et al
Astrophysical Journal Letters. Vol. 925 (1)
Journal article

Tracing the large-scale magnetic field morphology in protoplanetary disks using molecular line polarization

Boy Lankhaar, Wouter Vlemmings, Per Bjerkeli
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 657
Journal article

Heavy-element Rydberg transition line emission from the post-giant-evolution star HD 101584

Hans Olofsson, John H Black, Theo Khouri et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 651
Journal article

Discovery of Molecular-line Polarization in the Disk of TW Hya

Richard Teague, Charles L. H. Hull, Stephane Guilloteau et al
Astrophysical Journal. Vol. 922 (2)
Journal article

Maser emission from the CO envelope of the asymptotic giant branch star W Hydrae

Wouter Vlemmings, Theo Khouri, Daniel Tafoya
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 654
Journal article

A study of radial self-similar non-relativistic MHD outflow models: parameter space exploration and application to the water fountain W43A

Chiara Ceccobello, M. H. M. Heemskerk, Y. Cavecchi et al
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Vol. 501 (2), p. 2071-2090
Journal article

DEATHSTAR: Nearby AGB stars with the Atacama Compact Array: II. CO envelope sizes and asymmetries: The S-type stars

M. Andriantsaralaza, S. Ramstedt, Wouter Vlemmings et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 653
Journal article

Gravity and Rotation Drag the Magnetic Field in High-mass Star Formation

Henrik Beuther, Juan D. Soler, Hendrik Linz et al
Astrophysical Journal. Vol. 904 (2)
Journal article

PORTAL: Three-dimensional polarized (sub)millimeter line radiative transfer

Boy Lankhaar, Wouter Vlemmings
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 636
Journal article

The extended molecular envelope of the asymptotic giant branch star π1 Gruis as seen by ALMA II. The spiral-outflow observed at high-angular resolution

L. Doan, S. Ramstedt, Wouter Vlemmings et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 633
Journal article

ALMA resolves the remarkable molecular jet and rotating wind in the extremely radio-quiet galaxy NGC 1377

Susanne Aalto, Niklas Falstad, Sebastien Muller et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 640
Journal article

VLTI/PIONIER reveals the close environment of the evolved system HD 101584

J. Kluska, Hans Olofsson, H. Van Winckel et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 642
Journal article

DEATHSTAR: Nearby AGB stars with the Atacama Compact Array I. CO envelope sizes and asymmetries: A new hope for accurate mass-loss-rate estimates

S. Ramstedt, Wouter Vlemmings, L. Doan et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 640
Journal article

Mapping Circumstellar Magnetic Fields of Late-type Evolved Stars with the Goldreich-Kylafis Effect: CARMA Observations at λ1.3 mm of R Crt and R Leo

Ko Yun Huang, A. Kemball, Wouter Vlemmings et al
Astrophysical Journal. Vol. 899 (2)
Journal article

Masers: Precision probes of molecular gas

A.M.S. Richards, A. M. Sobolev, A. Baudry et al
Advances in Space Research. Vol. 65 (2), p. 780-789
Journal article

Inner dusty envelope of the AGB stars W Hydrae, SW Virginis, and R Crateris using SPHERE/ZIMPOL

Theo Khouri, Wouter Vlemmings, C. Paladini et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 635
Journal article

ALMA and VLA reveal the lukewarm chromospheres of the nearby red supergiants Antares and Betelgeuse

Eamon O Gorman, G. M. Harper, K. Ohnaka et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 638
Journal article

Collisional polarization of molecular ions: a signpost of ambipolar diffusion

Boy Lankhaar, Wouter Vlemmings
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 638
Journal article

Polarisation properties of methanol masers

Daria Dall` Olio, Wouter Vlemmings, Boy Lankhaar et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 644
Journal article

CO and HCN isotopologue ratios in the outflows of AGB stars

Maryam Saberi, Hans Olofsson, Wouter Vlemmings et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 638
Journal article

Characterizing the radio continuum nature of sources in the massive star-forming region W75N (B)

A. Rodriguez-Kamenetzky, C. Carrasco-Gonzalez, J. M. Torrelles et al
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Vol. 496 (3), p. 3128-3141
Journal article

ALMA reveals the coherence of the magnetic field geometry in OH 231.8+4.2

L. Sabin, R. Sahai, Wouter Vlemmings et al
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Vol. 495 (4), p. 4297-4305
Journal article

