Johanna Beiron
Johanna's research targets the transformative change of oil refineries towards net-negative CO2 emissions by 2045. This entails both reducing CO2 emissions at the refinery itself, but also the substitution of fossil oil with biogenic or carbon dioxide-neutral resources. Johanna also works with techno-economic analyses of carbon dioxide capture from biogenic emission sources, for example Swedish combined heat and power plants, and the evaluation of flexibility potential for thermal power plants in the future electricity system with expanding shares of weather-dependent electricity generation.

Showing 22 publications
Integration of CCS in Combined Heat and Power Plants in a City Energy System
A Case Study of the Potential for CCS in Swedish Combined Heat and Power Plants
Flexible operation of a combined cycle cogeneration plant - A techno-economic assessment
Combined heat and power plant flexibility - Technical and economic potential and system interaction
Efficient utilization of industrial excess heat for carbon capture and district heating
Operational flexibility of combined heat and power plant with steam extraction regulation
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Showing 1 research projects
Flexible Combined heat and power plants for power systems with volatile electricity prices