Smart Maintenance: Instrument Development, Content Validation and an Empirical Pilot
Journal article, 2020
Design/methodology/approach: The results from two sequential empirical studies are presented, which include generating items to represent the constructs, assessment of content validity, as well as an empirical pilot test. With input from 50 industrial experts, a pool of 80 items that represent the constructs are generated. Thereafter, using data from 42 industrial and academic raters, the content validity of all items is assessed quantitatively. Finally, using data from 59 manufacturing plants, the dimensionality and factor structure of the instrument are tested.
Findings: We demonstrate content validity and provide evidence of good model fit and psychometric properties for one-factor models with 8-11 items for each of the four constructs, as well as a combined 24-item four-factor model.
Originality/value: We provide recommendations for scholarly use of the instrument in further theory-testing research, as well as its practical use to assess, benchmark and longitudinally evaluate Smart Maintenance within the manufacturing industry.
Instrument Development
Content Validation
Jon Bokrantz
Chalmers, Industrial and Materials Science, Production Systems
Anders Skoogh
Chalmers, Industrial and Materials Science, Production Systems
Cecilia Berlin
Chalmers, Industrial and Materials Science, Design and Human Factors
Johan Stahre
Chalmers, Industrial and Materials Science, Production Systems
International Journal of Operations and Production Management
01443577 (ISSN) 17586593 (eISSN)
Vol. 40 4 481-506SMASh – Smart Maintenance Assessment
VINNOVA, 2017-05-01 -- 2019-10-31.
Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics
Other Mechanical Engineering
Business Administration
Areas of Advance