ALMA reveals the magnetic field evolution in the high-mass star forming complex G9.62+0.19

Daria Dall` Olio, Wouter Vlemmings, Magnus V. Persson et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 626
Journal article

Spatio-kinematical model of the collimated molecular outflow in the water-fountain nebula IRAS 16342-3814

Daniel Tafoya, G. Orosz, Wouter Vlemmings et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 629
Journal article

The Unexpected Spectrum of the Innermost Ejecta of the Red Hypergiant VY CMa

Roberta M. Humphreys, L. M. Ziurys, J. J. Bernal et al
Astrophysical Journal Letters. Vol. 874 (2)
Journal article

HD 101584: circumstellar characteristics and evolutionary status

Hans Olofsson, Theo Khouri, Matthias Maercker et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 623
Journal article

Magnetic fields of AGB and post-AGB stars

Wouter Vlemmings
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Vol. 14, p. 19-26
Paper in proceeding

Stringent limits on the magnetic field strength in the disc of TW Hya: ALMA observations of CN polarisation

Wouter Vlemmings, Boy Lankhaar, P. Cazzoletti et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 624
Journal article

Detection of highly excited OH towards AGB stars: A new probe of shocked gas in the extended atmospheres

Theo Khouri, Luis Velilla Prieto, Elvire De Beck et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 623
Journal article

ALMA spectrum of the extreme OH/IR star OH 26.5+0.6

Kay Justtanont, Sebastien Muller, Mike Barlow et al
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Vol. 14, p. 436-437
Paper in proceeding

Updates on the Ultraviolet Emission from Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars

R. Montez, S. Ramstedt, J. H. Kastner et al
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Vol. 14 (S343), p. 474-475
Journal article

Photodissociation of CO in the outflow of evolved stars

Maryam Saberi, Wouter Vlemmings, Elvire de Beck
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 625
Journal article

Characterizing maser polarization: effects of saturation, anisotropic pumping, and hyperfine structure

Boy Lankhaar, Wouter Vlemmings
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 628
Journal article

Magnetic field in a young circumbinary disk

F. O. Alves, J. M. Girart, M. Padovani et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 616
Journal article

A search for radio emission from exoplanets around evolved stars

Eamon O Gorman, C. P. Coughlan, Wouter Vlemmings et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 612
Journal article

Magnetic field measurements around massive young stellar objects with the EVN

G. Surcis, Wouter Vlemmings, H. J. van Langevelde
Proceedings of Science. Vol. 344
Paper in proceeding

Magnetic fields around evolved stars

Wouter Vlemmings
Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso. Vol. 48 (1), p. 187-193
Journal article

Vibrationally excited water emission at 658 GHz from evolved stars

A. Baudry, E. Humphreys, F. Herpin et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 609
Journal article

Magnetic fields at the onset of high-mass star formation

H. Beuther, J. D. Soler, Wouter Vlemmings et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 614
Journal article

Imaging the dust and the gas around Mira using ALMA and SPHERE/ZIMPOL

Theo Khouri, Wouter Vlemmings, Hans Olofsson et al
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Vol. 14 (S343), p. 31-35
Paper in proceeding

Detection of CI line emission towards the oxygen-rich AGB star omi Ceti

Maryam Saberi, Wouter Vlemmings, Elvire De Beck et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 612
Journal article

Characterization of methanol as a magnetic field tracer in star-forming regions

Boy Lankhaar, Wouter Vlemmings, G. Surcis et al
Nature Astronomy. Vol. 2, p. 145-150
Journal article

Rotation of the asymptotic giant branch star R Doradus

Wouter Vlemmings, Theo Khouri, Elvire De Beck et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 613
Journal article

The Impact of UV Radiation on Circumstellar Chemistry

Maryam Saberi, Wouter Vlemmings, T.J. Millar et al
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Vol. 14, p. 191-195
Paper in proceeding

Molecular line study of the S-type AGB star W Aquilae: ALMA observations of CS, SiS, SiO and HCN

M. Brunner, Taissa Danilovich, S. Ramstedt et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 617
Journal article

CO envelope of the symbiotic star R Aquarii seen by ALMA

S. Ramstedt, S. Mohamed, T. Olander et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 616
Journal article

The Synergy between VLBI and Gaia astrometry

H. J. van Langevelde, L.H. Quiroga-Nuñez, Wouter Vlemmings et al
Proceedings of Science. Vol. 344
Paper in proceeding

High-resolution observations of gas and dust around Mira using ALMA and SPHERE/ZIMPOL

