The entrepreneurial employee in public and private sector - What, Why, How
Book, 2020

This science-for-policy report has aimed to clarify what it means for employees to be entrepreneurial. The employee perspective is rare in corporate and public entrepreneurship literature. This is both unexpected and unfortunate, since entrepreneurial processes are championed by small teams of highly devoted individuals, who in turn solicit support and participation from a large number of people internally and externally. Reasons for the current bias towards structures, managers and processes include a number of flawed myths and a static view of the entrepreneurial individual. Breaking away from these prevailing views, we have here been able to outline detailed and actionable recommendations for employees who want (or need) to become more entrepreneurial. It is our hope that this report can help both employees and managers in private and public sectors in their pursuit towards a more prosperous and successful future for their organisations, colleagues, customers, clients, for citizens or other stakeholders in general, and for themselves.


Martin Lackéus

Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Entrepreneurship and Strategy

Mats Lundqvist

Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics

Karen Williams Middleton

Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Entrepreneurship and Strategy

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Work Sciences

Public Administration Studies

Business Administration




European Commission (EC)

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