High fiber rye foods decrease body weight and body fat and affect metabolic risk markers
Doctoral thesis, 2021

Overweight and obesity are major risk factors for development of non-communicable diseases, such as type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and increase the risk of early mortality. Diet and food consumption are among the most important factors in preventing and reversing overweight, obesity and their comorbidities. Whole grain has been associated with decreased risk of overweight and obesity in observational studies, but the results from interventions are inconsistent. This may be because very few interventions have been adequately designed for evaluation of the effects of whole grain on body weight management and these effects may differ between different whole grain sources. Rye is the cereal with the highest fiber content and has been suggested to be superior to wheat in inducing beneficial physiological effects with health implications, but large randomized controlled trials with well-characterized intervention foods are lacking. This thesis aimed to investigate the effects of rye-based cereals, compared with refined wheat-based cereals, on body weight loss and metabolic risk factors. Furthermore, the potential influence of subjective appetite and gut microbiota were investigated. High fiber rye-based cereal products were shown to induce greater reduction in body weight and body fat than corresponding refined wheat products after 6 and 12 weeks of intervention among overweight and obese men and women. No consistent effect of rye products on appetite response was found and the changes in body weight and body fat could not be linked to differences in subjective appetite or food intake. However, this may be due to methodological issues and warrants further research. Compared with refined wheat products, high fiber rye-based cereal products were shown to lower C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation and a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, in two different populations. This effect was associated with reduction in abundance of certain bacteria in the gut that have previously been associated with decreased gut barrier integrity, suggesting that the effect of rye consumption on inflammation may, at least partly, be mediated through changes in gut microbiota composition and decreased gut permeability. In conclusion, the work included in this thesis suggests that replacing wheat-based cereals with high fiber rye-based cereals can aid the reduction of body weight and body fat, and reduce low-grade inflammation. These results can support the development of dietary guidelines and promote the development of healthier food products.

randomized controlled trial


metabolic risk factors

human nutrition


whole grain


dietary fiber

gut microbiota

weight loss


Lecture hall EE at Campus Johanneberg (Hörsalsvägen 11, staircase C, floor 6. Limited number of people allowed in the room) and online (password: 314217 Please join the meeting in good time before it starts and turn off your own camera and microphone when joining)
Opponent: Prof. Ellen Blaak, University of Maastricht, The Netherlands


Kia Noehr Iversen

Chalmers, Biology and Biological Engineering, Food and Nutrition Science

Övervikt och fetma ökar risken för typ-2 diabetes och hjärtkärlsjukdomar och har stora ekonomiska konsekvenser för samhället.  Kosten är en av de viktigaste miljöfaktorerna för att förebygga och behandla övervikt och fetma. Ett högt intag av spannmålsprodukter med högt innehåll av fullkorn har visats vara förknippat med minskad risk för att utveckla övervikt och fetma i observationsstudier. Dock saknas kontrollerade studier som bekräftar detta och som belyser de underliggande mekanismerna bakom sambanden fullkorn, kroppsvikt och kroppsfett. Trots att olika spannmål innehåller olika mängd och typer av kostfibrer, och att det är troligt att de påverkar kroppen på olika sätt, är detta något som ännu inte studerats. Rågprodukter med högt fiberhalt har visats minska hunger och öka mättnad, jämfört med veteprodukter, och detta skulle i teorin kunna leda till minskad kroppsvikt på lång sikt. I denna avhandling undersöks hur spannmålsprodukter baserade på råg, jämfört med spannmålsprodukter baserade på siktat vete, påverkar kroppsvikt, kroppsfett och metabola riskfaktorer, och hur hunger/mättnad och tarmbakterier eventuellt påverkar detta. Tre olika humanstudier genomfördes. Rågprodukter jämfört med siktade veteprodukter visade sig minska kroppsvikt och kroppsfett över 12 veckor och reducerade även vissa riskmarkörer kopplade till hjärtkärlsjukdomar. Detta kunde i viss mån sättas i samband med förändringar i tarmbakteriernas sammansättning, dock fanns ingen koppling till skillnader i självupplevd hunger eller mättnad. Resultaten på metabola riskmarkörer bekräftades även i en separat studie genomfört i Kina, där studiedeltagarnas vikt hölls stabil. Denna avhandling visar att man med fördel kan byta ut siktade veteprodukter med låg fiberhalt mot rågprodukter med högt fiberhalt för att uppnå hälsofördelar.

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Food Science

Nutrition and Dietetics

Areas of Advance

Health Engineering



Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 4994



Lecture hall EE at Campus Johanneberg (Hörsalsvägen 11, staircase C, floor 6. Limited number of people allowed in the room) and online (password: 314217 Please join the meeting in good time before it starts and turn off your own camera and microphone when joining)


Opponent: Prof. Ellen Blaak, University of Maastricht, The Netherlands

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