Theo Khouri, Wouter Vlemmings, Hans Olofsson et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 620
Journal article

Methanol masers reveal the magnetic field of the high-mass protostar IRAS 18089-1732

Daria Dall` Olio, Wouter Vlemmings, G. Surcis et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 607
Journal article

Deep into the Water Fountains: The case of IRAS 18043 - 2116

A. F. Perez-Sanchez, Daniel Tafoya Martinez, R. García López et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 601 (May), p. Article no A68-
Journal article

The shock-heated atmosphere of an asymptotic giant branch star resolved by ALMA

Wouter Vlemmings, Theo Khouri, Eamon O Gorman et al
Nature Astronomy. Vol. 1 (12), p. 848-853
Journal article

Linear polarisation of Class i methanol masers in massive star formation regions

Ji-hyun Kang, Do Young Byun, Kee-Tae Kim et al
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Vol. 13 (S336), p. 243-246
Journal article

Detection of thermal radio emission from a single coronal giant

Eamon O Gorman, G. M. Harper, Wouter Vlemmings
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 599
Journal article

Rings and filaments: The remarkable detached CO shell of U Antliae

F. Kerschbaum, Matthias Maercker, M. Brunner et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 605
Journal article

ALMA Observations of the Water Fountain Pre-planetary Nebula IRAS 16342-3814: High-velocity Bipolar Jets and an Expanding Torus

R. Sahai, Wouter Vlemmings, T. Gledhill et al
Astrophysical Journal Letters. Vol. 835 (1)
Journal article

The Coldest Place in the Universe: Probing the Ultra-cold Outflow and Dusty Disk in the Boomerang Nebula

R. Sahai, Wouter Vlemmings, Lars-Åke Nyman
Astrophysical Journal. Vol. 841 (2), p. Article Number: 110-
Journal article

Hot and cold running water: Understanding evolved star winds

A.M.S. Richards, M. D. Gray, A. Baudry et al
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Vol. 13 (S336), p. 347-350
Journal article

Molecular outflow launched beyond the disk edge

F. O. Alves, J. M. Girart, P. Caselli et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 603, p. Article no L3 -
Journal article

First detection of methanol towards a post-AGB object, HD 101584

Hans Olofsson, Wouter Vlemmings, Per Bergman et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 603, p. L2-
Journal article

ALMA Compact Array observations of the Fried Egg nebula: Evidence for large-scale asymmetric mass-loss from the yellow hypergiant IRAS 17163-3907

Sofia Wallström, E. Lagadec, Sebastien Muller et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 597, p. A99, pp. 1-10
Journal article

A Catalog of GALEX Ultraviolet Emission from Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars

R. Montez, S. Ramstedt, J. H. Kastner et al
Astrophysical Journal. Vol. 841 (1), p. Article Number: 33-
Journal article

(HCN)-C-12 and (HCN)-C-13 excitation analysis in the circumstellar outflow of R Sculptoris

Maryam Saberi, Matthias Maercker, Elvire De Beck et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 599
Journal article

Simultaneous 183 GHz H2O maser and SiO observations towards evolved stars using APEX SEPIA Band 5

E. M. Humphreys, K. Immer, M. D. Gray et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 603, p. A77-
Journal article

Measuring magnetic fields from water masers in the synchrotron protostellar jet in W3(H 2 O)

C. Goddi, G. Surcis, L. Moscadelli et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 597
Journal article

Quantum-Chemical calculations revealing the effects of magnetic fields on methanol masers

Boy Lankhaar, Wouter Vlemmings, G. Surcis et al
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Vol. 13 (S336), p. 23-26
Journal article

(Sub)millimeter emission lines of molecules in born-again stars

Daniel Tafoya Martinez, J. A. Toala, Wouter Vlemmings et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 600
Journal article

Search for aluminium monoxide in the winds of oxygen-rich AGB stars

Elvire De Beck, L. Decin, S. Ramstedt et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 598, p. A53-
Journal article

Magnetically aligned dust and SiO maser polarisation in the envelope of the red supergiant VY Canis Majoris

Wouter Vlemmings, Theo Khouri, Ivan Marti-Vidal et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 603, p. A92-
Journal article

Maser Polarization

G. Surcis, Wouter Vlemmings, Boy Lankhaar et al
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Vol. 13 (S336), p. 27-32
Journal article

