Andrei Lipatnikov

Forskningsprofessor vid Energiomvandling och framdrivningssystem

Mer information om Andrei Lipatnikov finns på Chalmers engelska sidor.

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Visar 210 publikationer


Dependence of Zel’dovich number on pressure and temperature in lean hydrogen-air mixtures

Seyed Morteza Mousavi, Andrei Lipatnikov
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. Vol. 40 (1-4)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Experimental investigation of dust explosion risks in black mass from Lithium-Ion Battery (LIB) recycling plants

Chen Huang, Andrei Lipatnikov, Cecilia Lövström
Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention and Mitigation of Industrial Explosions (ISHPMIE 2024), p. 1127-1135
Paper i proceeding

Opposite effects of flame-generated potential and solenoidal velocity fluctuations on flame surface area in moderately intense turbulence

Andrei Lipatnikov, Vladimir Sabelnikov, Nikolay V. Nikitin
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. Vol. 40 (1-4)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Experimental investigation of internal structures of NH3/H2/O2/N2 premixed jet flames using multi-scalar imaging

Ze Wang, Xun Le, Tao Li et al
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. Vol. 40 (1-4)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Experimental study of the influence of Lewis number, laminar flame thickness, temperature, and pressure on turbulent flame speed using hydrogen and methane fuels

H.-Y. Hsieh, Seyed Morteza Mousavi, Andrei Lipatnikov et al
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. Vol. 40 (1-4)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Transition from turbulence-dominated to instability-dominated combustion regime in lean hydrogen-air flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Hsu Chew Lee, Peng Dai et al
Combustion and Flame. Vol. 259
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Area increase and stretch factor in lean hydrogen-air turbulent flames

Hsu Chew Lee, B. Wu, Peng Dai et al
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. Vol. 40 (1-4)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Investigation of burning velocity of lean and rich premixed NH3/H2 turbulent flames using multi-scalar imaging

Xun Li, Z. Wang, T. Li et al
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. Vol. 40 (1-4)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Are differential diffusion effects of importance when burning hydrogen under elevated pressures and temperatures?

Seyed Morteza Mousavi, Andrei Lipatnikov
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Vol. 49 (B), p. 1048-1058
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Simple criterion of importance of laminar flame instabilities in premixed turbulent combustion of mixtures characterized by low Lewis numbers

Jerzy Chomiak, Andrei Lipatnikov
Physical Review E. Vol. 107 (1)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Turbulent burning velocity and thermodiffusive instability of premixed flames

HsuChew Lee, B. Wu, Peng Dai et al
Physical Review E. Vol. 108 (3)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Displacement speed, flame surface density, and burning rate in highly turbulent premixed flames characterized by low Lewis numbers

HsuChew Lee, Peng Dai, Minping Wan et al
Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 961
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Backscatter of scalar variance in turbulent premixed flames

Vladimir Sabelnikov, Andrei Lipatnikov, Nikitin Nikolay et al
Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 960
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A priori test of perfectly stirred reactor approach to evaluating mean fuel consumption and heat release rates in highly turbulent premixed flames

Andrei Lipatnikov
International Journal of Engine Research. Vol. 24 (9), p. 4034-4043
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A priori test of perfectly stirred reactor approach to evaluating mean fuel consumption and heat release rates in highly turbulent premixed f lames

Andrei Lipatnikov
International Journal of Engine Research. Vol. In Press
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

An experimental study of the influence of Lewis number on turbulent flame speed at different pressures

Andrei Lipatnikov, Yi Rong Chen, Shenqyang Shy
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. Vol. 39 (2), p. 2339-2347
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Influence of small-scale turbulence on internal flamelet structure

Andrei Lipatnikov, V. A. Sabelnikov
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 35 (5)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Conditioned structure functions in turbulent hydrogen/air flames

Vladimir Sabelnikov, Andrei Lipatnikov, Nikitin Nikolay et al
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 34 (8)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Influence of equivalence ratio on turbulent burning velocity and extreme fuel consumption rate in lean hydrogen-air turbulent flames

HsuChew Lee, Abouelmagd Abdelsamie, Peng Dai et al
Fuel. Vol. 327
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A DNS study of extreme and leading points in lean hydrogen-air turbulent flames - part II: Local velocity field and flame topology

Hsu Chew Lee, Peng Dai, Minping Wan et al
Combustion and Flame. Vol. 235
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Karlovitz numbers and premixed turbulent combustion regimes for complex-chemistry flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Vladimir Sabelnikov
Energies. Vol. 15, p. 1-18

A numerical support of leading point concept

Hsu Chew Lee, Peng Dai, Minping Wan et al
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Vol. 47 (55), p. 23444-23461
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A vented corn starch dust explosion in an 11.5 m3 vessel: Experimental and numerical study

Chen Huang, Marius Bloching, Andrei Lipatnikov
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries. Vol. 75, p. 1-10
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Effects of thermal expansion on moderately intense turbulence in premixed flames

Vladimir Sabelnikov, Andrei Lipatnikov, Nikolay V. Nikitin et al
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 34 (11)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Turbulent Flame Structure and Dynamics Combustion Regimes

Vladimir Sabelnikov, Andrei Lipatnikov, Xue Song Bai et al
Advanced Turbulent Combustion Physics and Applications, p. 25-99
Kapitel i bok

A DNS study of extreme and leading points in lean hydrogen-air turbulent flames – Part I: Local thermochemical structure and reaction rates

Hsu Chew Lee, Peng Dai, Minping Wan et al
Combustion and Flame. Vol. 235
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Investigation of Charge Mixing and Stratified Fuel Distribution in a DISI Engine Using Rayleigh Scattering and Numerical Simulations

Stina Hemdal, Andrei Lipatnikov
Mechanisms and Machine Science. Vol. 114, p. 87-206
Kapitel i bok

Lewis number and preferential diffusion effects in lean hydrogen–air highly turbulent flames

