Model updating of multiple nominally identical car components
Journal article, 2020

A method for estimation of rubber bushing stiffness parameters is presented. Four individual rubber bushings, mounted in a car rear subframe are considered. A traditional model of the bushing elements using a generalised spring model, known as a CBUSH element in Nastran, is compared to a geometrically more realistic approach where the bushing is modelled with solid elements and a linear elastic material model. Each bushing is mass loaded to better reveal the bushing's dynamic behaviour in a lower frequency range of interest. In an initial step, the overall subframe model is updated towards test data.
In a second step, the bushing parameters are updated. Three nominally identical components are used to investigate the spread between the identified parameters. The model updating procedure is based on frequency responses and equalised damping. The undamped behaviour at frequencies below 300~Hz are considered. To quantify the parameter uncertainty, with respect to measurement noise for each individual, an uncertainty quantification procedure is proposed, using a linear-in-parameters surrogate model with bootstrapping.

uncertainty quantification

generalised spring element

solid modelling

model updating


bushings models


Mladen Gibanica

Chalmers, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2), Dynamics

Volvo Cars

Thomas Abrahamsson

Chalmers, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2), Dynamics

Magnus Olsson

Volvo Cars

Experimental Techniques

0732-8818 (ISSN) 17471567 (eISSN)

Vol. 44 4 391-407

Subject Categories

Applied Mechanics



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