Andrei Lipatnikov
Andrei Lipatnikov graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in 1984 and obtained the Ph.D degree from the same university in 1987. From the graduation until 1996, he had been employed by the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. In July 1996, he was invited to join Chalmers University of Technology, his academic activities has been concerned with investigation of turbulent and laminar combustion processes, pollutant formation in flames, autoignition of premixed mixtures, numerical modeling of combustion in spark ignition engine and industrial combustors. He has published about 200 scientific contributions including 60 journal papers dealing with the above subjects.

Showing 211 publications
Experimental investigation of dust explosions with a focus on black mass in battery recycling
Dependence of Zel’dovich number on pressure and temperature in lean hydrogen-air mixtures
Area increase and stretch factor in lean hydrogen-air turbulent flames
Backscatter of scalar variance in turbulent premixed flames
Turbulent burning velocity and thermodiffusive instability of premixed flames
Influence of small-scale turbulence on internal flamelet structure
Karlovitz numbers and premixed turbulent combustion regimes for complex-chemistry flames
Conditioned structure functions in turbulent hydrogen/air flames
A numerical support of leading point concept
A vented corn starch dust explosion in an 11.5 m3 vessel: Experimental and numerical study
Vented dust explosions: comparing experiments, simulations and standards
Effects of thermal expansion on moderately intense turbulence in premixed flames
Turbulent Flame Structure and Dynamics Combustion Regimes
Lewis number and preferential diffusion effects in lean hydrogen–air highly turbulent flames
Flame folding and conditioned concentration profiles in moderately intense turbulence
Evolution equations for the decomposed components of displacement speed in a reactive scalar field
Dissipation and dilatation rates in premixed turbulent flames
Solenoidal and potential velocity fields in weakly turbulent premixed flames
Scaling of reaction progress variable variance in highly turbulent reaction waves
Smallest scale of wrinkles of a Huygens front in extremely strong turbulence
Evaluation of mean species mass fractions in premixed turbulent flames: A DNS study
Bifractal nature of turbulent reaction waves at high Damköhler and Karlovitz numbers
Numerical simulations of turbulent combustion
Assessment of an evolution equation for the averaged displacement speed of a reactive scalar field
Evolution of averaged local premixed flame thickness in a turbulent flow
DNS study of the bending effect due to smoothing mechanism
Influence of flame-generated vorticity on reaction-zone-surface area in weakly turbulent flows
Surface-averaged quantities in turbulent reacting flows and relevant evolution equations
Thin reaction zones in highly turbulent medium
Statistics conditioned to isoscalar surfaces in highly turbulent premixed reacting systems
Combustion-induced local shear layers within premixed flamelets in weakly turbulent flows
RANS Simulations of Premixed Turbulent Flames
Does flame-generated vorticity increase turbulent burning velocity?
A balance equation for the mean rate of product creation in premixed turbulent flames
Recent advances in understanding of thermal expansion effects in premixed turbulent flames
Flamelet perturbations and flame surface density transport in weakly turbulent premixed combustion
DNS study of dependence of bulk consumption velocity on turbulence and mixture characteristics
DNS study of role played by molecular transport in bending effect
Does Density Ratio Significantly Affect Turbulent Flame Speed?
Turbulent diffusion of chemically reacting flows: Theory and numerical simulations.