HsuChew Lee, Peng Dai, Minping Wan et al
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 34 (3)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Vented dust explosions: comparing experiments, simulations and standards

Chen Huang, Marius Bloching, Andrei Lipatnikov
10th International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards, p. 1-9
Paper i proceeding

Flame folding and conditioned concentration profiles in moderately intense turbulence

Andrei Lipatnikov, Vladimir Sabelnikov
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 34 (6)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Validation of leading point concept in RANS simulations of highly turbulent lean syngas-air flames with well-pronounced diffusional-thermal effects

Salman Verma, Florian Monnier, Andrei Lipatnikov
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Vol. 46 (13), p. 9222-9233
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Evolution equations for the decomposed components of displacement speed in a reactive scalar field

Rixin Yu, Thommie Nilsson, Christer Fureby et al
Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 911
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Application of Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition and conditioned structure functions to exploring influence of premixed combustion on turbulence upstream of the flame

V. A. Sabelnikov, Andrei Lipatnikov, Nikolay Nikitin et al
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. Vol. 38 (2), p. 3077-3085
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Influence of molecular transport on burning rate and conditioned species concentrations in highly turbulent premixed flames

HsuChew Lee, Peng Dai, Minping Wan et al
Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 928
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Assessment of a flamelet approach to evaluating mean species mass fractions in moderately and highly turbulent premixed flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Thommie Nilsson, Rixin Yu et al
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 33 (4)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Assessment of an Evolution Equation for the Displacement Speed of a Constant-Density Reactive Scalar Field

Rixin Yu, Thommie Nilsson, Geert Brethouwer et al
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. Vol. 106 (4), p. 1091-1110
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Solenoidal and potential velocity fields in weakly turbulent premixed flames

V. A. Sabelnikov, Andrei Lipatnikov, Nikolay Nikitin et al
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. Vol. 38 (2), p. 3087-3095
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Prediction of mean radical concentrations in lean hydrogen-air turbulent flames at different Karlovitz numbers adopting a newly extended flamelet-based presumed PDF

Andrei Lipatnikov, Vladimir Sabelnikov, Francesco Hernandez-Perez et al
Combustion and Flame. Vol. 226, p. 248-259
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Smallest scale of wrinkles of a Huygens front in extremely strong turbulence

V. A. Sabelnikov, Andrei Lipatnikov, A. I. Troshin
Physical Review E. Vol. 104 (4)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Scaling of reaction progress variable variance in highly turbulent reaction waves

V. A. Sabelnikov, Andrei Lipatnikov
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 33 (8)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Dissipation and dilatation rates in premixed turbulent flames

Vladimir Sabelnikov, Andrei Lipatnikov, Shinnosuke Nishiki et al
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 33 (3)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Passive front propagation in intense turbulence: early transient and late statistically stationary stages of the front area evolution

Vladimir Sabelnikov, Andrei Lipatnikov
Energies. Vol. 14 (16)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Influence of Thermal Expansion on Potential and Rotational Components of Turbulent Velocity Field Within and Upstream of Premixed Flame Brush

Andrei Lipatnikov, V. A. Sabelnikov, N. V. Nikitin et al
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. Vol. 106 (4), p. 1111-1124
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Evaluation of mean species mass fractions in premixed turbulent flames: A DNS study

Andrei Lipatnikov, V. A. Sabelnikov
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. Vol. 38 (4), p. 6413-6420
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Bifractal nature of turbulent reaction waves at high Damköhler and Karlovitz numbers

Vladimir Sabelnikov, Andrei Lipatnikov
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 32 (9)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A new mathematical framework for describing thin-reaction-zone regime of turbulent reacting flows at low Damköhler number

Vladimir Sabelnikov, Andrei Lipatnikov
Fluids. Vol. 5, p. 1-18
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

An extended flamelet-based presumed probability density function for predicting mean concentrations of various species in premixed turbulent flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Vladimir Sabelnikov
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Vol. 45 (55), p. 31162-31178
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A priori DNS study of applicability of flamelet concept to predicting mean concentrations of species in turbulent premixed flames at various Karlovitz numbers

Andrei Lipatnikov, Vladimir Sabelnikov, Francesco Hernandez-Perez et al
Combustion and Flame. Vol. 222, p. 370-382
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Unsteady 3-D RANS simulations of dust explosion in a fan stirred explosion vessel using an open source code

Chen Huang, Andrei Lipatnikov, Ken Nessvi
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries. Vol. 67
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Numerical simulations of turbulent combustion

Andrei Lipatnikov
Fluids. Vol. 5 (1)

Assessment of an evolution equation for the averaged displacement speed of a reactive scalar field

Rixin Yu, Thommie Nillson, Xue Song Bai et al
Proceedings of the Eleventh Mediterranean Combustion Symposium MCS11, p. 1-12
Paper i proceeding

A DNS assessment of linear relations between filtered reaction rate, flame surface density, and scalar dissipation rate in a weakly turbulent premixed flame

Andrei Lipatnikov, S. Nishiki, Tatsuya Hasegawa
Combustion Theory and Modelling. Vol. 23 (2), p. 245-260
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Evolution of averaged local premixed flame thickness in a turbulent flow

Rixin Yu, Thommie Nillson, Xue Song Bai et al
Combustion and Flame. Vol. 207, p. 232-249
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Statistical behaviors of conditioned two-point second-order structure functions in turbulent premixed flames in different combustion regimes

P Brearley, Umair Ahmed, Nilanjan Chakraborty et al
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 31 (11)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Assessment of a transport equation for mean reaction rate using DNS data obtained from highly unsteady premixed turbulent flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Sabelnikov V.A., Alexei Poludnenko
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 134, p. 398-404
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A DNS study of sensitivity of scaling exponents for premixed turbulent consumption velocity to transient effects

