Henrikke Baumann

Full Professor at Environmental Systems Analysis

Henrikke is a Professor in Industrial and Domestic Ecologies. Her research interests: Interdisciplinary research, pioneer in LCA, life cycle management (LCM), actor networks of product systems, business model LCA, material flows in society, (marine) plastic pollution, effects of organising on environmental performance.

Source: chalmers.se
Image of Henrikke Baumann

Showing 137 publications


Evaluating business model environmental impact with Business Model Life Cycle Assessment (BM-LCA): Learnings from five case studies

Henrikke Baumann
New Business Models Conference Proceedings 2023
Paper in proceeding

Reviewing life cycle assessments of carbon capture and utilisation - unclear goals lead to unclear results

Evelina Nyqvist, Henrikke Baumann, Mathias Janssen
Leiden Book of Abstracts; ISIE 2023 Conference Proceedings, p. 867-867
Other conference contribution

Towards sustainable business models with a novel life cycle assessment method

Giulia Goffetti, Daniel Böckin, Henrikke Baumann et al
Business Strategy and the Environment. Vol. 31 (5), p. 2019-2035
Journal article

Business model life cycle assessment: A method for analysing the environmental performance of business

Daniel Böckin, Giulia Goffetti, Henrikke Baumann et al
Sustainable Production and Consumption. Vol. 32, p. 112-124
Journal article

A sociomaterial conceptualization of flows in industrial ecology

Henrikke Baumann, Mathias Lindkvist
Journal of Industrial Ecology. Vol. 26 (2), p. 655-666
Journal article

Switching the focus from product function to business profit: Introducing business model LCA

Henrikke Baumann, Daniel Böckin, Giulia Goffetti et al
E3S Web of Conferences. Vol. 349
Paper in proceeding

Life cycle management: what management research?

Henrikke Baumann
Other conference contribution

Life cycle work: A process study of the emergence and performance of life cycle practice

Hanna Lindén, Andreas Diedrich, Henrikke Baumann
Organization and Environment. Vol. 34 (1), p. 99-122
Journal article

Bridging the gap between assessment and action: recommendations for the effective use of LCA in the building process

Sjouke Beemsterboer, Henrikke Baumann, Holger Wallbaum
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 588 (2)
Paper in proceeding

Ways to get work done: a review and systematisation of simplification practices in the LCA literature

Sjouke Beemsterboer, Henrikke Baumann, Holger Wallbaum
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 25 (11), p. 2154-2168
Review article

Measuring the immeasurable: The contribution of social sciences to the assessment of social impacts in a life cycle perspective

Giulia Goffetti, Henrikke Baumann, Rickard Arvidsson
Collection FruiTrop Thema Social LCA. Vol. 5, p. 202-205
Paper in proceeding

On the introduction of a community resilience framework to Social Life Cycle Assessment

Giulia Goffetti, Henrikke Baumann
Collection FruiTrop thema Social LCA. Vol. 5, p. 172-174
Paper in proceeding

Beyond a Corporate Social Responsibility Context Towards Methodological Pluralism in Social Life Cycle Assessment: Exploring Alternative Social Theoretical Perspectives

Henrikke Baumann, Rickard Arvidsson
Perspectives on Social LCA : Contributions from the 6th International Conference, p. 53-64
Book chapter

Science Communication and Social LCA: Can the twain meet? Initial findings from an Oatly study

Anwesha Chakraborty, Henrikke Baumann, Martin Hultman
Collection FruiTrop Thema Social LCA. Vol. 5, p. 206-209
Paper in proceeding

Plastic litter cleanup operations: learnings from 4 LCAs

Henrikke Baumann
Other conference contribution

Context-Adapted Urban Planning for Rapid Transitioning of Personal Mobility towards Sustainability: A Systematic Literature Review

Varvara Nikulina, David Simon, Henrik Ny et al
Sustainability. Vol. 11 (4), p. 1007-
Journal article

Managing Plastics: Uses, Losses and Disposal

Roland Clift, Henrikke Baumann, Richard Murphy et al
Law, Environment and Development Journal. Vol. 15 (2), p. 93-107
Journal article

