Jerzy Chomiak

Showing 32 publications


A DNS study of the physical mechanisms associated with density ratio influence on turbulent burning velocity in premixed flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak, Vladimir Sabelnikov et al
Combustion Theory and Modelling. Vol. 22 (1), p. 131-155
Journal article

Unburned mixture fingers in premixed turbulent flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak, Vladimir Sabelnikov et al
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. Vol. 35 (2), p. 1401-1408
Journal article

Influence of Heat Release in a Premixed Flame on Weakly Turbulent Flow of Unburned Gas: A DNS Study

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak, Vladimir Sabelnikov et al
Proceedings of the 25th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, 2-7 August 2015, Leeds, UK (paper 74), p. 1-6
Paper in proceeding

Effects of premixed flames on turbulence and turbulent scalar transport

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. Vol. 36 (1), p. 1-102
Journal article

Different methods of flame quenching: Flame propagation in a rotating cylindrical vessel: Mechanism of flame quenching

J. Jarosinski, Jerzy Chomiak
Combustion Phenomena: Selected Mechanisms of Flame Formation, Propagation and Extinction, p. 128-136
Book chapter

Flame kernel growth in a rotating gas

Jerzy Chomiak, A. Gorczakowski, T. Parra et al
Combustion Science and Technology. Vol. 180 (2), p. 391-399
Journal article

Global Stretch Effects in Premixed Turbulent Combustion

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. Vol. 31, p. 1361-1368
Journal article

On the Applicability of Coherent Flame Models to Simulations of Developing Turbulent Flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 25-29, 2006, p. 577-580
Paper in proceeding

Effects of Large-Scale Stretching on Turbulent Flame Speed

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 25-29, 2006, p. 573-576
Paper in proceeding

Numerical Tests of a Measurement Method for Turbulent Burning Velocity

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
Combustion Science and Technology. Vol. 178, p. 1117-1151
Journal article

Self-Similarly Developing, Premixed, Turbulent Flames: A Theoretical Study

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 17, p. 065105-
Journal article

A Theoretical Evaluation of Turbulent Markstein Number for Expanding Spherical Flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
20th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, July 31 - August 1, 2005, Monthreal, Canada
Paper in proceeding

Scalar transport in self-similar, developing, premixed, turbulent flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
Proceedings of the Fourth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, 6-10 October, 2005, Lisbon, Portugal
Paper in proceeding

Modeling of Turbulent Scalar Transport in Expanding Spherical Flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
SAE Paper 2005-01-2109
Paper in proceeding

Towards a Theory of Developing Premixed Turbulent FLames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
XIII Symposium on Combustion and Explosions. Abstracts, Chernogolovka, Russia, p. 17-18
Other conference contribution

Flame Speed Closure Model of Premixed and Partially Premixed Turbulent Combustion: Further Development and Validation

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Diagnostics and Modeling of Combustion in Internal Combustion Engines, Yokohama, Japan, August 2-5, 2004, p. 583-590
Journal article

Cavitation: a Contributary Factor in the Transition from Symmetric to Asymmetric Jets in Cross-flow Nozzles

Lionel Christopher Ganippa, Göran Bark, Sven B Andersson et al
Experiments in Fluids. Vol. Vol. 36, p. pp. 627 - 634
Journal article

Lewis Number Effects and Vortex Tubes in Premixed Turbulent Flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak, Andrei Betev et al
Micromixing in Turbulent Reactive Flows, p. 9-14
Paper in proceeding

Comment on "Turbulent burning velocity, burned gas distribution, and associated flame

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
Combustion and Flame. Vol. 137, p. 261-263
Magazine article

Effects of Turbulent Flame Speed Development on Ducted Flame Oscillations

Pratap Sathiah, Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
The Eleventh International Congress on Sound and Vibration. St. Petersburg,
Paper in proceeding

A phenomenological model for the prediction of soot formation in diesel spray combustion

Feng Tao, Valeri Golovitchev, Jerzy Chomiak
Combustion and Flame. Vol. 136, p. 270-282
Journal article

Molecular transport effects on turbulent flame propagation and structure

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
Progress Energy and Combustion Science
Journal article

A theoretical study of premixed turbulent flame development

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 30
Journal article

A study of the effects of pressure-driven transport on developing turbulent flame structure and propagation

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
Combustion Theory and Modelling. Vol. 8(2), p. 211-225
Journal article

Application of the Markstein Number Concept to Curved Turbulent Flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
Combustion Science and Technology. Vol. 176, p. 331-358
Journal article

Effects of Flame Development and Structure on Thermo-Acoustic Oscillations of Premixed Turbulent Flames

Pratap Sathiah, Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
2004 ASME Heat Transfer/Fluids Engineering Summer Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, July 11-15. Vol. 4, p. 107-114
Paper in proceeding

Combustion Characteristics of Diesel Sprays from Equivalent Nozzles with Sharp and Rounded Inlet Geometries

Lionel Christopher Ganippa, Andreas Matsson, Sven B Andersson et al
Combustion Science and Technology. Vol. 176, p. 1015-1032
Journal article

Comparison of Cavitation Phenomena in Transparent Upscale Diesel Nozzles

Lionel Christopher Ganippa, Göran Bark, Sven B Andersson et al
Fourth International Symposium on Cavitation
Paper in proceeding

The Structure of Cavitation and its Effect on the Spray Pattern in a Single-Hole Diesel Nozzle

Lionel Christopher Ganippa, Göran Bark, Sven B Andersson et al
SAE paper 2001-01-2008
Paper in proceeding

Transient Measurements of Discharge Coefficients of Diesel Nozzles

Lionel Christopher Ganippa, Sven B Andersson, Jerzy Chomiak
SAE paper 2000-01-2788
Paper in proceeding

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