Combined heat and power plant flexibility - Technical and economic potential and system interaction
Licentiate thesis, 2020
A modeling framework is developed to analyze static, dynamic, technical and economic aspects of flexible combined heat and power operation; comprising steady-state and dynamic process simulation models that are validated with reference plant measurements; and dispatch optimization models. Based on the designs of a waste-fired and a gas turbine combined cycle reference plant, two options to enhance the plant operational flexibility are analyzed: 1) product flexibility; i.e. operating the steam cycle with varying product ratios of electricity, heat and frequency response; 2) thermal flexibility, allowing the heat production to be shifted in time.
The results show that flexible operation, for variable electricity generation, is technically feasible in both plant types. Operation with product and/or thermal flexibility can increase the annual plant revenue with up to 90 k€/MW by reduced fuel consumption or increased full load hours. The economic impact of increased ramp rate (operational flexibility) is marginal (<6 k€/MW). The value, and utilization, of flexibility enhancing measures increase with electricity price volatility, that benefits plants with a wide load span for electricity generation and motivates a shift in operating strategy from the traditional heat-following production planning to electricity-following operation.
Combined heat and power
Process optimization modeling
Electricity price volatility
Waste to energy
Combined cycle
District heating
Dynamic modeling
Johanna Beiron
Energy Technology 3
Dynamic modeling for assessment of steam cycle operation in waste-fired combined heat and power plants
Energy Conversion and Management,;Vol. 198(2019)
Journal article
Operational flexibility of combined heat and power plant with steam extraction regulation
Energy Proceedings,;(2019)
Paper in proceeding
Combined heat and power operational modes for increased product flexibility in a waste incineration plant
Energy,;Vol. 202(2020)
Journal article
Beiron, J; Montañés, R.M; Normann, F; Johnsson, F. Flexible operation of a combined cycle cogeneration plant - A techno-economic assessment
Flexible Combined heat and power plants for power systems with volatile electricity prices
Swedish Energy Agency (S44910), 2017-10-01 -- 2020-11-01.
Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Energy Engineering
Energy Systems
Opponent: Dr. Jenny Larfeldt, Siemens Energy AB, Sweden