A Swedish comment on ‘review: the availability of life-cycle studies in Sweden’

Gregory Peters, Robin Harder, Rickard Arvidsson et al
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 24 (10), p. 1758-1759
Other text in scientific journal

About adapting O-LCA to decision makers

Mathias Lindkvist, Henrikke Baumann
Conference poster

Product chain collaboration for sustainability – A business case for life cycle management

Hanna Lindén, Magnus Rosén, Henrikke Baumann
Business Strategy and the Environment. Vol. 28 (8), p. 1619-1631
Journal article

LCM development: Focusing on the LC promoters and their organizational problem-solving

Hanna Lindén, Henrikke Baumann, Emma Rex
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 24 (2), p. 297-309
Journal article

Kartläggning av plastavfallsflöden, återvinningsmetoder och marknader: kunskapsunderlag för ett returraffinaderi

Hanna Ljungkvist Nordin, Linnéa Lindkvist, Annika Boss et al
Report - IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute

12 x LCM : Variants of life cycle management

Henrikke Baumann, Hanna Nilsson-Linden
Conference poster

Sustainable Transport Futures: Analysis of the Selected Methodologies Supporting the Planning Process towards Achieving Goal 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities

Varvara Nikulina, Henrikke Baumann, David Simon et al
World Sustainability Series, p. 473-488
Book chapter


Pernilla Gluch, Mathias Petter Gustafsson, Henrikke Baumann et al
International Journal of Strategic Property Management. Vol. 22 (3), p. 179-190
Journal article

Organizing life cycle management in practice: challenges of a multinational manufacturing corporation

Hanna Lindén, Henrikke Baumann, Magnus Rosén et al
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 23 (7), p. 1368-1382
Journal article

Preface: Recognizing Management in LCM

Henrikke Baumann, Matthias Lindahl, Christina Scandelius et al
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 23 (7), p. 1351-1356
Other text in scientific journal

Beyond a CSR context towards pluralism in SLCA: exploring alternative social theoretical perspectives

Henrikke Baumann, Rickard Arvidsson
Other conference contribution

A method for human health impact assessment in social LCA: lessons from three case studies

Rickard Arvidsson, Jutta Hildenbrand, Henrikke Baumann et al
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 23 (3), p. 690-699
Journal article

Marine plastic litter on Small Island Developing States (SIDS): Impacts and measures.

Florina Lachmann, Bethanie Carney Almroth, Henrikke Baumann et al

Translating environmental LCM through an organization - From LCA to LCM

Hanna Lindén, Henrikke Baumann, Andreas Diedrich
Proceedings of the NTNU Sustainability Science Conference in Trondheim, Norway, October 18-20, 2017
Paper in proceeding

Plastic debris: Recycling options for closing the loop

Isabel Cañete Vela, Henrikke Baumann
Lives and Afterlives of Plastics
Paper in proceeding

Populating and popularizing flow studies. What I Learned from the Social Sciences and Humanities.

Henrikke Baumann
Gordon Research Conference - Industrial Ecology: Opportunities for the Critical Decade – Decoupling Well-Being from Environmental Pressures and Impacts
Other conference contribution

Planning transport futures. Backcasting vs forecasting.

Varvara Nikulina, Henrikke Baumann, David Simon et al
Paper in proceeding

One, two, three, many! or…? Mapping of the controversy over the Swedish West Coast shrimp

Henrikke Baumann, Juana Camacho Otero
22nd International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference
Paper in proceeding

Mapping controversies as a tool to expand corporate life cycle management: the case of the Swedish West coast prawn (pandalus borealis)

Juana Camacho Otero, Henrikke Baumann
Paper in proceeding

Complementing LCA with qualitative organisational study for improving waste management governance – illustrated by a comparative case on metal packaging

Mathias Lindkvist, Henrikke Baumann, Maria Ljunggren Söderman
Life Cycle Assessment and Other Assessment Tools for Waste Management and Resource Optimization, Cetraro, Calabria, Italy, 5-10 June 2016
Paper in proceeding

What happened to the Industrial Ecology alumni? A survey of occupations, activities, competences and skills

Anna Nyström Claesson, Henrikke Baumann, Maud Lanau
EESD2016 Proceedings: 8th Conference on ‘Engineering Education for Sustainable Development’, 4-7 September, 2016 in Bruges, Belgium
Paper in proceeding

Unravelling the shrimp nets.

