Ingrid Johansson Mignon

Associate Professor at Innovation and R&D Management 00

I am an Associate Professor at the Division of Innovation och R&D Management. I conduct research within the area of Innovation Studies. In my research, I strive to contribute to a better understanding of the phenomenon of large-scale diffusion of innovation, i.e. why some innovations diffuse fastest than others in Society, what actors contribute (either positively or negatively) to the diffusion of innovation and how, and how the diffusion process can – when needed – be accelerated. I am particularly interested in innovations that have the potential to solve complex societal problems, such as renewable electricity technologies or electric vehicles. The results of my research have primarily implications for policy makers, as well as for individuals, households, public organizations (such as municipalities) and companies.

Image of Ingrid Johansson Mignon

Showing 13 publications


Comparing public and private intermediaries co-existing in ecologies of intermediation

Lisa Bastås, Ingrid Johansson Mignon
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Vol. 56
Journal article

Rethinking the forecasting of innovation diffusion: A combined actor- and system approach

Hanna Cardol, Ingrid Johansson Mignon, Björn Lantz
Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 214
Journal article

The impact of solar PV subsidies on investment over time-the case of Sweden

Hanna Rydehell, Björn Lantz, Ingrid Johansson Mignon et al
Energy Economics. Vol. 133
Journal article

The role of public energy advising in sustainability transitions– empirical evidence from Sweden

Ingrid Johansson Mignon, Lisa Winberg
Energy Policy. Vol. 177
Journal article

Sustainable business models and innovation strategies to realize them: A review of 87 empirical cases

Ingrid Johansson Mignon, Amanda Bankel
Business Strategy and the Environment. Vol. 32 (4), p. 1357-1372
Journal article

Solar business models from a firm perspective – an empirical study of the Swedish market

Amanda Bankel, Ingrid Johansson Mignon
Energy Policy. Vol. 166
Journal article

Economic analysis of the early market of centralized photovoltaic parks in Sweden

Johan Lindahl, David Lingfors, Åsa Elmqvist et al
Renewable Energy. Vol. 185, p. 1192-1208
Journal article

Match or mismatch between gazelle companies’ challenges and the support provided by intermediary actors–an empirical example of the construction industry

Inessa Laur, Ingrid Johansson Mignon
European Planning Studies. Vol. 29 (10), p. 1845-1869
Journal article

Municipalities as intermediaries for the design and local implementation of climate visions

Sara Gustafsson, Ingrid Johansson Mignon
European Planning Studies. Vol. 28 (6), p. 1161-1182
Journal article

Identifying gaps and overlaps of intermediary support during the adoption of renewable energy technology in Sweden - A conceptual framework

Besma Glaa, Ingrid Johansson Mignon
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 261
Journal article

What interests do intermediaries prioritize during wind- and solar project development?

Ingrid Johansson Mignon, Anna Ebers Broughel
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Vol. 36, p. 393-405
Journal article

Intermediation services and adopter expectations and demands during the implementation of renewable electricity innovation – Match or mismatch?

Joakim Aspeteg, Ingrid Johansson Mignon
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 214, p. 837-847
Journal article

A typology of intermediary organizations and their impact on sustainability transition policies

Ingrid Johansson Mignon, Wisdom Kanda
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Vol. 29, p. 100-113
Journal article

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Showing 4 research projects


Public energy advising as a policy instrument for large-scale diffusion of solar photovoltaics – a study of the Swedish municipal energy and climate advising

Ingrid Johansson Mignon Innovation and R&D Management
Björn Lantz Innovation and R&D Management
Hanna Rydehell Innovation and R&D Management
Lisa Bastås Innovation and R&D Management
Swedish Energy Agency

3 publications exist

Innovative business models for a large-scale diffusion of solar PV

Ingrid Johansson Mignon Innovation and R&D Management
Lisa Melander Supply and Operations Management
Amanda Bankel Innovation and R&D Management
Maria Altunay Environmental Systems Analysis
Swedish Energy Agency

6 publications exist

Innovation intermediaries for the large-scale diffusion of renewable electricity technologies

Ingrid Johansson Mignon Innovation and R&D Management


The roles of intermediaries in the transition to a sustainable energy system

Anna Bergek Environmental Systems Analysis
Ingrid Johansson Mignon Innovation and R&D Management
Joakim Aspeteg Environmental Systems Analysis
Swedish Energy Agency

7 publications exist
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