Submillimeter H<inf>2</inf>O maser emission from water fountain nebulae

Daniel Tafoya, Wouter Vlemmings, A. F. Perez-Sanchez
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Vol. 13 (S336), p. 369-372
Journal article

The circumstellar envelope around the S-type AGB star W Aql Effects of an eccentric binary orbit

S. Ramstedt, S. Mohamed, Wouter Vlemmings et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 605
Journal article

Subarcsecond imaging of the water emission in Arp 220

Sabine König, S. Martín, Sebastien Muller et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 602, p. 42-
Journal article

A detailed study toward the Water fountain IRAS 15445-5449

A. F. Perez-Sanchez, Rebeca García López, Wouter Vlemmings et al
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Vol. 13 (S336), p. 355-358
Journal article

Detection of 183 GHz H2O megamaser emission towards NGC 4945

E. M. Humphreys, Wouter Vlemmings, C. M. V. Impellizzeri et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 592 (L13)
Journal article

Extragalactic Water Megamasers using ALMA Band 5

Liz Humphreys, Maud Galametz, Wouter Vlemmings et al
ALMA meeting
Conference poster

The First Low-Mass Black Hole X-Ray Binary Identified in Quiscence Outside of a Globular Cluster

B. E. Tetarenko, A. Bahramian, R. M. Arnason et al
Astrophysical Journal. Vol. 825 (1)
Journal article

Linear Polarization of Class I Methanol Masers in Massive Star-forming Regions

Ji-hyun Kang, Do-Young Byun, Kee-Tae Kim et al
Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. Vol. 227 (2)
Journal article

Dual differential polarimetry. A technique to recover polarimetric information from dual-polarization observations

Ivan Marti-Vidal, Wouter Vlemmings, Sebastien Muller
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 593, p. Art no A61-
Journal article

MeerGAL: the MeerKAT galactic plane survey

A. M. Thompson, S. Goedhart, P. Benaglia et al
Proceedings of Science
Paper in proceeding

Study of the inner dust envelope and stellar photosphere of the AGB star R Doradus using SPHERE/ZIMPOL

Theo Khouri, Matthias Maercker, Lbfm Waters et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 591
Journal article

The ALMA detection of CO rotational line emission in AGB stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud

M. A. T. Groenewegen, Wouter Vlemmings, P. Marigo et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 596, p. 50-
Journal article

An ALMA view of the post-AGB object HD 101584

Hans Olofsson, Wouter Vlemmings, Matthias Maercker et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 728 (4)
Paper in proceeding

A detailed view of the gas shell around R Sculptoris with ALMA

Matthias Maercker, Wouter Vlemmings, M. Brunner et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 586 (Art. Nr. A5)
Journal article

ALMA observations of TiO2 around VY CMa

Elvire De Beck, Wouter Vlemmings, Sebastien Muller et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 728 (2), p. Art. no. UNSP 022009-
Paper in proceeding

ALMA observations of the vibrationally excited rotational CO transition v = 1, J = 3 - 2 towards five AGB stars

Theo Khouri, Wouter Vlemmings, S. Ramstedt et al
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters. Vol. 463 (1), p. L74-L78
Journal article

A strong magnetic field in the jet base of a supermassive black hole

Ivan Marti-Vidal, Sebastien Muller, Wouter Vlemmings et al
Science. Vol. 348 (6232), p. 311-314
Journal article

Shaping the Outflows of Binary AGB Stars

Sofia Ramstedt, Wouter Vlemmings, S. Mohamed
Why Galaxies Care About AGB Stars III: A Closer Look in Space and Time, Conference on Why Galaxies Care About AGB Stars III: A Closer Look in Space and Time, Vienna jul 28-aug 01, 2014. Vol. 497, p. 187-192
Paper in proceeding

Velocity and magnetic fields within 1000 AU of a massive YSO

A. Sanna, G. Surcis, L. Moscadelli et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 583, p. L3-
Journal article

The Outflows of Binary AGB Stars

S. Ramstedt, Wouter Vlemmings, S. Mohamed
4th ALMA Science Conference on Revolution in Astronomy with ALMA: The Third Year, Tokyo, Japan, 8-11 December. Vol. 499, p. 331-334
Paper in proceeding

Temporal evolution of the size and temperature of Betelgeuse's extended atmosphere