Juana Camacho Otero, Henrikke Baumann

Environmental Impact of Water Use in Life Cycle of Milk Production

Ali Daneshi, Abbas Esmaili-sari, Mohammad Daneshi et al
Journal article

Urban hunters and gatherers - an exploration into different varieties and their relevance to industrial ecology

Henrikke Baumann, Ricardo Gibran Garza Vita
The ISIE 2015 Conference — Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology
Paper in proceeding

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

Henrikke Baumann, Rickard Arvidsson
Encyclopedia of Polymeric Nanomaterials, p. 1-5
Book chapter

The Industrial Ecology of the Göteborg City Region — a first appraisal

Maud Lanau, Henrikke Baumann, Birgit Brunklaus
International Society for Industrial Ecology 2015
Paper in proceeding

Populating the life cycle perspective: methods for analyzing social and organizational dimensions of product chains for management studies

Henrikke Baumann, Birgit Brunklaus, Mathias Lindkvist et al
International Society for Industrial Ecology Biennial Conference, 7-10 July, Surry, United Kingdom.
Conference poster

How can a dynamic Life cycle inventory data repository learn from open data approaches in other fields?

Ben Zhu, Henrikke Baumann, Christopher Davis et al
The ISIE 2015 Conference — Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology
Conference poster

On the scientific justification of the use of working hours, child labour and property rights in social life cycle assessment: Three topical reviews

Rickard Arvidsson, Henrikke Baumann, Jutta Hildenbrand
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 20 (2), p. 161-173
Review article

Comparing industrial symbiosis in Europe: towards a conceptual framework and research methodology

Frank Boons, Wouter Spekkink, Ralf Isenmann et al
International Perspectives on Industrial Ecology, p. 69-88
Book chapter

A review of social science in five industrial ecology journals

Mathias Lindkvist, Henrikke Baumann

LCA i ett nötskal

Henrikke Baumann, Anne-Marie Tillman

LCM in industry practices; it is not all about tools. Learnings from a multinational corporation.

Hanna Lindén, Henrikke Baumann, Magnus Rosén et al
Presented at the 4th International [avniR] Conference in Lille, France, November 5-6, 2014
Conference poster

Charting corporate greening: environmental management trends in Sweden

Pernilla Gluch, Mathias Petter Gustafsson, Liane Thuvander et al
Building Research and Information. Vol. 42 (3), p. 318-329
Journal article

Is there a scientific justification for the current use of child labour and working hours in social LCA?

Rickard Arvidsson, Jutta Hildenbrand, Henrikke Baumann
Proceedings of the 4th International seminar in social LCA
Paper in proceeding

Energy assessment in product chain of pasteurized milk: agronomy, animal farm and processing plant

Ali Daneshi, Abbas Esmaili-sari, Mohammad Daneshi et al
Ecopersia. Vol. 2 (3), p. 697-714
Journal article

Linking environmental LCM and knowledge management: The case of a multinational corporation

Hanna Lindén, Henrikke Baumann, Magnus Rosén et al
Proceedings of the 4th International [avniR] Conference in Lille, France, November 5-6, 2014
Paper in proceeding

Greenhouse gas emissions of packaged fluid milk production in Tehran

Ali Daneshi, Abbas Esmaili-sari, Mohammad Daneshi et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 80, p. 150-158
Journal article

Corporate environmental strategies and performance: A longitudinal study

Pernilla Gluch, Mathias Petter Gustafsson, Liane Thuvander et al
Proceedings 29th Annual ARCOM Conference, 2-4 September 2013, Reading, UK, p. 1197-1207
Paper in proceeding

Agricultural life cycle assessment (LCA) as a routine exercise in Iran: Opportunities and challenges