Rixin Yu, Andrei Lipatnikov
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. Vol. 102 (3), p. 679-698
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Investigation of the influence of combustion-induced thermal expansion on two-point turbulence statistics using conditioned structure functions

Sabelnikov Vladimir, Andrei Lipatnikov, Shinnosuke Nishiki et al
Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 867, p. 45-76
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

DNS study of the bending effect due to smoothing mechanism

Rixin Yu, Andrei Lipatnikov
Fluids. Vol. 4 (1), p. 1-13
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Influence of flame-generated vorticity on reaction-zone-surface area in weakly turbulent flows

Andrei Lipatnikov, Sabelnikov Vladimir, Shinnosuke Nishiki et al
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Application of conditioned structure functions to exploring influence of premixed combustion on two-point turbulence statistics

Sabelnikov V.A., Andrei Lipatnikov, Shinnosuke Nishiki et al
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. Vol. 37 (2), p. 2433-2441
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Surface-averaged quantities in turbulent reacting flows and relevant evolution equations

Rixin Yu, Andrei Lipatnikov
Physical Review E. Vol. 100, p. 1-18
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Influence of thermal expansion on potential and rotational components of turbulent velocity field within and upstream of premixed flame brush

Andrei Lipatnikov, Vladimir Sabelnikov, Nikitin Nikolay et al
Proceedings of the Eleventh Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, MCS11, p. 1-12
Paper i proceeding

Closure relations for fluxes of flame surface density and scalar dissipation rate in turbulent premixed flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Shinnosuke Nishiki, Tatsuya Hasegawa
Fluids. Vol. 4, p. 1-11
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A direct numerical simulation study of the influence of flame-generated vorticity on reaction-zone-surface area in weakly turbulent premixed combustion

Andrei Lipatnikov, Vladimir Sabelnikov, Shinnosuke Nishiki et al
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 31 (5)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Thin reaction zones in constant-density turbulent flows at low Damköhler numbers: Theory and simulations

Vladimir Sabelnikov, Rixin Yu, Andrei Lipatnikov
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 31 (5), p. 1-19
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Thin reaction zones in highly turbulent medium

Vladimir Sabelnikov, Rixin Yu, Andrei Lipatnikov
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 128, p. 1201-1205
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Statistics conditioned to isoscalar surfaces in highly turbulent premixed reacting systems

Rixin Yu, Andrei Lipatnikov
Computers and Fluids. Vol. 187, p. 69-82
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

LC/MS at the whole protein level: Studies of biomolecular structure and interactions using native LC/MS and cross-path reactive chromatography (XP-RC) MS

Igor A. Kaltashov, Jake W. Pawlowski, Wenhua Yang et al
Methods. Vol. 144, p. 14-26

Combustion-induced local shear layers within premixed flamelets in weakly turbulent flows

Andrei Lipatnikov, vladimir Sabelnikov, Shinnosuke Nishiki et al
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 30 (8), p. 1-10
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

RANS Simulations of Premixed Turbulent Flames

Andrei Lipatnikov
Energy, Environment, and Sustainability, p. 181-240
Kapitel i bok

A DNS study of closure relations for convection flux term in transport equation for mean reaction rate in turbulent flow

Andrei Lipatnikov, Vladimir Sabalnikov, N. Chakraborty et al
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. Vol. 100 (1), p. 75-92
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Transport equations for reaction rate in laminar and turbulent premixed flames characterized by non-unity Lewis number

Andrei Lipatnikov, N. Chakraborty, Vladimir Sabelnikov
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Vol. 43 (45), p. 21060-21069
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Does flame-generated vorticity increase turbulent burning velocity?

Andrei Lipatnikov, Vladimir Sabelnikov, Shinnosuke Nishiki et al
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 30 (8)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Large Eddy Simulation of Stratified Combustion in Spray-guided Direct Injection Spark-ignition Engine

Sandip Wadekar, Michael Oevermann, Andrei Lipatnikov
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2018-April
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A DNS study of the physical mechanisms associated with density ratio influence on turbulent burning velocity in premixed flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak, Vladimir Sabelnikov et al
Combustion Theory and Modelling. Vol. 22 (1), p. 131-155
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A balance equation for the mean rate of product creation in premixed turbulent flames

Vladimir Sabelnikov, Andrei Lipatnikov, N. Chakraborty et al
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. Vol. 36 (2), p. 1893-1901
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Recent advances in understanding of thermal expansion effects in premixed turbulent flames

Vladimir Sabelnikov, Andrei Lipatnikov
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 49, p. 91-117

Flamelet perturbations and flame surface density transport in weakly turbulent premixed combustion

Andrei Lipatnikov, Vladimir Sabelnikov, Shinnosuke Nishiki et al
Combustion Theory and Modelling. Vol. 21 (2), p. 205-227
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

DNS study of dependence of bulk consumption velocity on turbulence and mixture characteristics

Rixin Yu, Andrei Lipatnikov
Proceedings of the Tenth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium MCS10, p. 12-
Paper i proceeding

DNS study of dependence of bulk consumption velocity in a constant-density reacting flow on turbulence and mixture characteristics

Rixin Yu, Andrei Lipatnikov
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 29 (065116), p. 15-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

DNS study of role played by molecular transport in bending effect

Rixin Yu, Andrei Lipatnikov
Proceedings of the Tenth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium MCS10
Paper i proceeding

Stratified turbulent flames: Recent advances in understanding the influence of mixture inhomogeneities on premixed combustion and modeling challenges

Andrei Lipatnikov
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. Vol. 62, p. 87-132

Does Density Ratio Significantly Affect Turbulent Flame Speed?

Andrei Lipatnikov, Wun-yi Li, L. J. Jiang et al
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. Vol. 98 (4), p. 1153-1172
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Do Kolmogorov eddies affect the area of passive self-propagating surface in constant-density turbulent flow?