Transient Influence of Small-Scale Turbulent Eddies on the Area of a Passive Self-Propagating Front
A transport equation for reaction rate in turbulent flows
Effects of Lewis number on vorticity and enstrophy transport in turbulent premixed flames
Expanding Statistically Spherical Premixed Turbulent Flames and Astrophysical Combustion
Testing a Model of Countergradient Turbulent Transport in RANS Simulations of Premixed Bunsen Flames
Unburned mixture fingers in premixed turbulent flames
Influence of Heat Release in a Premixed Flame on Weakly Turbulent Flow of Unburned Gas: A DNS Study
A direct numerical simulation study of interface propagation in homogeneous turbulence
A balance equation for modeling conditioned enthalpies in premixed turbulent flames
Assessment of a Recent Model of Turbulent Scalar Flux in RANS Simulations of Premixed Bunsen Flames
A recent progress in understanding and modelling of turbulent premixed combustion
A direct numerical simulation study of vorticity transformation in weakly turbulent premixed flames
A newly revealed physical mechanism of an increase in burning rate in a turbulent flow
Transition from pulled to pushed premixed turbulent flames due to countergradient transport
Scalar flux at the leading edge of premixed turbulent flame brush
A modified presumed PDF approach to modeling premixed turbulent flames
Conditioned moments in turbulent premixed flames: A DNS study
Towards an Extension of TFC Model of Premixed Turbulent Combustion
Transition from Countergradient to Gradient Scalar Transport in Developing Premixed Turbulent Flames
RANS Simulations of Confined Preheated Lean Methane/Air Turbulent Flames Under Elevated Pressures
A Simple Test of Presumed PDF Approach to Modeling Premixed Turbulent Flames
Comparison of presumed PDF models of turbulent flames
Propagating flame fronts in turbulent flows: a theoretical and numerical study
Averaging of flamelet-conditioned kinematic equation in turbulent reacting flows
Towards an extension of TFC model of premixed turbulent combustion
Modelling of Gasoline and Ethanol Hollow-Cone Sprays Using OpenFOAM
A simple model for evaluating conditioned velocities in premixed turbulent flames
Conditioned moments in premixed turbulent reacting flows
A test of conditioned balance equation approach
Transient behavior of turbulent scalar transport in premixed flames
Gasoline Direct Injection - Simulations and Experiments
Burning rate in impinging jet flames
A simple model for evaluating conditioned velocities in premixed turbulent flames
A Simple Model of Turbulent Scalar Flux in Premixed Flames
Expansion of Spherical Flames in Turbulent Gas: Phenomenology and Modeling
A Simple Model of Turbulent Scalar Flux in Premixed Flames
Chemical Model of Gasoline-Ethanol Blends for Internal Combustion Engine Applications
A Semi-Detailed Chemical Mechanism of Combustion of Gasoline-Ethanol Blends
Rigorous derivation of an unclosed mean G-equation for statistically 1D premixed turbulent flames
Averaging of flamelet-conditioned kinematic equation in turbulent reacting flows
Chemical model of gasoline-ethanol blends for internal combustion engine applications
G-Equation and Scalar Transport in Turbulent Flames
Some Basic Problems of Modeling Transient Premixed Turbulent Flames
Effects of premixed flames on turbulence and turbulent scalar transport
A Kinematic Equation for Tracking the Mean Flame Surface in a Turbulent Flow
Transient Behavior of Turbulent Scalar Transport in Premixed Flames
A Chemical Model of Gasoline/Ethanol Blends
Testing premixed turbulent combustion models by studying flame dynamics
Can we characterize turbulence in premixed flames?
Testing Conditioned Balance Equations by Simulating Scalar Transport in Premixed Turbulent Flames
Some Basic Issues of the Averaged G-Equation Approach to Premixed Turbulent Combustion Modeling
Can We Characterize Turbulence in Premixed Flames?
Effects of Flame Development on Stationary Premixed Turbulent Combustion
Scalar Transport in Self-Similar, Developing, Premixed, Turbulent Flames
On Characterization of Turbulence in Premixed Flames
Turbulent combustion of hydrogen-air mixtures
Global Stretch Effects in Premixed Turbulent Combustion
A Simple Unified Test of Various Models of Premixed Turbulent Combustion
Numerical modeling of stationary but developing premixed turbulent flames
Premixed Turbulent Flame as a Developing Front with a Self-Similar Structure
A Basic Issue of the Averaged G-Equation Approach to Premixed Turbulent Combustion Modeling
Some Basic Problems of Modeling of Transient Premixed Turbulent Flames
On the Applicability of Coherent Flame Models to Simulations of Developing Turbulent Flames
Effects of Large-Scale Stretching on Turbulent Flame Speed
Numerical Tests of a Measurement Method for Turbulent Burning Velocity
Self-Similarly Developing, Premixed, Turbulent Flames: A Theoretical Study
Scalar transport in self-similar, developing, premixed, turbulent flames
Effects of axial convective waves and turbulent flame speed development on ducted flame oscillations
Effects of Turbulent Flame Development on Thermoacoustic Oscillations
A Theoretical Evaluation of Turbulent Markstein Number for Expanding Spherical Flames
Modeling of Turbulent Scalar Transport in Expanding Spherical Flames
Towards a Theory of Developing Premixed Turbulent FLames
Lewis Number Effects and Vortex Tubes in Premixed Turbulent Flames
Comment on "Turbulent burning velocity, burned gas distribution, and associated flame
Effects of Turbulent Flame Speed Development on Ducted Flame Oscillations
To a Simple Balance Equation for Premixed Turbulent Flame Simulations
A theoretical study of premixed turbulent flame development
Molecular transport effects on turbulent flame propagation and structure
Application of the Markstein Number Concept to Curved Turbulent Flames
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Showing 4 research projects
Modeling of turbulent burning of lean carbon-free mixtures
SafeDust ReLIB: En förstudie om säkerhet kring dammexplosioner vid återvinning av Lithiumbatterier