Investigating Correlation of Rough Surface Diffuse Scattering in Frequency Domain
Paper in proceeding, 2019

This paper investigates numerically the correlation function in the frequency domain due to diffuse scattering originated from rough surfaces. The scattered fields are computed by means of physical optics methods. The irregularities of the rough surface are modeled as a correlated Gaussian process. The correlation of the channel transfer function comprising only diffuse scattering components is analyzed. In the analysis, radio propagation channels comprising orthogonally oriented dipoles at the link ends are considered while assuming different Gaussian roughness profiles. This study offers a useful characterization of the channel behavior in a multipath-rich environment due to diffuse scattering. The presented results are of particular interest to wireless systems based on orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing.

diffuse scattering

physical optics

radio propagation


Yang Miao

Southern University of Science and Technology

Claude Oestges

Universite catholique de Louvain

Katsuyuki Haneda

Aalto University

Ke Guan

Beijing Jiaotong University

Andres Alayon Glazunov

University of Twente

Chalmers, Electrical Engineering, Communication, Antennas and Optical Networks

Wei Wang

Changan University

Yi Gong

Southern University of Science and Technology

13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2019

978-8-8907-0188-7 (ISBN)

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)


Signal Processing



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