Ali Daneshi, Abbas Esmaili-sari, Mohamad Daneshi et al
The 6th International Conference on Life Cycle Management in Gothenburg 2013
Paper in proceeding

LCA as an element in environmental management systems—comparison of conditions in selected organisations in Poland, Sweden and Germany. Part 2: Results of survey research

Anna Lewandowska, Kurczewski Przemyslaw, Joanna Kulczycka et al
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 18 (2), p. 481-489
Journal article

Organizing sustainable product chains: LCM in practice

Hanna Lindén, Henrikke Baumann
Presented at the 6th International Conference on Life Cycle Management (LCM) in Gothenburg, Sweden, August 25-28, 2013
Conference poster

LCA as an element in environmental management systems—comparison of conditions in selected organizations in Poland, Sweden and Germany. Part 1: Background and initial assumptions

Anna Lewandowska, Kurczewski Przemyslaw, Joanna Kulczycka et al
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 18 (2), p. 472-480
Journal article

The role of knowledge and capabilities in a sustainable product chain context - a literature review

Hanna Lindén, Henrikke Baumann, Andreas Diedrich
Proceedings of the 8th EISAM colloquium on Organizational Change & Development (OCD) in Ghent, Belgium, September 12-13, 2013
Paper in proceeding

Future use of life-cycle assessment in civil engineering

Jacqueline Glass, Tom Dyer, Costas Georgopoulos et al
Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Construction Materials. Vol. 166 (4), p. 204-212
Journal article

Mapping the Diversity of Industrial Symbiosis: Comparative analysis of European public and private efforts to develop symbiotic networks

Frank Boons, Wouter Spekkink, Wenting Jiao et al
7th International Society for industrial Ecology Biennial Conference
Paper in proceeding

Does the Production of an Airbag Injure more People than the Airbag Saves in Traffic?: Opting for an Empirically Based Approach to Social Life Cycle Assessment

Henrikke Baumann, Rickard Arvidsson, Hui Tong et al
Journal of Industrial Ecology. Vol. 17 (4), p. 517-527
Journal article

Bring on the ‘soft’ sciences: Exploring implications of grounding life cycle methods in three socio-material philosophies

Mathias Lindkvist, Henrikke Baumann
6th International Conference on Life Cycle Management, Gothenburg, Sweden, 25-28 August 2013
Paper in proceeding

The role of knowledge and capabilities in the environmental context — a literature review

Hanna Lindén, Henrikke Baumann, Andreas Diedrich
Presented at the 7th International Society for industrial Ecology (ISIE) Biennial Conference, in Ulsan, South Korea, June 25-28, 2013
Other conference contribution

A product chain organisation study of certified cocoa supply

George Afrane, Rickard Arvidsson, Henrikke Baumann et al
6th International Conference on Life Cycle Management, LCM2013, 25-28 August 2013,Göteborg
Paper in proceeding

Quantifying and managing GHG emissions in global agri-food supply chains: A case study on cocoa farming in Ghana.

Emma Keller, Jaqi Lee, Roland Clift et al
7th International Society for Industrial Ecology conference
Paper in proceeding

Organizing sustainable product chains of a multinational corporation: life cycle management in practice

Hanna Lindén, Henrikke Baumann
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Life Cycle Management (LCM 2013) in Gothenburg, Sweden, August 26-28, 2013
Paper in proceeding

Byggsektorns miljöarbete kan skapa nya affärer

Pernilla Gluch, Henrikke Baumann, Mathias Petter Gustafsson et al
Husbyggaren (5/12), p. 28-33
Magazine article

The building with LCA. Lessons on method and application after 20+ years of experience

Henrikke Baumann
LimesNet Research Conference 2012
Other conference contribution

Using the life cycle approach for structuring organizational studies of product chains

Henrikke Baumann
Greening of Industry Network 2012 conference
Paper in proceeding

Conceptualizing sustainable development and global supply chains

Frank Boons, Henrikke Baumann, Jeremy Hall
Ecological Economics. Vol. 83, p. 134-143
Journal article

Industrial Symbiosis in Europe

Wouter Spekkink, Frank Boons, Leo Baas et al
International Society for Industrial Ecology 2011
Paper in proceeding

