12 x LCM : Variants of life cycle management
Conference poster, 2019

A case-based review shows that, in practice, LCM is shaped by a dominant action logic in the setting. A dominant action logic is, for example, the business strategy of a company or a government objective. A first typology reveals 12 forms of LCM, in which each type is a result of life cycle thinking meeting a particular action logic. It also shows when and how LCM is seen to fit the purpose of different actors. This typology provides an overview of the diversity of practiced LCM and a matching vocabulary with the aim of furthering discussion and understanding of LCM.


Henrikke Baumann

Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Environmental Systems Analysis

Hanna Nilsson-Linden

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

9th International conference on Life Cycle Management
Poznan, Poland,

Organisational Capabilities for Life Cycle Management

SKF (SKFUTC), 2011-01-08 -- 2017-08-31.

Driving Forces

Sustainable development

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Social Sciences Interdisciplinary

Environmental Management

Business Administration

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