A Journey towards Sustainable Small Wastewater Treatment Systems in Low and Lower–Middle Income Countries
Doctoral thesis, 2020
Wastewater treatment system
local stakeholders
operation and maintenance
sustainability assessment
institutional dimension
EVAS tool (EVAluation of Sustainability)
low and lower-middle income countries
sustainability indicators
resource recovery
performance assessment
Claudia Cossio Grageda
Chalmers, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Geology and Geotechnics
Impact of treatment plant management on human health and ecological risks from wastewater irrigation in developing countries–case studies from Cochabamba, Bolivia
International Journal of Environmental Health Research,;Vol. 31(2021)p. 355-373
Journal article
Wastewater management in small towns - understanding the failure of small treatment plants in Bolivia
Environmental Technology (United Kingdom),;Vol. 39(2018)p. 1393-1403
Journal article
Indicators for sustainability assessment of small-scale wastewater treatment plants in low and lower-middle income countries
Environmental and Sustainability Indicators,;Vol. 6(2020)
Journal article
EVAS - a practical tool to assess the sustainability of small wastewater treatment systems in low and lower-middle-income countries
Science of the Total Environment,;Vol. 746(2020)
Journal article
Integrated Water Resource Management (IRWM) – Water Quality, Pollution and Treatment
SIDA (75000554-12), 2018-06-30 -- 2019-12-31.
SIDA (75000554-12), 2013-04-01 -- 2017-12-31.
Driving Forces
Sustainable development
Subject Categories
Other Engineering and Technologies
Environmental Engineering
Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 4748
Opponent: Associate Professor Miller Alonso Camargo-Valero, School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds, UK