Exponential Roadmap: Scaling 36 Solutions to Halve Emissions by 2030
Report, 2019
The roadmap is consistent with the Paris Agreement’s goal to keep global average temperature “well below 2°C” and aiming for 1.5°C above pre- industrial levels.
The 2019 roadmap is the second in the series. Each new roadmap updates solutions that have proven potential to scale and charts progress towards exponential scaling. The roadmap, based on the carbon law (see box) is a collaboration between academia, business and civil society.
The roadmap is complemented with a high-ambition narrative, Meeting the 1.5°C Ambition, that presents the case why holding global average temperature increase to just 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels is important. Since the first roadmap, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published its special report on 1.5°C. The report concluded that the economic and humanitarian risks of a 2°C world are significantly higher than 1.5°C.
The remaining emissions budget for 1.5°C is small, and will be exceeded within ten to fifteen years at current emission rates. The window of feasibility is closing rapidly.
The global economic benefit of a low-carbon future is estimated at US$26 trillion by 2030 compared with staying on the current high-carbon pathway.
The scale of transformation – halving emissions by 2030 – is unprecedented but the speed is not. Some cities and companies can transform significantly faster.
Developed nations with significant historic emissions have a responsibility to reduce emissions faster.
Greenhouse gas emissions, and the solutions to reduce them, are grouped by six sectors: energy, industry, transport, buildings, food consumption, nature-based solutions (sources and sinks).
Meeting the 1.5°C goal means implementing solutions in parallel across all sectors.
The solutions must scale exponentially. The roadmap identifies four levers required to scale the transformation as well as necessary actions for each: policy, climate leadership and movements, finance and exponential technology.
Implementation must be fair and just or risk deep resistance.
Johan Falk
Stockholm University
Owen Gaffney
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Tomas Kåberger
Chalmers, Space, Earth and Environment, Physical Resource Theory
Avit K. Bhowmik
Karlstad University
Pernilla Bergmark
Victor Galaz
Stockholm Resilience Centre
Nick Gaskel
Stefan Henningsson
World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF)
Mattias Höjer
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Lisa Jacobson
Future Earth
Krisztina Jónás
Daniel Klingenfeld
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Jennifer Lenhart
World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF)
Brent Loken
Stockholm Resilience Centre
Dag Lundén
Jens Malmodin
Tova Malmqvist
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Victoria Olausson
World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF)
Ilona otto
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Anthony Pearce
World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF)
Erik Pihl
Future Earth
Tomer Shalit
ClimateView AB
Driving Forces
Sustainable development
Areas of Advance
Building Futures (2010-2018)
Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
Other Environmental Engineering
Energy Systems
Exponential Roadmap Initiative