Vladimir Sabelnikov, Andrei Lipatnikov
Proceedings of the Tenth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium MCS10
Paper i proceeding

Direct numerical simulation study of statistically stationary propagation of a reaction wave in homogeneous turbulence

Rixin Yu, Andrei Lipatnikov
Physical Review E. Vol. 95, p. Article no. 063101-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

DNS study of closure relations for convection flux term in transport equation for mean reaction rate in turbulent flow

Andrei Lipatnikov, Vladimir Sabelnikov, N. Chakraborty et al
Proceedings of the Tenth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium MCS10
Paper i proceeding

Statistical behaviour of vorticity and enstrophy transport in head-on quenching of turbulent premixed flames

J. Lai, N. Chakraborty, Andrei Lipatnikov
European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids. Vol. 65 (Sept.-Oct.), p. 384-397
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Turbulent diffusion of chemically reacting flows: Theory and numerical simulations.

T Eleprin, N Kleeorin, M Liberman et al
Physical Review E. Vol. 96 (053111), p. 1-8
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Transient Influence of Small-Scale Turbulent Eddies on the Area of a Passive Self-Propagating Front

Vladimir Sabelnikov, Andrei Lipatnikov
Proceedings of the 8th European Combustion Meeting, 18-21 April 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2017, p. 1157-1159
Paper i proceeding

Application of Flame Speed Closure Model to RANS Simulations of Stratified Turbulent Combustion in a Gasoline Direct-Injection Spark-Ignition Engine

Chen Huang, Ehsan Yasari, Lars Christian Riis Johansen et al
Combustion Science and Technology. Vol. 188 (1), p. 98-131
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Does sensitivity of measured scaling exponents for turbulent burning velocity to flame configuration prove lack of generality of notion of turbulent burning velocity?

Salman Verma, Andrei Lipatnikov
Combustion and Flame. Vol. 173, p. 77-88
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Effects of Lewis number on vorticity and enstrophy transport in turbulent premixed flames

N. Chakraborty, Ilias Konstantinou, Andrei Lipatnikov
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 28 (1), p. 015109-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A transport equation for reaction rate in turbulent flows

Vladimir Sabelnikov, Andrei Lipatnikov, N. Chakraborty et al
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 28 (081701), p. 1-7
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Analytical and numerical study of travelling waves using the Maxwell-Cattaneo relaxation model extended to reaction-advection-diffusion systems

Vladimir Sabelnikov, Nadezhda Petrova, Andrei Lipatnikov
Physical Review E. Vol. 94 (042218), p. 1-19
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Correlations of high-pressure lean methane and syngas turbulent burning velocities: Effects of turbulent Reynolds, Damköhler, and Karlovitz numbers

Shenqyang Shy, C.C. Liu, J.Y. Lin et al
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. Vol. 35 (2), p. 1509-1516
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

DNS assessment of a simple model for evaluating velocity conditioned to unburned gas in premixed turbulent flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Vladimir Sabelnikov, Shinnosuke Nishiki et al
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. Vol. 94 (3), p. 513-526
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Modelling of the influence of mixture fraction fluctuations on burning rate in partially premixed turbulent flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Chen Huang
Combustion Science and Technology. Vol. 187 (4), p. 594-626
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift


Vladimir Sabelnikov, Andrei Lipatnikov
Proceedings of the Ninth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium,, p. 12 pages-
Paper i proceeding

RANS simulations of statistically stationary premixed turbulent combustion using Flame Speed Closure model

Ehsan Yasari, Salman Verma, Andrei Lipatnikov
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. Vol. 94 (2), p. 381-414
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Unburned mixture fingers in premixed turbulent flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak, Vladimir Sabelnikov et al
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. Vol. 35 (2), p. 1401-1408
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Expanding Statistically Spherical Premixed Turbulent Flames and Astrophysical Combustion

Andrei Lipatnikov
Proceedings of the 25th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, 2-7 August 2015, Leeds, UK (paper 170), p. 1-6
Paper i proceeding

Testing a Model of Countergradient Turbulent Transport in RANS Simulations of Premixed Bunsen Flames

Ehsan Yasari, Andrei Lipatnikov
Proceedings of the 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Beijing, China, July 19-22, 2015 (paper 07), p. 1-7
Paper i proceeding

DNS assessment of relation between mean reaction and scalar dissipation rates in the flamelet regime of premixed turbulent combustion

Andrei Lipatnikov, Shinnosuke Nishiki, Tatsuya Hasegawa
Combustion Theory and Modelling. Vol. 19 (3), p. 309-328
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Influence of Heat Release in a Premixed Flame on Weakly Turbulent Flow of Unburned Gas: A DNS Study

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak, Vladimir Sabelnikov et al
Proceedings of the 25th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, 2-7 August 2015, Leeds, UK (paper 74), p. 1-6
Paper i proceeding

Experimental assessment of various methods of determination of laminar flame speed in experiments with expanding spherical flames with positive Markstein lengths

Andrei Lipatnikov, Shenqyang Shy, Wun-yi Li
Combustion and Flame. Vol. 162 (7), p. 2840-2854
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Numerical and Experimental Study of Stratified Turbulent Combustion in a Spray-Guided Gasoline Direct Injection Engine

Chen Huang, Andrei Lipatnikov, Lars Christian Riis Johansen et al
Lecture Notes in Mobility, p. 77-84
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Assessment of a Recent Model of Turbulent Scalar Flux in RANS Simulations of Premixed Bunsen Flames (short paper)

Ehsan Yasari, Andrei Lipatnikov
Turbulence Heat and Mass Transfer 8, Proceedings of the Eight International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer 8, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 15-18 September, 2015, Eds. by K. Hanjalic, T. Miyauchi, D. Borello, M. Hadziabdic, and P. Venturini, Begel House Inc., New York, p. 533-536
Paper i proceeding