The Usefulness of an Actor’s Perspective in LCA

Henrikke Baumann, Johanna Berlin, Birgit Brunklaus et al
Towards Life Cycle Sustainability Management, p. 73-83
Paper in proceeding

Sustainable Development Information Flows along Product Chains at Eka Chemicals

Ulrika Palme, Henrikke Baumann, Karin Andersson Halldén et al
International Society for Industrial Ecology 2011
Paper in proceeding

Twelve years of environmental work in the Swedish construction industry

Liane Thuvander, Pernilla Gluch, Mathias Petter Gustafsson et al
Proceedings from the International Sustainable Building Conference SB11 in Helsinki 18-21October 2011
Paper in proceeding

Life Cycle Assessment on Life and Death: Comparing Lives Saved by an Airbag with Lives Lost during Its Production

Henrikke Baumann, Rickard Arvidsson, Hui Tong et al
6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology, Berkley, California, June 7-10, 2011
Other conference contribution

Miljöbarometern: 12 års miljöarbete i bygg- och fastighetssektorn – vad har hänt och vart är vi på väg?

Pernilla Gluch, Henrikke Baumann, Mathias Petter Gustafsson et al

Lifecycle assessments

Henrikke Baumann
The Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability, vol 2 The Business of Sustainability, p. 309-314
Book chapter

The environmental significance of management practices: Exploring the eco-efficiency of 6 cases

Mathias Lindkvist, Henrikke Baumann
Proceedings of Knowledge Collaboration & Learning for Sustainable Innovation (14th ERSCP & 6th EMSU)
Other conference contribution

Illustrating limitations of energy studies of buildings with LCA and actor analysis

Birgit Brunklaus, C. Thormark, Henrikke Baumann
Building Research and Information. Vol. 38 (3), p. 265-279
Journal article

Environmental management in a diaper product chain

Annsofie Gullbring, Hanna Lindén, Henrikke Baumann
Proceedings of the 10th EURAM conference
Paper in proceeding

Don’t fence me in… Om miljöforskning, tvärvetenskap och konsten att överleva inter-disciplinära korsdrag

Henrikke Baumann
Vad skall vi ha universiteten till? Ett seminarium om den vetenskapliga kunskapens värden och användning
Other conference contribution

Don't fence me in...

Henrikke Baumann
Social embeddedness of Industrial Ecology, p. chp 3-
Book chapter

Managing Stakeholders or the Environment? The Challenge of Relating Indicators in Practice

Birgit Brunklaus, Tove Malmqvist, Henrikke Baumann
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. Vol. 2009 (16), p. 27-37
Journal article

Passivhusens miljöpåverkan under lupp

Birgit Brunklaus, Henrikke Baumann, Catarina Thormark
Samhällsbyggaren. Vol. 2009 (2), p. 7-9
Magazine article

Implications of an interpretive understanding of LCA practice

Henrikke Baumann, Emma Rex
Business Strategy and the Environment. Vol. 17 (7), p. 420-430
Journal article

Passivhus och konventionella hus - en miljöjämförelse

Birgit Brunklaus, Catarina Thormark, Henrikke Baumann
Bygg och Teknik. Vol. 2008 (5), p. 29-30
Magazine article

Nordic Post-Graduate Sustainable Design and Engineering Research from a Supervisor Perspective

Casper Boks, Andrius Plepys, Tim McAloone et al
NordDesign 2008
Paper in proceeding

Miljökrav måste ställas när energikällor väljs

Birgit Brunklaus, Catarina Thormark, Henrikke Baumann
Husbyggaren. Vol. 2008 (5), p. 30-33
Magazine article

Simple material relations handled by complicated organisation by or ’How many (organisations) does it take to change a lightbulb?’