Eamon O Gorman, G. M. Harper, A. Brown et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 580
Journal article

Stacking of Interferometric Data: New Tools for Stacking of ALMA Data

Kirsten Kraiberg Knudsen, Lukas Lindroos, Wouter Vlemmings et al
4th ALMA Science Conference on Revolution in Astronomy with ALMA: The Third Year, Tokyo, Japan, 8-11 December. Vol. 499, p. 81-82
Other conference contribution

Stacking of SKA data: comparing uv-plane and and image-plane stacking

Kirsten Kraiberg Knudsen, Lukas Lindroos, Wouter Vlemmings et al
Proceedings of Science. Vol. 9-13-June-2014
Paper in proceeding

The Coldest Object in the Universe: Probing the Mass Distribution of the Ultra-Cold Outflow and Dusty Disk in the Boomerang Nebula

R. Sahai, Wouter Vlemmings, L. Nyman
4th ALMA Science Conference on Revolution in Astronomy with ALMA: The Third Year, Tokyo, Japan, 8-11 December. Vol. 499, p. 327-330
Paper in proceeding

Magnetic Fields with the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array

Wouter Vlemmings
Magnetic Fields in Diffuse Media, Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Volume 407, p. 19-37
Book chapter

Resolving the stellar activity of the Mira AB binary with ALMA

Wouter Vlemmings, S. Ramstedt, Eamon O Gorman et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 577
Journal article

ALMA observations of α Centauri. First detection of main-sequence stars at 3 mm wavelength

René Liseau, Wouter Vlemmings, A. Bayo et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 573, p. L4 (4 pages)-
Review article

An ALMA View of the Complex Circumstellar Environment of the Post-AGB Object HD 101584

Hans Olofsson, Wouter Vlemmings, Matthias Maercker et al
4th ALMA Science Conference on Revolution in Astronomy with ALMA: The Third Year, Tokyo, Japan, 8-11 December. Vol. 499, p. 319-322
Paper in proceeding

ALMA Reveals VY CMa's Sub-mm H2O Maser and Dust Distribution

A. M. S. Richards, C. M. V. Impellizzeri, E. M. Humphreys et al
4th ALMA Science Conference on Revolution in Astronomy with ALMA: The Third Year, Tokyo, Japan, 8-11 December. Vol. 499, p. 337-338
Paper in proceeding

ALMA observations of TiO2 around VY Canis Majoris

Elvire De Beck, Wouter Vlemmings, Sebastien Muller et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 580
Journal article


E. B. Fomalont, C. Vlahakis, S. Corder et al
Astrophysical Journal Letters. Vol. 808 (1)
Journal article

Simplified models of stellar wind anatomy for interpreting high-resolution data Analytical approach to embedded spiral geometries

W. Homan, L. Decin, A. de Koter et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 579
Journal article

ALMA observations of anisotropic dust mass loss in the inner circumstellar environment of the red supergiant VY Canis Majoris

Eamon O Gorman, Wouter Vlemmings, A. M. S. Richards et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 573, p. Article no. L1-
Journal article

Observing the onset of outflow collimation in a massive protostar

C. Carrasco-Gonzalez, J. M. Torrelles, J. Canto et al
Science. Vol. 348 (6230), p. 114-117
Journal article

Stacking of large interferometric data sets in the image- and uv-domain - a comparative study

Lukas Lindroos, Kirsten Kraiberg Knudsen, Wouter Vlemmings et al
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Vol. 446 (4), p. 3502-3515
Journal article

Analytical Models of Spirals in Stellar Winds to Interpret ALMA Data

W. Homan, L. Decin, A. de Koter et al
Why Galaxies Care About AGB Stars III: A Closer Look in Space and Time, Conference on Why Galaxies Care About AGB Stars III: A Closer Look in Space and Time, Vienna JUL 28-AUG 01, 2014. Vol. 497, p. 545-551
Paper in proceeding

ALMA Observations of Anisotropic Dust Mass Loss around VY CMa

Eamon O Gorman, Wouter Vlemmings, A. M. S. Richards et al
4th ALMA Science Conference on Revolution in Astronomy with ALMA: The Third Year, Tokyo, Japan, 8-11 December. Vol. 499, p. 335-336
Paper in proceeding

A Spiral Goes Viral: Observations and Modeling of the Circumstellar Envelope around R Sculptoris

