Defect Prediction over Software Life Cycle in Automotive Domain - State of the Art and Road Map for Future
Paper in proceeding, 2014

Software today provides an important and vital role in providing the functionality and user experience in automotive domain. With ever increasing size and complexity of software together with high demands on quality and dependability, managing software development process effectively is an important challenge. Methods of software defect predictions provide useful information for optimal resource allocation and release planning; they also help track and model software and system reliability. In this paper we present an overview of defect prediction methods and their applicability in different software lifecycle phases in the automotive domain. Based on the overview and current trends we identify that close monitoring of inservice performance of software based systems will provide useful feedback to software development teams and allow them to develop more robust and user friendly systems.


Software reliability

Life cycle


Application programs

Software testing

Resource allocation


Rakesh Rana

University of Gothenburg

Miroslaw Staron

University of Gothenburg

Jörgen Hansson

Chalmers, Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers), Software Engineering (Chalmers)

Martin Nilsson

Volvo Cars

ICSOFT-EA 2014 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications

978-989758036-9 (ISBN)

9th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications, ICSOFT-EA 2014
Vienna, Austria,

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Computer and Information Science

Software Engineering



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