Sensitivity of Scaling Exponents for Turbulent Burning Velocity to Evaluation Method: A Numerical Study

Salman Verma, Andrei Lipatnikov
Proceedings of the 25th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, 2-7 August 2015, Leeds, UK (paper 091), p. 1-6
Paper i proceeding

A direct numerical simulation study of interface propagation in homogeneous turbulence

Rixin Yu, Xue Song Bai, Andrei Lipatnikov
Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 772, p. 127-164
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Transition from pulled to pushed fronts in premixed turbulent combustion: theoretical and numerical study

Vladimir Sabelnikov, Andrei Lipatnikov
Combustion and Flame. Vol. 162 (7), p. 2893-2903
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A balance equation for modeling conditioned enthalpies in premixed turbulent flames

Andrei Lipatnikov
Combustion and Flame. Vol. 162 (10), p. 3691-3703
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Assessment of a Recent Model of Turbulent Scalar Flux in RANS Simulations of Premixed Bunsen Flames

Ehsan Yasari, Andrei Lipatnikov
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 0, p. 1-12
Paper i proceeding

Three-dimensional direct numerical simulation study of conditioned moments associated with front propagation in turbulent flows

Rixin Yu, Andrei Lipatnikov, Xue Song Bai
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 26 (8), p. 085104-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A Numerical Study on Stratified Turbulent Combustion in a Direct-Injection Spark-Ignition Gasoline Engine Using an Open-Source Code

Chen Huang, Ehsan Yasari, Andrei Lipatnikov
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 1
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A direct numerical simulation study of vorticity transformation in weakly turbulent premixed flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Shinnosuke Nishiki, Tatsuya Hasegawa
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 26 (10)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A recent progress in understanding and modelling of turbulent premixed combustion

Vladimir Sabelnikov, Andrei Lipatnikov
ZEL'DOVICH MEMORIAL. Accomplishments in the Combustion Science in the Last Decade.. Vol. 1, p. 55-57
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A Study of Two Basic Issues Relevant to RANS Simulations of Stratified Turbulent Combustion in a Spray-Guided Direct-Injection Spark-Ignition Engine

Chen Huang, Andrei Lipatnikov, Lars Christian Riis Johansen et al
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2014-October
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A newly revealed physical mechanism of an increase in burning rate in a turbulent flow

Andrei Lipatnikov, Sabelnikov Vladimir, Nishiki Shinnosuke et al
Joint Meeting of the British and Scandinavian-Nordic Sections of the Combustion Institute. March 27-28, 2014, Cambridge, UK. Book of Abstracts, p. 47-48
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Speed selection for traveling-wave solutions to the diffusion-reaction equation with cubic reaction term and Burgers nonlinear convection

Vladimir Sabelnikov, Andrei Lipatnikov
Physical Review E. Vol. 90 (3), p. Art. no. 033004-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Transition from pulled to pushed premixed turbulent flames due to countergradient transport

Vladimir Sabelnikov, Andrei Lipatnikov
Combustion Theory and Modelling. Vol. 17 (6), p. 1154-1175
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Scalar flux at the leading edge of premixed turbulent flame brush

Andrei Lipatnikov, Vladimir Sabelnikov
Proceedings of the Eighth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, 8-13 September 2013, Chesme, Izmir, Turkey. CD (TC-2), p. 12-
Paper i proceeding

A Comparison of Various Models of the Influence of Turbulent Fluctuations in the Local Mixture Fraction on Burning Rate in a Partially Premixed Flame

Chen Huang, Andrei Lipatnikov
Proceedings of 6th European Combustion Meeting, Lund, Sweden, 25-28 June, 2013, CD, p. 6-
Paper i proceeding

RANS Simulations of Premixed Turbulent Flames Using TFC and FSC Combustion Models and OpenFOAM Library

Ehsan Yasari, Andrei Lipatnikov
Proceedings of 6th European Combustion Meeting, Lund, Sweden, 25-28 June, 2013, CD, p. 6-
Paper i proceeding

Conditional velocity statistics for high and low Damköhler number turbulent premixed combustion in the context of Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes simulations

N. Chakraborty, Andrei Lipatnikov
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. Vol. 34 (1), p. 1333-1345
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Effects of Lewis Number on Conditional Fluid Velocity Statistics in Low Damköhler Number Turbulent Premixed Combustion: A Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis

N. Chakraborty, Andrei Lipatnikov
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 25 (4), p. 045101-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Conditioned moments in turbulent premixed flames: A DNS study

Rixin Yu, Andrei Lipatnikov, Xue-Song Bai
Proceedings of the Eighth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, 8-13 September 2013, Chesme, Izmir, Turkey. CD (TC-15), p. 12-
Paper i proceeding

Towards an Extension of TFC Model of Premixed Turbulent Combustion

Vladimir Sabelnikov, Andrei Lipatnikov
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. Vol. 90 (2), p. 387-400
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Transition from Countergradient to Gradient Scalar Transport in Developing Premixed Turbulent Flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Vladimir Sabelnikov
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. Vol. 90 (2), p. 401-418
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Comparison of Lean Methane and Syngas Turbulent Burning Velocities and Their Dependence on Damköhler Number at Elevated Pressures

Steven Shy, Y.C. Dong, J.Y. Lin et al
Proceedings of the 24th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems. July 28 - August 2, 2013, Taipei, Taiwan, p. 5-
Paper i proceeding

Assessment of a Simple Model for Evaluating Turbulent Scalar Flux in Premixed Flames Against DNS Data

Andrei Lipatnikov, Vladimir Sabelnikov, Shinnosuke Nishiki et al
Proceedings of 6th European Combustion Meeting, Lund, Sweden, 25-28 June, 2013, CD, p. 6-
Paper i proceeding

A modified presumed PDF approach to modeling premixed turbulent flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Shinnosuke Nishiki, Tatsuya Hasegawa
Proceedings of the Eighth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, 8-13 September 2013, Chesme, Izmir, Turkey. CD (TC-7), p. 12-
Paper i proceeding

