Andres Alayon Glazunov
Showing 108 publications
A 16 × 16 45° Slant-Polarized Gapwaveguide Phased Array With 65-dBm EIRP at 28 GHz
TX Beamforming EVM Performance of a 65 dBm-EIRP Slant-Polarized Gapwaveguide Phased Array at 28 GHz
Automotive RADAR Planar Antenna Optimization Based on Conformal Transformation Optics
Measurement and Estimation Methodology for EMC and OTA Testing in the VIRC
The Hybrid Chamber for OTA measurements: Plane Wave Spectrum Quality Vs. Dynamic Range Trade-off
A Supervised Learning Framework for Joint Estimation of Angles-of-Arrival and Number of Sources
Characterization and Calibration of the Hybrid OTA Chamber Using a Field Scanner
Ultra-wideband, Wide Scanning Phased Array for SATCOM Ground Station
Channel Estimation Errors and Their Impact on Irregular Array Performance in Massive MIMO
Impact of Test Zone Polarization-Imbalance on MIMO efficiency in a Random-LOS OTA Setup
Wireless Performance Evaluation of Building Layouts: Closed-Form Computation of Figures of Merit
Fundamental Wireless Performance of a Building
Wideband H-slot antenna fed by substrate integrated gap waveguide for mmWave arrays
Multipath Rician Channel Simulation in the Test Zone of a Hybrid OTA Chamber
A New Hybrid Chamber for Generating a Spectrum of Oblique Incident Plane Waves at the DUT
Impact of Ultra-Narrowband Interference on Wi-Fi Links: An Experimental Study
Simulation based channel hardening of cell-free massive MIMO in mm-Wave
Factory Radio Design of a 5G Network in Offline Mode
Evaluation of a Random Line-of-Sight Over-the-Air Measurement Setup at 28 GHz
Emulating Rician distributed channels in a hybrid chamber for OTA measurements
Semi-Analytical Model of the Rician K-Factor
A 28-port MIMO Cube for Micro Base Station Applications
Impact of User Spread on the Input Power Spread in DL Massive MIMO in Random LOS Channels
Micro strip to Ridge Gap Waveguide Transition for 28 GHz Steerable Slot Array Antennas
Line-of-Sight Probability for Channel Modeling in 3-D Indoor Environments
High-Performance Wideband Horn Antenna for Direction Arrays
Generalized Polarization-Space Modulation
A Bandwidth-Enhanced Cavity-Backed Slot Array Antenna for mmWave Fixed-Beam Applications
Chamber Array Antenna Layout for Compact OTA Measurements
Plane Wave Synthesis with Irregular Chamber Planar Antenna Arrays for Compact OTA Measurements
Characterization and Performance of an Ultra-Wideband Wide-Coverage Multimode MIMO Antenna
Investigating Correlation of Rough Surface Diffuse Scattering in Frequency Domain
Far-field Reference Distance Criteria for Compact OTA Testing Ranges
Ultrawide Band Tightly-Coupled Aperture Magneto-Electric Dipole Array over 20 - 40 GHz
Impact of Azimuthal Antenna Pattern Sampling and Variation on Throughput Measurements
High Gain, Wideband Grid Array Antenna for 28 GHz 5G Base Station
Wideband Cavity-Backed Slot Subarray Fed by Gap Ridge Waveguide for 5G mmWave Base Station
Flexible Low Profile Frequency Selective Surface for X-Band Shielding Applications
A ±45° Dual-Polarized Antenna for 5G mmWave Applications Based on Gap Waveguide Technology
Test Zone Verification Procedures in a Random-LOS Measurement Setup
MmWave array antenna based on gap waveguide technology for 5G applications
A Planar Single-Polarized Ultra-Wideband Antenna Element for Millimeter-Wave Phased Array
Network model of a 5G MIMO base station antenna in a downlink multi-user scenario
A planar dual-polarized ultra-wideband millimeter-wave array antenna
Wideband Dual-Polarized Linear Array Antenna for Random-LOS OTA Measurement
Per-Antenna Power Distribution of a Zero-Forcing Beamformed ULA in pure LOS MU-MIMO
A numerical analysis of the random-LOS measurement accuracy for vehicle applications
A spherical probability distribution model of the user-induced mobile phone orientation
An Experimental Study on Indoor Massive 3D-MIMO Channel at 30-40 GHz Band
Characterization method of an automotive random-LOS OTA measurement setup
Reverberating Dreams - the Story of an OTA Chamber
Evaluation of a simplified Random-LOS measurement setup for characterizing antennas on cars
Simulating the MIMO Efficiency of Antennas
Ultra-Wideband Millimeter-Wave Bowtie Antenna
Effects of Regular and Aperiodic Array Layout in Multi-User MIMO Applications
Test Zone Characterization in an Automotive Random-LOS OTA Test Setup
Probability of Detection Functions of Polarization-MIMO Systems in Random LOS
Reverberation chamber for OTA measurements: The history of a dream!
Millimeter wave wideband high gain antenna based on gap waveguide technology
Point-to-Point 3 x 3 MIMO Performance Gains with Aperiodic Sparse Arrays in Pure LOS Channels
MIMO Channel Capacity Gains in mm-Wave LOS Systems with Irregular Sparse Array Antennas
A self-grounded dual-polarized wideband bowtie with improved MIMO performance in Random-LOS
In memory of Professor Per-Simon Kildal
Investigation of Polarization Deficiencies in SIMO Systems in Random-LOS Propagation Channels
Characterizing Polarization-MIMO Antennas in Random-LOS Propagation Channels
Finding the Distribution of Users in a Cell from Smart Phone Based Measurements
Measured LTE Throughput for SISO, SIMO and MIMO in Polarization-Random-LOS
Designing a dual-polarized octave bandwidth bowtie antenna for a linear array
Antenna Measurements in Reverberation Chamber Using USRP
Array-fed cylindrical reflector antenna for automotive OTA tests in Random Line-Of-Sight
Zero-forcing MIMO efficiency in random line-of-sight
Simulations of a planar array arrangement for automotive Random-LOS OTA testing
Devising a Horizontal Chamber Array for Automotive OTA Tests in Random Line-Of-Sight
Optimizing Small Wideband Antenna Performance for Both RIMP and Random-LOS
Measuring user-induced-randomness to evaluate smart phone performance in real envi-ronments
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Showing 5 research projects
OTA - Over-The-Air Characterization of Active Integrated Antennas for Mobile Systems
Indoor small-cell Networks with 3D MIMO Array Antennas (is3DMIMO)
Mot Utvecklingen av Smartare OTA Karakterisering av 5G Antennsystem