M. Brunner, Matthias Maercker, Wouter Vlemmings et al
Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series; Why galaxies care about AGB stars III: A closer look in space and time; Vienna, Austria; Jul 28–Aug 1, 2015. Vol. 497, p. 215-217
Paper in proceeding

Revisiting the birth locations of pulsars B1929+10, B2020+28, and B2021+51

F. Kirsten, Wouter Vlemmings, R. M. Campbell et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 577
Journal article

ALMA view of the circumstellar environment of the post-common-envelope-evolution binary system HD 101584

Hans Olofsson, Wouter Vlemmings, Matthias Maercker et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 576
Journal article

EVN observations of 6.7 GHz methanol maser polarization in massive star-forming regions: III. the flux-limited sample

G. Surcis, Wouter Vlemmings, H.J. van Langevelde et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 578
Journal article

3d Models of Symbiotic Binaries

S. Mohamed, R. Booth, P. Podsiadlowski et al
EAS Publications Series. Vol. 71-72, p. 81-86
Paper in proceeding

The wonderful complexity of the Mira AB system

S. Ramstedt, S. Mohamed, Wouter Vlemmings et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 570, p. Art. no. L14-
Journal article

3D Models of Stellar Interactions

S. Mohamed, Ph. Podsiadlowski, Roy Booth et al
Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae VI conference, Proceedings of the conference held 4-8 November, 2013, p. 60-
Other conference contribution

Submillimeter H2O masers in water-fountain nebulae

Daniel Tafoya Martinez, R. Franco-Hernandez, Wouter Vlemmings et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 562, p. 4-
Journal article

Precision astrometry of pulsars and other compact radio sources in the globular cluster M15

F. Kirsten, Wouter Vlemmings, P. Freire et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 565
Journal article

ALMA sub-mm maser and dust distribution of VY Canis Majoris

A. M. S. Richards, C. M. V. Impellizzeri, E. M. Humphreys et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 572
Journal article

The magnetic field at milliarcsecond resolution around IRAS 20126+4104

G. Surcis, Wouter Vlemmings, H. J. van Langevelde et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 563
Journal article

Maser astrometry with VLBI and the SKA

J.A. Green, H.J. van Langevelde, Andreas Brunthaler et al
Proceedings of Science. Vol. 9-13-June-2014
Paper in proceeding

Magnetic fields around AGB stars and Planetary Nebulae

Wouter Vlemmings
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Vol. 9 (S302), p. 389-397
Journal article

Sub-mm maser VLBI: How do stellar winds break free from the star's gravity?

A. M. S. Richards, A. Baudry, S. Etoka et al
Proceedings of Science
Paper in proceeding

The Herschel Planetary Nebula Survey (HerPlaNS) I. Data overview and analysis demonstration with NGC 6781

T. Ueta, D. Ladjal, K. M. Exter et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 565
Journal article

Herschel Planetary Nebula Survey (HerPlaNS) First detection of OH+ in planetary nebulae

I. Aleman, T. Ueta, D. Ladjal et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 566
Journal article

Magnetic fields around evolved stars

M. Leal-Ferreira, Wouter Vlemmings, A. Kemball et al
Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae VI conference, Proceedings of the conference held 4-8 November, 2013, p. 49-
Other conference contribution

The European ALMA Regional Centre: a model of user support

P. Andreani, F. Stoehr, M. Zwaan et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 9149, p. Art. no. 91490Y-
Paper in proceeding

CRL 618: A Nascent Planetary Nebula

Daniel Tafoya Martinez, L. Loinard, J. P. Fonfría et al
Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae VI conference, Proceedings of the conference held 4-8 November, 2013, p. 101-
Other conference contribution

From the ashes: JVLA observations of water fountain nebula candidates show the rebirth of IRAS 18455+0448

Wouter Vlemmings, N. Amiri, H.J. van Langevelde et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 569, p. Art. no. A92-
Journal article

UVMULTIFIT: A versatile tool for fitting astronomical radio interferometric data

Ivan Marti-Vidal, Wouter Vlemmings, Sebastien Muller et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 563
Journal article

Outflows from Binary AGB stars with ALMA

S. Ramstedt, Matthias Maercker, Wouter Vlemmings et al
Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae VI conference, Proceedings of the conference held 4-8 November, 2013, p. 75-
Other conference contribution

Herschel Planetary Nebula Survey (HerPlaNS)

