Henrikke Baumann
Henrikke är professor inom Industri- och hushållsekologier. Hennes forskning innefattar: Tvärvetenskaplig forskning, pionjär inom LCA, livscykelmanagement (LCM), aktörsnätverk i produktsystem, affärsmodells-LCA, samhällets materialflöden, plast-i-hav, organisatoriska processer inflytande på miljöprestanda.

Visar 139 publikationer
Sustainable Business Models Assessment: what are the social dimensions?
Towards sustainable business models with a novel life cycle assessment method
Switching the focus from product function to business profit: Introducing business model LCA
A sociomaterial conceptualization of flows in industrial ecology
Life cycle work: A process study of the emergence and performance of life cycle practice
Science Communication and Social LCA: Can the twain meet? Initial findings from an Oatly study
On the introduction of a community resilience framework to Social Life Cycle Assessment
Managing Plastics: Uses, Losses and Disposal
A Swedish comment on ‘review: the availability of life-cycle studies in Sweden’
Plastic litter cleanup operations: learnings from 4 LCAs
LCM development: Focusing on the LC promoters and their organizational problem-solving
12 x LCM : Variants of life cycle management
Product chain collaboration for sustainability – A business case for life cycle management
A method for human health impact assessment in social LCA: lessons from three case studies
Preface: Recognizing Management in LCM
Marine plastic litter on Small Island Developing States (SIDS): Impacts and measures.
Translating environmental LCM through an organization - From LCA to LCM
Plastic debris: Recycling options for closing the loop
Planning transport futures. Backcasting vs forecasting.
One, two, three, many! or…? Mapping of the controversy over the Swedish West Coast shrimp
Populating and popularizing flow studies. What I Learned from the Social Sciences and Humanities.
Environmental Impact of Water Use in Life Cycle of Milk Production
The Industrial Ecology of the Göteborg City Region — a first appraisal
Comparing industrial symbiosis in Europe: towards a conceptual framework and research methodology
A review of social science in five industrial ecology journals
LCM in industry practices; it is not all about tools. Learnings from a multinational corporation.
Linking environmental LCM and knowledge management: The case of a multinational corporation
Charting corporate greening: environmental management trends in Sweden
Energy assessment in product chain of pasteurized milk: agronomy, animal farm and processing plant
Greenhouse gas emissions of packaged fluid milk production in Tehran
The role of knowledge and capabilities in a sustainable product chain context - a literature review
Future use of life-cycle assessment in civil engineering
Corporate environmental strategies and performance: A longitudinal study
Agricultural life cycle assessment (LCA) as a routine exercise in Iran: Opportunities and challenges
Organizing sustainable product chains: LCM in practice
The role of knowledge and capabilities in the environmental context — a literature review
A product chain organisation study of certified cocoa supply
Using the life cycle approach for structuring organizational studies of product chains
Conceptualizing sustainable development and global supply chains
Byggsektorns miljöarbete kan skapa nya affärer
The building with LCA. Lessons on method and application after 20+ years of experience
Sustainable Development Information Flows along Product Chains at Eka Chemicals
Twelve years of environmental work in the Swedish construction industry
The Usefulness of an Actor’s Perspective in LCA
Industrial Symbiosis in Europe
The environmental significance of management practices: Exploring the eco-efficiency of 6 cases
Illustrating limitations of energy studies of buildings with LCA and actor analysis
Environmental management in a diaper product chain
Managing Stakeholders or the Environment? The Challenge of Relating Indicators in Practice
Passivhusens miljöpåverkan under lupp
Nordic Post-Graduate Sustainable Design and Engineering Research from a Supervisor Perspective
Implications of an interpretive understanding of LCA practice
Passivhus och konventionella hus - en miljöjämförelse
Miljökrav måste ställas när energikällor väljs
Beyond ecolabels: what green marketing can learn from conventional marketing
Life cycling in organisations for life cycle organisation
Social practices, structure and agency: Effects on environmental management in construction projects
Implications of an interpretative-based understanding of LCA practice
Life cycle assessment introduction and overview
Environmental Implications of a Structural Change in the Commercial Property Sector
The Hitch Hiker's Guide to LCA. An orientation in life cycle assessment methodology and application
Miljöbarometern för byggsektorn 2002
Dålig marknad för ’miljöhus’: Byggföretag kräver skärpt lagstiftning
Mapping the green product development field: engineering, policy and business perspectives
After 10 years and 300 students. Our LCA teaching experience.
Environmental assessment of housing management with LCA and time series
Det specifika med miljösystemanalysen
An evaluative framework for conceptual and analytical approaches used in environmental management
Life Cycle Assessment and Decision Making: Theories and Practices
The Use of LCA in Business Decision-Making Processes and Its Implications for Environmental Policy
General Description of Life Cycle Assessment Methodology
Choice of system boundaries in life cycle assessment
Life cycle assessment: A comparison of three methods for impact analysis and evaluation
Discussion of methods for the ecotoxicological classification in life-cycle analysis (LCA)
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Visar 9 forskningsprojekt
TwinWins: Measuring business model environmental performance
Effektiv elektrifierad logistik till accessbegränsade områden (EELAB)
Mistra REES (Resource-effective and efficient solutions) phase 2
Kartläggning av plastavfallsströmmar
Integrering av LCA i planering, utformning och konstruktion av bostäder
Organisering av livscykelarbete
För en samhällelig industriell ekologi