Henrikke Baumann
What is an organization? Materiality, Agency and Discourse, May 21-22, 2008, HEC Montréal, Université de Montréal, Quebec, Canada
Paper in proceeding

Beyond ecolabels: what green marketing can learn from conventional marketing

Emma Rex, Henrikke Baumann
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 15 (6), p. 567-576
Journal article

Individual adaptation of industry LCA practice: Results from two case studies in the Swedish forest products industry

Emma Rex, Henrikke Baumann
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 12 (4), p. 266-271
Journal article

Life cycling in organisations for life cycle organisation

Henrikke Baumann
Governance and Life cycle analysis workshop, Calcas, ENEA, September 27-28, 2007, Brussels, Belgium
Other conference contribution

Interpretations of corporate environmental policy: Challenges for environmental communication and action

Emma Rex, Henrikke Baumann
13th International Conference of Greening of Industry Network, July 2-5 2006, Cardiff, Wales, UK
Other conference contribution

Social practices, structure and agency: Effects on environmental management in construction projects

Pernilla Gluch, Henrikke Baumann, Christine Räisänen
13th International Greening of Industry Network Conference, City Hall, Cardiff, 2-5 July 2006
Other conference contribution

Implications of an interpretative-based understanding of LCA practice

Emma Rex, Henrikke Baumann
11th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, Finland, June 6-8, 2005
Other conference contribution

Life cycle assessment – introduction and overview

Andrea Russell, Tomas Ekvall, Henrikke Baumann
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 13 (13-14), p. 1207-1210
Magazine article

Environmental Implications of a Structural Change in the Commercial Property Sector

Örjan Lundberg, Henrikke Baumann
Business Strategy and the Environment, 5-6 September, 2005, Leeds, UK,
Other conference contribution

Operative images and translations of the life cycle concept: Life cycle thinking outside the environmental department

Emma Rex, Henrikke Baumann
LCM 2005 - Innovation by Life Cycle Management International Conference Barcelona, September, 5-7, 2005
Other conference contribution

Eco-labels and electric monks

Roland Clift, Rosalind Malcolm, Henrikke Baumann et al
Journal of Industrial Ecology. Vol. 9 (3), p. 4-7
Magazine article

Environmental assessment of organising: towards a framework for the study of organisational influence on environmental performance

Henrikke Baumann
Progress in Industrial Ecology. Vol. 1 (1-3), p. 292-306
Journal article

The life cycle costing (LCC) approach: a conceptual discussion of its usefulness for environmental decision-making

Pernilla Gluch, Henrikke Baumann
Building and Environment. Vol. 39, p. 571-580
Journal article

Environmental improvement potential of existing residential buildings - managers role and scope of action

Birgit Brunklaus, Henrikke Baumann
Annual meeting. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC Europe) ; 14 (Prague) : 2004.04.18-22
Paper in proceeding

Miljöbarometern för byggsektorn 2002

Henrikke Baumann, Birgit Brunklaus, Pernilla Gluch et al

Publish and perish? The impact of citation indexing on the development of new fields of environmental research

Henrikke Baumann
Journal of Industrial Ecology. Vol. 6 (3-4), p. 13-26
Journal article

Dålig marknad för ’miljöhus’: Byggföretag kräver skärpt lagstiftning

Henrikke Baumann
Miljöforskning. Vol. 2002 (6), p. 34-36
Magazine article

Mapping the green product development field: engineering, policy and business perspectives

Henrikke Baumann, Frank Boons, Annica Bragd
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 10 (5), p. 409-425
Journal article

After 10 years and 300 students. Our LCA teaching experience.

Anne-Marie Tillman, Henrikke Baumann
Engineering Education in Sustainable Development, p. 611-616
Paper in proceeding

Environmental drivers, management and results in Swedish building industry. A surevey within the International Business Environmental Barometer

Henrikke Baumann, Birgit Brunklaus, Pernilla Gluch et al
Proceedings of International Conference of Sustainable Building 2002, p. 16-
Paper in proceeding

Environmental assessment of housing management with LCA and time series

Birgit Brunklaus, Henrikke Baumann
1th International Life Cycle Management conference, 27-29 august 2001, Copenhagen
Conference poster

Introduction and Organisation of LCA Activities in Industry — Description and Analysis of Two LCA Projects in Swedish Companies

Henrikke Baumann
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 5 (6), p. 363-368
Journal article