RANS Simulations of Confined Preheated Lean Methane/Air Turbulent Flames Under Elevated Pressures

Verma Salman, Andrei Lipatnikov
Proceedings of 6th European Combustion Meeting, Lund, Sweden, 25-28 June, 2013, CD, p. 6-
Paper i proceeding

Application of OpenFOAM Library to Simulations of Premixed Turbulent Combustion Using Flame Speed Closure Model

Ehsan Yasari, Andrei Lipatnikov
Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow CMFF'12, September 4-7, 2012. Conference Proceedings CD-Rom, p. 683-690
Paper i proceeding

A Simple Test of Presumed PDF Approach to Modeling Premixed Turbulent Flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Chen Huang
34th International Symposium on Combustion, Warsawe University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, 29 Jule - 3 August 2012. Abstracts of Work-in-Progress Poster Presentations. The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 2012. File W4P082.pdf on Flash Disk.
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Comparison of presumed PDF models of turbulent flames

Chen Huang, Andrei Lipatnikov
Journal of Combustion. Vol. 2012 (564621), p. 15-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A Semi-Detailed Chemical Mechanism for Gasoline: Further Validation Against Experimental Data on Laminar flame Speeds of Gasoline/O2/N2 and n-Heptane/iso-Octane/Air Mixtures

Andrei Lipatnikov, Chen Huang, Valeri Golovitchev
34th International Symposium on Combustion, Warsawe University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, 29 Jule - 3 August 2012. Abstracts of Work-in-Progress Poster Presentations. The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 2012. File W5P079.pdf on Flash Disk, p. 1-
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Exact solutions to reaction-diffusion equation and the direction of turbulent scalar flux in a premixed turbulent flame and its leading edge

Vladimir Sabelnikov, Andrei Lipatnikov
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 2012-September, p. 181-193
Paper i proceeding

Averaging of flamelet-conditioned kinematic equation in turbulent reacting flows

Sabelnikov V.A., Andrei Lipatnikov
Turbulence: Theory, Types and Simulation, p. 321-364
Kapitel i bok

Propagating flame fronts in turbulent flows: a theoretical and numerical study

Vladimir Sabelnikov, Andrei Lipatnikov
XXXII Dynamics Days Europe. 2-7 September 2012, Gothenburg, Sweden. Book of abstracts, p. 189-
Övrigt konferensbidrag

A simple model for evaluating conditioned velocities in premixed turbulent flames

Vladimir Sabel'nikov, Andrei Lipatnikov
Combustion Science and Technology. Vol. 183 (6), p. 588-613
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Modelling of Gasoline and Ethanol Hollow-Cone Sprays Using OpenFOAM

Chen Huang, Andrei Lipatnikov
2011 JSAE/SAE International Powertrains, Fuels & Lubricants, Aug. 30 - Sep. 2, 2011, Kyoto, Japan
Paper i proceeding

Conditioned moments in premixed turbulent reacting flows

Andrei Lipatnikov
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. Vol. 33 (1), p. 1489-1496
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Towards an extension of TFC model of premixed turbulent combustion

Vladimir Sabel'nikov, Andrei Lipatnikov
Seventh Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Chia Laguna, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, September 11-15, 2011. Proceedings. CD, p. 12 pages-
Paper i proceeding

Transition from countergradient to gradient turbulent scalar transport in developing premixed turbulent flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Vladimir Sabel'nikov
Seventh Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Chia Laguna, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, September 11-15, 2011. Proceedings. CD, p. 12 pages-
Paper i proceeding

Comment on: "Conditionally averaged balance equations for modeling premixed turbulent combustion in flamelet regime" Reply

Andrei Lipatnikov
Combustion and Flame. Vol. 158 (10), p. 2073-2074
Paper i proceeding

Reply to comments by Zimont

Andrei Lipatnikov
Combustion and Flame. Vol. 158, p. 2073-2074
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Burning rate in impinging jet flames

Andrei Lipatnikov
Journal of Combustion. Vol. 2011 (737914), p. 11-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Gasoline Direct Injection - Simulations and Experiments

Chen Huang, Andrei Lipatnikov, Valeri Golovitchev et al
ILASS2011. The 24th European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Estoril, Portugal, September, 5-7, 2011, p. 4 pagews-
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Statistics of conditional fluid velocity in the corrugated flamelets regime of turbulent premixed combustion: A Direct Numerical Simulation study

N. Chakraborty, Andrei Lipatnikov
Journal of Combustion. Vol. 2011 (Article ID 628208)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A test of conditioned balance equation approach

Andrei Lipatnikov
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. Vol. 33 (1), p. 1497-1504
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Transient behavior of turbulent scalar transport in premixed flames

Andrei Lipatnikov
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. Vol. 86 (3-4), p. 609-637
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Does the Mean Speed of Points at a Random Flame Surface Characterize the Motion of the Mean Flame Surface?

Vladimir Sabel'nikov, Andrei Lipatnikov
33nd International Symposium on Combustion, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, August 1-6, 2010. Abstracts of Work-in-Progress Poster Presentations. The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 2010. File W1P074.pdf on Flash Disk.
Övrigt konferensbidrag

A simple model for evaluating conditioned velocities in premixed turbulent flames

Vladimir Sabel'nikov, Andrei Lipatnikov
Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference – 8, Abstracts, Technical University of Munich, p. MS2-12
Övrigt konferensbidrag

A Simple Model of Turbulent Scalar Flux in Premixed Flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Vladimir Sabel'nikov
33nd International Symposium on Combustion, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, August 1-6, 2010. Abstracts of Work-in-Progress Poster Presentations. The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 2010. File W1P066.pdf on Flash Disk.
Övrigt konferensbidrag

