Karen Williams Middleton
Karen Williams Middleton is Professor (bitr.) of Entrepreneurial Learning at the Division of Entrepreneurship and Strategy. Her research focuses on development of entrepreneurial identity and behavior through entrepreneurship education and training, with specialization within technology-based, nascent scale venturing processes. She has been a long-time faculty at Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship, and the director and master program head (MPA of Entrepreneurship and Business Design) since 2022. Karen's work contributes to policy and practice, integrating entrepreneurship education and university technology transfer.

Showing 82 publications
Graduates of venture creation programs - where do they apply their entrepreneurial competencies?
Anchors of Sustained Entrepreneurial Careers
What’s in a name? Women’s use of professional titles of entrepreneurial role.
Investigating the Gendering of STEM University Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
Insightful co-creation: a mechanism of more sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems?
Progressing Context in Entrepreneurship Education: Reflections from a Delphi Study
The gender gap in entrepreneurship: The role of the relative pay off from entrepreneurship
The relatable entrepreneur: Combating stereotypes in entrepreneurship education
21. Entrepreneurs versus entrepreneurial
Conceptualizing context in entrepreneurship education: a literature review
Exposing and Utilizing Context in Entrepreneurship Education
Entrepreneurial Engineering Pedagogy: Models, Tradeoffs and Discourses
The entrepreneurial employee in public and private sector - What, Why, How
Entrepreneurial Prototypes: Identity Construction in Entrepreneurship Education
An Evidence-Based Research Agenda for Action-Based Entrepreneurship Education
Emancipating the 'Who am I?' Question in Entrepreneurship
How entrepreneurial is it to connect students to university technology transfer
Team Trust and Control in New Venture Emergence
How Entrepreneurial are Project-based Courses in Engineering Education?
Learning to become entrepreneurial/fostering entrepreneurial identity and habits
‘Lost in Space’: The Role of Social Networking in University-based Entrepreneurial Learning
The role of social informal learning in the student/graduate entrepreneurs’ entrepreneurial process
Examining the control-trust nexus in new venture teamwork
Bridging the traditional-progressive education rift through entrepreneurship
Matching Time (T) to Learning – a unifying “2T Framework” for action-based entrepreneurial education
Trust-control relationships in new venture teams during organizational emergence
Alice in Wonderland - An Experience Based Approach to Learning
Venture Creation Programs: bridging entrepreneurship education and technology transfer
Opening the Black Box of Entrepreneurial Education - outline of an app-based research project
Entrepreneurial Identity and Role Expectations in Nascent Entrepreneurship
Strategies for creating new venture legitimacy
Personalizing Entrepreneurial Learning: A Pedagogy for Facilitating the Know Why
Teaching Design Theory to Entrepreneurs: An Effectual Use of Design
Constructing entrepreneurial identity in entrepreneurship education
Relating the Process of Becoming Entrepreneurial to the I-NVC Dialogic
Strategies for Creating Nascent Venture Legitimacy
Exploring effectuation in early-stage ventures using the C-K design theory
How can Entrepreneurship Bridge Between Traditional and Progressive Education?
Team Dynamics for Sustainable Business Development
Becoming entrepreneurial: gaining legitimacy in the nascent phase
Academic entrepreneurship revisited: university scientists and venture creation
Transformative and transactional mechanisms in action-based entrepreneurship education
Beyond the Explicit: excavating a pedagogical approach to knowledge for entrepreneurial action
Entrepreneurial Identity Construction - what does existing literature tell us?
Path dependent path breaking: tracing innovative entrepreneurial behavior through C-K method
Venture Creation Programs: entrepreneurial education through real-life content
Facilitating entrepreneurial behavior development through learning
Obstacles to Establishing Venture Creation Based Entrepreneurship Education Programs
Promises of societal entrepreneurship: Sweden and beyond
Challenges facing international students engaging in venture creation: a case study from Sweden
The University as a Social Entrepreneur
Promises and Challenges of Societal Entrepreneurship:Sweden and Beyond
Interregional university-linked innovation - the potentials for Europe
Sustainable Wealth Creation beyond Shareholder Value
Developing identity: start-ups and aspirant entrepreneurs gaining authority
Shadow dancing: utilizing the strength of paradoxes in entrepreneuring education
Promoting and Measuring University-Based Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Adding Licensing and Venture Creation to a University Mission of Open Exchange
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