Effects of premixed flames on turbulence and turbulent scalar transport
Journal article, 2010

Experimental data and results of direct numerical simulations are reviewed in order to show that premixed combustion can change the basic characteristics of a fluctuating velocity field (the so-called flame-generated turbulence) and the direction of scalar fluxes (the so-called countergradient or pressure-driven transport) in a turbulent flow. Various approaches to modeling these phenomena are discussed and the lack of a well-elaborated and widely validated predictive approach is emphasized. Relevant basic issues (the transition from gradient to countergradient scalar transport, the role played by flame-generated turbulence in the combustion rate, the characterization of turbulence in premixed flames, etc.) are critically considered and certain widely accepted concepts are disputed. Despite the Substantial progress made in understanding the discussed effects over the past decades, these basic issues strongly need further research.

Premixed turbulent combustion

Flame instabilities

Flame-generated turbulence

Countergradient transport


Andrei Lipatnikov

Chalmers, Applied Mechanics, Combustion and Propulsion Systems

Jerzy Chomiak

Chalmers, Applied Mechanics, Combustion and Propulsion Systems

Progress in Energy and Combustion Science

0360-1285 (ISSN)

Vol. 36 1 1-102

Subject Categories

Mechanical Engineering



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