T. Ueta, D. Ladjal, K. M. Exter et al
Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae VI conference, Proceedings of the conference held 4-8 November, 2013, p. 106-
Other conference contribution

pPNe: Lobe-Shaping Models & HST Images

B. Balick, F. Adam, M. Huarte-Espinosa et al
Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae VI conference, Proceedings of the conference held 4-8 November, 2013, p. 4-
Other conference contribution

The first synchrotron jet resolved towards a post-AGB star

A. Pérez-Sánchez, Wouter Vlemmings, Daniel Tafoya Martinez et al
Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae VI conference, Proceedings of the conference held 4-8 November, 2013, p. 71-
Other conference contribution

Measuring magnetic fields near and far with the SKA via the zeeman effect

T. Robishaw, J. A. Green, G. Surcis et al
Proceedings of Science. Vol. 9-13-June-2014
Paper in proceeding

Rapidly increasing collimation and magnetic field changes of a protostellar H2O maser outflow

G. Surcis, Wouter Vlemmings, H. J. van Langevelde et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 565
Journal article

Magnetic field measurements at milliarcsecond resolution around massive young stellar objects

G. Surcis, Wouter Vlemmings, H. J. van Langevelde et al
Proceedings of Science
Paper in proceeding

The nordic tools for advanced analysis of interferometry data

Ivan Marti-Vidal, Wouter Vlemmings, Lukas Lindroos et al
Proceedings of Science
Paper in proceeding

ALMA observations of the variable 12CO/13CO ratio around the asymptotic giant branch star R Sculptoris

Wouter Vlemmings, Matthias Maercker, Michael Lindqvist et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 556, p. Art. no. L1-
Journal article

Magnetic fields around evolved stars: further observations of H2O maser polarization

M. L. Leal-Ferreira, Wouter Vlemmings, A. Kemball et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 554
Journal article

EVN observations of 6.7 GHz methanol maser polarization in massive star-forming regions: II. First statistical results

G. Surcis, Wouter Vlemmings, H.J. van Langevelde et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 556 (Aug.), p. article no. A73-
Journal article

Rapid angular expansion of the ionized core of CRL 618

Daniel Tafoya Martinez, L. Loinard, J.P. Fonfría et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 556 (August), p. article no. A35-
Journal article


R. Sahai, Wouter Vlemmings, P. J. Huggins et al
Astrophysical Journal. Vol. 777 (2), p. 11-
Journal article

Planetary Nebula dust haloes revealed by Herschel

T. Ueta, Djazia Ladjal, K. M. Exter et al
Proceedings of Science
Paper in proceeding

Linear polarization of submillimetre masers Tracing magnetic fields with ALMA

A. F. Perez-Sanchez, Wouter Vlemmings
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 551
Journal article

A synchrotron jet from a post-asymptotic giant branch star

A.F. Perez-Sanchez, Wouter Vlemmings, Daniel Tafoya Martinez et al
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Vol. 436 (1), p. L79-L83
Journal article

Silicon isotopic abundance toward evolved stars and its application for presolar grains

T.-C. Peng, E. M. Humphreys, L. Testi et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 559, p. 8-14
Journal article

Maser Polarization and magnetic fields

Wouter Vlemmings
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Vol. 8 (5287), p. 31-40
Paper in proceeding

Maser Polarization with ALMA

A.F. Pérez-Sánchez, Wouter Vlemmings
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Vol. 8 (5287), p. 64-68
Paper in proceeding

Methanol masers and millimetre lines: a common origin in protostellar envelopes

Karl Torstensson, H.J. van Langevelde, F. F. S. van der Tak et al
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Vol. 8 (5287), p. 146-150
Paper in proceeding

Searching for X-ray emission from AGB stars

S. Ramstedt, R. Montez, J. H. Kastner et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 543, p. Article Number: A147 -
Journal article

EVN observations of 6.7 GHz methanol maser polarization in massive star-forming regions

G. Surcis, Wouter Vlemmings, H. J. van Langevelde et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 541
Journal article


R. M. Torres, L. Loinard, A. J. Mioduszewski et al
Astrophysical Journal. Vol. 747 (1)
Journal article

Unexpectedly large mass loss during the thermal pulse cycle of the red giant star R Sculptoris

Matthias Maercker, S. Mohamed, Wouter Vlemmings et al
Nature. Vol. 490 (7419), p. 232-234
Journal article

SHOOTING STARS Masers from red giants

S. Ramstedt, Wouter Vlemmings, E. Humphreys et al
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Vol. 8 (5287), p. 292-293
Paper in proceeding

