Jerzy Chomiak
Showing 32 publications
Unburned mixture fingers in premixed turbulent flames
Influence of Heat Release in a Premixed Flame on Weakly Turbulent Flow of Unburned Gas: A DNS Study
Effects of premixed flames on turbulence and turbulent scalar transport
Flame kernel growth in a rotating gas
Global Stretch Effects in Premixed Turbulent Combustion
On the Applicability of Coherent Flame Models to Simulations of Developing Turbulent Flames
Effects of Large-Scale Stretching on Turbulent Flame Speed
Numerical Tests of a Measurement Method for Turbulent Burning Velocity
Self-Similarly Developing, Premixed, Turbulent Flames: A Theoretical Study
A Theoretical Evaluation of Turbulent Markstein Number for Expanding Spherical Flames
Scalar transport in self-similar, developing, premixed, turbulent flames
Modeling of Turbulent Scalar Transport in Expanding Spherical Flames
Towards a Theory of Developing Premixed Turbulent FLames
Lewis Number Effects and Vortex Tubes in Premixed Turbulent Flames
Comment on "Turbulent burning velocity, burned gas distribution, and associated flame
Effects of Turbulent Flame Speed Development on Ducted Flame Oscillations
A phenomenological model for the prediction of soot formation in diesel spray combustion
Molecular transport effects on turbulent flame propagation and structure
A theoretical study of premixed turbulent flame development
Application of the Markstein Number Concept to Curved Turbulent Flames
Comparison of Cavitation Phenomena in Transparent Upscale Diesel Nozzles
Evaluation of the Results of Initial Engine Tests with STID Equipment
The Structure of Cavitation and its Effect on the Spray Pattern in a Single-Hole Diesel Nozzle
Transient Measurements of Discharge Coefficients of Diesel Nozzles
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