Marine Propulsion System Performance Beyond the Propulsive Factors
Doctoral thesis, 2021
Energy balance analysis
Propulsor-hull interaction
Jennie Andersson
Chalmers, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2), Marine Technology
Energy balance analysis of a propeller in open water
Ocean Engineering,;Vol. 158(2018)p. 162-170
Journal article
Energy balance analysis of model-scale vessel with open and ducted propeller configuration
Ocean Engineering,;Vol. 167(2018)p. 369-379
Journal article
Review and Comparison of Methods to Model Ship Hull Roughness
Applied Ocean Research,;Vol. 99(2020)
Journal article
On the Selection of Optimal Propeller Diameter for a 120-m Cargo Vessel
Journal of Ship Research,;Vol. 65(2021)p. 153-166
Journal article
Propeller-hull interaction beyond the propulsive factors-A case study on the performance of different propeller designs
Ocean Engineering,;Vol. 256(2022)
Journal article
Analysis and optimisation of marine propulsion systems - part 2
Kongsberg Hydrodynamic Research Centre, 2019-01-01 -- 2021-06-30.
Swedish Energy Agency (38849-2), 2019-01-01 -- 2021-06-30.
Improved prediction methods for ships –Energy Saving Devices
Swedish Transport Administration (EF1015,ärende6770), 2019-01-01 -- 2021-12-31.
Impact of surface roughness on propeller design and ship maintenance (RÅHET)
Swedish Transport Administration (6771), 2018-05-01 -- 2020-05-01.
Analysis and optimisation of marine propulsion systems
Swedish Energy Agency (38849-1), 2014-10-06 -- 2017-09-30.
Rolls-Royce (Swe), 2014-10-06 -- 2017-09-30.
Areas of Advance
C3SE (Chalmers Centre for Computational Science and Engineering)
Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Vehicle Engineering
Energy Systems
Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics
Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 5033