What interests do intermediaries prioritize during wind- and solar project development?
Journal article, 2020

A transition towards a low-carbon energy system requires the large-scale diffusion of renewable electricity (RE) technologies. Intermediary actors, such as installers, project developers or consultants, can facilitate this process by supporting RE adopters. Recent studies have also pointed out that there are potential drawbacks associated with intermediary support. Acting as filters and gatekeepers, intermediaries have the complex mission to prioritize between various stakeholder interests, including their own profit maximization. The aim of this research is to understand what stakeholder interests intermediaries prioritize when developing RE projects. Results of a choice experiment with third-party developers in Sweden highlight differences between technologies: wind developers prioritize electricity output, while solar developers prioritize client satisfaction. Despite being for-profit organizations, intermediaries did not prioritize their own interests over the interests of their clients. Solar PV developers prioritize client satisfaction over maximization of electricity output, which may have negative implications for the efficiency of the projects.

Transition intermediaires

Stakeholder interests

Choice experiment

Wind power

Renewable electricity

Solar PV


Ingrid Johansson Mignon

Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Innovation and R&D Management

Anna Ebers Broughel

University of St Gallen

Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions

22104224 (eISSN)

Vol. 36 393-405

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Construction Management

Other Engineering and Technologies not elsewhere specified

Software Engineering



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