TWINKLING STARS The disappearing SiO masers of W Aql

S. Ramstedt, Wouter Vlemmings, S. Mohamed et al
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Vol. 8 (5287), p. 260-261
Paper in proceeding

The magnetic field of IRAS 16293-2422 as traced by shock-induced H2O masers

F. O. Alves, Wouter Vlemmings, J. M. Girart et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 542
Journal article

VLBA SiO maser observations of the OH/IR star OH 44.8-2.3: magnetic field and morphology

N. Amiri, Wouter Vlemmings, A. Kemball et al
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Vol. 8 (5287), p. 54-58
Paper in proceeding

Water Maser Emission Around Low/Intermediate Mass Evolved Stars

M.L. Leal-Ferreira, Wouter Vlemmings, P.J. Diamond et al
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Vol. 8 (S287), p. 79 - 80
Other conference contribution


J. M. Girart, N. Patel, Wouter Vlemmings et al
Astrophysical Journal Letters. Vol. 751 (1)
Journal article

Rotten Egg nebula: the magnetic field of a binary evolved star

M. L. Leal-Ferreira, Wouter Vlemmings, P. J. Diamond et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 540, p. Article Number: A42-
Journal article

No evidence for a central IMBH in M15

F. Kirsten, Wouter Vlemmings
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 542
Journal article

High resolution magnetic field measurements in high-mass star-forming regions using masers

G. Surcis, Wouter Vlemmings, H.J. van Langevelde et al
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Vol. 8 (5287), p. 69-73
Paper in proceeding

Polarization of thermal molecular lines in the envelope of IK Tauri

Wouter Vlemmings, S. Ramstedt, R. Rao et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 540, p. Article Number: L3 -
Journal article

VLBA SiO maser observations of the OH/IR star OH 44.8-2.3: magnetic field and morphology

N. Amiri, Wouter Vlemmings, A. Kemball et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 538
Journal article

Adaptable radiative transfer innovations for submillimetre telescopes (ARTIST) Dust polarisation module (DustPol)

M. Padovani, C. Brinch, J. M. Girart et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 543, p. Article Number: A16 -
Journal article

The magnetic field of IRAS 16293-2422 as traced by shock-induced H2O masers

F. O. Alves, Wouter Vlemmings, J. M. Girart et al
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Vol. 8 (5287), p. 74-78
Paper in proceeding

Magnetic fields during the evolution towards planetary nebulae

Wouter Vlemmings
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. Vol. 283 (S283), p. 176-179
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 8 research projects


Fundamentala mekanismer i de sista stadierna av stjärnors liv

Wouter Vlemmings Astronomy and Plasmaphysics
Stiftelsen Olle Engkvist Byggmästare

3 publications exist

Resolving the extended atmospheres of AGB stars

Wouter Vlemmings Galactic Astrophysics
Swedish Research Council (VR)

5 publications exist

The Origin and Fate of Dust in Our Universe

Kirsten Kraiberg Knudsen Astronomy and Plasmaphysics
Wouter Vlemmings Astronomy and Plasmaphysics
Susanne Aalto Astronomy and Plasmaphysics
Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation

8 publications exist

From the beginning to the end of planetary systems: their birth, life and death

René Liseau Galactic Astrophysics
Kay Justtanont Galactic Astrophysics
Wouter Vlemmings Galactic Astrophysics
Per Bjerkeli Galactic Astrophysics
Michael Olberg Onsala Space Observatory
Swedish National Space Board


Magnetic fields and the outflows during the formation and evolution of stars (OUTFLOWMAGN)

Wouter Vlemmings Astronomy and Plasmaphysics
European Commission (EC)

35 publications exist

Fundamental physics, magnetic fields and gravity with recent and future radio interferometers

Wouter Vlemmings Astronomy and Plasmaphysics
Franz Kirsten Galactic Astrophysics
Swedish Research Council (VR)

11 publications exist

The dusty and gaseous envelopes of evolved stars: MHD outflows and grain growth probed by polarization

Wouter Vlemmings Galactic Astrophysics
Swedish Research Council (VR)

3 publications exist

Illuminating the role of magnetic fields around dying stars (MAGNETIC AGB)

Wouter Vlemmings Radio Astronomy and Astrophysics
European Commission (EC)

There might be more projects where Wouter Vlemmings participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.