Det specifika med miljösystemanalysen

Henrikke Baumann, Anne-Marie Tillman, Sverker Molander

LCA in practice. A description of the implementation in two Swedish companies and its (surprising) effects

Henrikke Baumann
The 8th international Greening of Industry Network conference
Paper in proceeding

An evaluative framework for conceptual and analytical approaches used in environmental management

Henrikke Baumann, Sarah J Cowell
Greener Management International. Vol. 26, p. 109-122
Journal article

The Use of LCA in Business Decision-Making Processes and Its Implications for Environmental Policy

Frieder Rubik, Paolo Frankl, Matteo Bartolomeo et al

LCA use in Swedish industry

Henrikke Baumann
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 1 (3), p. 122-126
Journal article

General Description of Life Cycle Assessment Methodology

Henrikke Baumann, Anne-Marie Tillman

Decision making and Life Cycle Assessment

Henrikke Baumann
Licentiate thesis

A Beginner's introduction to LCA

Henrikke Baumann

Choice of system boundaries in life cycle assessment

Anne-Marie Tillman, Tomas Ekvall, Henrikke Baumann et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 2 (1), p. 21-29
Journal article

Life cycle assessment: A comparison of three methods for impact analysis and evaluation

Henrikke Baumann, Tomas Rydberg
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 2 (1), p. 13-20
Journal article

Discussion of methods for the ecotoxicological classification in life-cycle analysis (LCA)

Sverker Molander, Anne-Marie Tillman, Torbjörn Svensson et al
Paper presented at the SETAC, SECOTOX and UMIP/EDIP workshop on "LCA-classification and Evaluation of Ecological Impact Assessment" Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark, January 7-8 1993, 12 pp
Other conference contribution

Miljön och förpackningarna. Livscykelanalyser för förpackningsmaterial - beräkning av miljöbelastning

Anne-Marie Tillman, Henrikke Baumann, Elin Eriksson et al

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Showing 9 research projects


TwinWins: Measuring business model environmental performance

Henrikke Baumann Environmental Systems Analysis
Anna Wikström Project and Centre Management
Ana Carolina Bertassini Environmental Systems Analysis
Kamprad Family Foundation

3 publications exist

Efficient electrified logistics to access restricted areas (EELAB)

Henrikke Baumann Environmental Systems Analysis
Swedish Energy Agency


Demonstrating sustainable value creation from industrial CO 2 by its thermophilic microbial conversion into acetone (PYROCO2)

Mathias Janssen Environmental Systems Analysis
Henrikke Baumann Environmental Systems Analysis
Evelina Nyqvist Environmental Systems Analysis
European Commission (EC)

2 publications exist

Mistra REES (Resource-effective and efficient solutions) phase 2

Maria Ljunggren Environmental Systems Analysis
Adeline Jerome Environmental Systems Analysis
Mathias Janssen Environmental Systems Analysis
Harald Helander Environmental Systems Analysis
Anne-Marie Tillman Environmental Systems Analysis
Hampus André Environmental Systems Analysis
Daniel Böckin Environmental Systems Analysis
Henrikke Baumann Environmental Systems Analysis
Siri Willskytt Environmental Systems Analysis
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (Mistra)

19 publications exist

Kartläggning av plastavfallsströmmar

Henrikke Baumann Environmental Systems Analysis


Integration of LCa in the planning, design and construction of residential buildings

Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Henrikke Baumann Environmental Systems Analysis


Environmentally more effective organising of recycling – comparative case study for metal packaging in Sweden and the Netherlands

Henrikke Baumann Environmental Systems Analysis
Mathias Lindkvist Environmental Systems Analysis
Maria Ljunggren Söderman Environmental Systems Analysis
J. Gust. Richert stiftelse
Ragnar Sellbergs Stiftelse

3 publications exist

Organisational Capabilities for Life Cycle Management

Anne-Marie Tillman Environmental Systems Analysis
Hanna Lindén Environmental Systems Analysis
Henrikke Baumann Environmental Systems Analysis

5 publications exist

Assembling Social Industrial Ecology

Henrikke Baumann Environmental Systems Analysis

There might be more projects where Henrikke Baumann participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.