Energy-efficient cooperative adaptive cruise control strategy using V2I
Paper in proceeding, 2019

In an increasingly connected world, this paper presents an advanced and cooperative semi-autonomous driving system which targets not only convenient and safe mobility, but also achieves noticeably enhanced energy efficiency. By utilizing V2V and V2I communication, a vehicle's energy consumption can be significantly reduced, while maintaining safety and driving comfort. A holistic control strategy is considered, which integrates features from earlier Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) and Traffic Light Assistant (TLA) research. This strategy incorporate s traffic light signal phase timing (SPAT), speed limits, road gradients and curves, surrounding traffic and detailed powertrain characteristics of the ego vehicle into a single Model Predictive Controller (MPC) formulation. The system's performance was evaluated using a realistic cosimulation toolchain and tested on a real conventional vehicle on a powertrain testbed with real V2I hardware. Results for a D-class diesel passenger car driven over an urban route, show energy savings up to 25%, with an unchanged journey time compared to a typical human driver. The approach is valid for both urban cities driving and highways, whilst being adaptable to commercial vehicles and other powertrains (hybrid, fully electric).


Stephen Jones


N. Wikstrom


Alejandro Ferreira Parrilla


R. Patil


Emre Kural


A. Massoner


Anders Grauers

Chalmers, Electrical Engineering, Systems and control

2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, CoDIT 2019

1420-1425 8820533
978-172810521-5 (ISBN)

6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, CoDIT 2019
Paris, France,

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Transport Systems and Logistics

Infrastructure Engineering

Vehicle Engineering



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