A Semi-Detailed Chemical Mechanism of Combustion of Gasoline-Ethanol Blends

Chen Huang, Valeri Golovitchev, Andrei Lipatnikov
33nd International Symposium on Combustion, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, August 1-6, 2010. Abstracts of Work-in-Progress Poster Presentations. The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 2010. File W4P014.pdf on Flash Disk.
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Simulations of scalar transport in developing turbulent flames solving a conditioned balance equation

Andrei Lipatnikov
Combustion Science and Technology. Vol. 182 (7), p. 405-421
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Rigorous derivation of an unclosed mean G-equation for statistically 1D premixed turbulent flames

Vladimir Sabel'nikov, Andrei Lipatnikov
International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics. Vol. 2 (4), p. 301-324
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Expansion of Spherical Flames in Turbulent Gas: Phenomenology and Modeling

Andrei Lipatnikov
2010 International Workshop on Turbulent Ignition and Flame Propagation", National Central University, Taiwan, July 29-31, 2010., p. 145-173
Övrigt konferensbidrag

A Simple Model of Turbulent Scalar Flux in Premixed Flames

Vladimir Sabel'nikov, Andrei Lipatnikov
33nd International Symposium on Combustion, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, August 1-6, 2010. Abstracts of Work-in-Progress Poster Presentations. The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 2010. File W1P066.pdf on Flash Disk.
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Chemical Model of Gasoline-Ethanol Blends for Internal Combustion Engine Applications

Chen Huang, Valeri Golovitchev, Andrei Lipatnikov
SAE Paper 2010-01-0543
Paper i proceeding

Averaging of flamelet-conditioned kinematic equation in turbulent reacting flows

Vladimir Sabel'nikov, Andrei Lipatnikov
Turbulence: Theory, Types and Simulation (chapter 10)
Kapitel i bok

Chemical model of gasoline-ethanol blends for internal combustion engine applications

Chen Huang, Valeri Golovitchev, Andrei Lipatnikov
SAE Technical Papers
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

G-Equation and Scalar Transport in Turbulent Flames

Vladimir Sabel'nikov, Andrei Lipatnikov
33nd International Symposium on Combustion, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, August 1-6, 2010. Abstracts of Work-in-Progress Poster Presentations. The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 2010. File W1P075.pdf on Flash Disk.
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Some Basic Problems of Modeling Transient Premixed Turbulent Flames

Andrei Lipatnikov
Deflagrative and Detonative Combustion, p. 79-92
Paper i proceeding

Effects of premixed flames on turbulence and turbulent scalar transport

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. Vol. 36 (1), p. 1-102
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Transient Behavior of Turbulent Scalar Transport in Premixed Flames

Andrei Lipatnikov
THMT'09, Proceedings of the International Symposium Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer 6, ``Sapienza" University of Rome, Italy, September 14-18, 2009, p. 1-12
Paper i proceeding

A Kinematic Equation for Tracking the Mean Flame Surface in a Turbulent Flow

Vladimir Sabel'nikov, Andrei Lipatnikov
Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow CMFF'09, September 9-12, 2009. The 14th Event of International Conference Series on Fluid Flow Technologies Held in Budapest, Conference Proceedings CD-ROM Edited by J. Vad, p. 613-620
Paper i proceeding

A Chemical Model of Gasoline/Ethanol Blends

Chen Huang, Valeri Golovitchev, Andrei Lipatnikov
The First Joint Meeting of the Scandinavian-Nordic and French Sections of the Combustion Institute, Copenhagen, November 9-10, 2009, p. 2-
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Testing premixed turbulent combustion models by studying flame dynamics

Andrei Lipatnikov
International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics. Vol. 1 (1), p. 39-66
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Simulations of Scalar Transport in Developing Turbulent Flames Solving a Conditioned Balance Equation

Andrei Lipatnikov
Sixth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, June 7-11, 2009. Proceedings. CD.
Paper i proceeding

Can we characterize turbulence in premixed flames?

Andrei Lipatnikov
Combustion and Flame. Vol. 156, p. 1242-1247
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Some Basic Issues of the Averaged G-Equation Approach to Premixed Turbulent Combustion Modeling

Andrei Lipatnikov
The Open Thermodynamics Journal. Vol. 2, p. 53-58
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Simulations of Counter-Gradient Scalar Transport in Premixed Turbulent Flames by Using Conditioned Balance Equations

Andrei Lipatnikov
6th International Seminar on Flame Structure 6 ISFS, Book of Abstracts, Brussels, Belgium, September 14-17, 2008, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, p. 52-
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Testing Conditioned Balance Equations by Simulating Scalar Transport in Premixed Turbulent Flames

Andrei Lipatnikov
32nd International Symposium on Combustion, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, August 3-8, 2008. Abstracts of Work-in-Progress Poster Presentations. The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh (5p183.pdf)
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Can We Characterize Turbulence in Premixed Flames?

Andrei Lipatnikov
32nd International Symposium on Combustion, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, August 3-8, 2008. Abstracts of Symposium papers. The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, p. 119-
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Simulations of Counter-Gradient Scalar Transport in Premixed Turbulent Flames by Using Conditioned Balance Equations

Andrei Lipatnikov
Proceedings 6th International Seminar on Flame Structure 6 ISFS, Brussels, Belgium, September 14-17, 2008, Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Vol. CD (OP-32), p. 1-32
Paper i proceeding

Conditionally averaged balance equations for modeling premixed turbulent combustion in flamelet regime

Andrei Lipatnikov
Combustion and Flame. Vol. 152 (4), p. 529-547
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Scalar Transport in Self-Similar, Developing, Premixed, Turbulent Flames

Andrei Lipatnikov
Combustion Science and Technology. Vol. 179, p. 91-115
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Turbulent combustion of hydrogen-air mixtures

Andrei Lipatnikov
Teaching Materials of the Second European Summer School on Hyderogen Safety, Belfast, 30 July - 8 August, 2007. Vol. 1, p. 109 pages-
Kapitel i bok

