A DNS assessment of linear relations between filtered reaction rate, flame surface density, and scalar dissipation rate in a weakly turbulent premixed flame
Journal article, 2019
that the filtered reaction rate is combined with filtered molecular transport term. In such a case, both the RANS and LES FSD approaches are based on local relations valid within weakly perturbed flamelets. Accordingly, simply recasting RANS expressions to a filtered form works well. On the contrary, while the FSD and SDR approaches appear to be basically similar at first glance, the analysis does not support the latter one, but shows that a ratio of the filtered reaction rate to the filtered SDR is strongly scattered within the studied flame brush, with its conditionally mean value varying significantly
with Favre-filtered combustion progress variable. As argued in the paper, these limitations of the LES SDR approach stem from the fact that it is based on a relation valid after integration over weakly perturbed flamelets, but this relation does not hold locally within such flamelets. Consequently, when a sufficiently small filter is applied to instantaneous fields, the filter may contain only a part of the local flamelet, whereas the linear relation holds solely for the entire flamelet and may not hold within the filtered flamelet volume. Thus, the present study implies that straightforwardly recasting well established RANS equations to a filtered form is a flawed approach if the equations are based on integral features of local burning.
flame surface density
turbulent combustion
scalar dissipation rate
Andrei Lipatnikov
Combustions and Sprays
S. Nishiki
Kagoshima University
Tatsuya Hasegawa
Nagoya University
Combustion Theory and Modelling
1364-7830 (ISSN) 17413559 (eISSN)
Vol. 23 2 245-260Driving Forces
Sustainable development
Subject Categories
Energy Engineering
Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics
Basic sciences