On Characterization of Turbulence in Premixed Flames

Andrei Lipatnikov
Proceedings of the 21st International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, July 23-27, 2007, Poitiers, France. Vol. CD
Paper i proceeding

Effects of Flame Development on Stationary Premixed Turbulent Combustion

Pratap Sathiah, Andrei Lipatnikov
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. Vol. 31, p. 3115-3122
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Global Stretch Effects in Premixed Turbulent Combustion

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. Vol. 31, p. 1361-1368
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Effects of Turbulent Flame Speed Development and Axial Convective Waves on Oscillations of a Long Ducted Flame

Andrei Lipatnikov, Pratap Sathiah
Combustion Science and Technology. Vol. 179, p. 1433-1449
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A Simple Unified Test of Various Models of Premixed Turbulent Combustion

Andrei Lipatnikov
4th Biennial Meeting of the Scandinavian-Nordic Section of the Combustion Institute hosted by ÅboAkademi, November 5-6, 2007
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Numerical modeling of stationary but developing premixed turbulent flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Sathiah Pratap
ASME Paper GT2006-90916
Paper i proceeding

Premixed Turbulent Flame as a Developing Front with a Self-Similar Structure

Andrei Lipatnikov
Focus on Combustion Research, p. 89-141
Kapitel i bok

A Basic Issue of the Averaged G-Equation Approach to Premixed Turbulent Combustion Modeling

Andrei Lipatnikov
31stInternational Symposium on Combustion. Abstracts of Work-in-Progress Poster Presentations., p. 322-
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Some Basic Problems of Modeling of Transient Premixed Turbulent Flames

Andrei Lipatnikov
Pulsed and Continuous Detonations. Eds. by Roy, G., Frolov, S., and Sinibaldi, J., Moscow, Torus Press
Paper i proceeding

On the Applicability of Coherent Flame Models to Simulations of Developing Turbulent Flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 25-29, 2006, p. 577-580
Paper i proceeding

Effects of Large-Scale Stretching on Turbulent Flame Speed

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 25-29, 2006, p. 573-576
Paper i proceeding

Numerical Tests of a Measurement Method for Turbulent Burning Velocity

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
Combustion Science and Technology. Vol. 178, p. 1117-1151
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A Theoretical Evaluation of Turbulent Markstein Number for Expanding Spherical Flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
20th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, July 31 - August 1, 2005, Monthreal, Canada
Paper i proceeding

Scalar transport in self-similar, developing, premixed, turbulent flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
Proceedings of the Fourth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, 6-10 October, 2005, Lisbon, Portugal
Paper i proceeding

Effects of axial convective waves and turbulent flame speed development on ducted flame oscillations

Pratap Sathiah, Andrei Lipatnikov
Proceedings of the Fourth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, 6-10 October, 2005, Lisbon, Portugal
Paper i proceeding

Effects of Turbulent Flame Development on Thermoacoustic Oscillations

Andrei Lipatnikov, Pratap Sathiah
Combustion and Flame. Vol. 142, p. 130-139
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Self-Similarly Developing, Premixed, Turbulent Flames: A Theoretical Study

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 17, p. 065105-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Modeling of Turbulent Scalar Transport in Expanding Spherical Flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
SAE Paper 2005-01-2109
Paper i proceeding

Towards a Theory of Developing Premixed Turbulent FLames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
XIII Symposium on Combustion and Explosions. Abstracts, Chernogolovka, Russia, p. 17-18
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Comment on "Turbulent burning velocity, burned gas distribution, and associated flame

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
Combustion and Flame. Vol. 137, p. 261-263
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

Effects of Turbulent Flame Speed Development on Ducted Flame Oscillations

Pratap Sathiah, Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
The Eleventh International Congress on Sound and Vibration. St. Petersburg,
Paper i proceeding

Flame Speed Closure Model of Premixed and Partially Premixed Turbulent Combustion: Further Development and Validation

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Diagnostics and Modeling of Combustion in Internal Combustion Engines, Yokohama, Japan, August 2-5, 2004, p. 583-590
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Lewis Number Effects and Vortex Tubes in Premixed Turbulent Flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak, Andrei Betev et al
Micromixing in Turbulent Reactive Flows, p. 9-14
Paper i proceeding

To a Simple Balance Equation for Premixed Turbulent Flame Simulations

Andrei Lipatnikov
Micromixing in Turbulent Reactive Flows, p. 25-31
Paper i proceeding

A study of the effects of pressure-driven transport on developing turbulent flame structure and propagation

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
Combustion Theory and Modelling. Vol. 8(2), p. 211-225
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A theoretical study of premixed turbulent flame development

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 30
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Molecular transport effects on turbulent flame propagation and structure

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
Progress Energy and Combustion Science
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Application of the Markstein Number Concept to Curved Turbulent Flames

Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
Combustion Science and Technology. Vol. 176, p. 331-358
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Effects of Flame Development and Structure on Thermo-Acoustic Oscillations of Premixed Turbulent Flames

Pratap Sathiah, Andrei Lipatnikov, Jerzy Chomiak
2004 ASME Heat Transfer/Fluids Engineering Summer Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, July 11-15. Vol. 4, p. 107-114
Paper i proceeding

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Visar 4 forskningsprojekt


Modellering av turbulent förbränning av magra kolfria blandningar

Andrei Lipatnikov Energiomvandling och framdrivningssystem
Vetenskapsrådet (VR)

2 publikationer finns

SafeDust ReLIB: En förstudie om säkerhet kring dammexplosioner vid återvinning av Lithiumbatterier

Andrei Lipatnikov Energiomvandling och framdrivningssystem


Modeling of DISI Engines

Ingemar Denbratt Förbränning och framdrivningssystem
Andrei Lipatnikov Förbränning och framdrivningssystem

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