Laser-based powder bed fusion of stainless steels
Doctoral thesis, 2022

The aim of the present work has been to widen the knowledge of how variations within powder manufacturing affect laser-based powder bed fusion processing, and how this processing affects the microstructure and strength of stainless steels. The approach was to keep the processing parameters fixed while the powder feedstock was varied. This methodology enabled an isolation of the powder properties, which were correlated to the residual porosity in the printed samples. After establishing the relationship between printability and powder properties, a careful microstructural investigation was performed to understand what features are responsible for the relatively high strength of austenitic stainless steels. Two different alloying strategies were attempted to boost the strength further, introducing additional oxygen into the processing chamber for an in-situ synthesis of nanometric oxides, and designing a composition that produces strengthening precipitates upon aging.

The initial powder investigations revealed that 316L powder produced using vacuum induction melting inert gas atomization (VIGA) and conventional gas atomization (CGA) displayed similar oxidation states despite different atomization gases. The use of water in the atomization process however changed the oxidation state significantly, resulting in more extensive formation of oxide particulates on the powder surfaces. Analysis of the powder properties showed similar trends as the surface analysis, where the VIGA and CGA powder grades had similar flow properties. While water atomized (WA) powder had significantly lower flowability as compared to the other tested grades. The lower flowability caused a significant increase in residual porosity when printing with layer thicknesses above 20 µm.

Microstructural characterization of printed 316L specimens revealed a hierarchal structure consisting of elongated grains and within them a fine cellular structure. The cell structure was found to act as soft grain boundaries, hence strengthening the material without sacrificing ductility too much. This structure was found to be stable up to 800 °C.

Conceptually, the in-situ synthesis of finely distributed nanometric oxides using water atomized powder was shown to work. However, the size and number densities of the oxides must be further optimized to provide a strengthening effect. Another strategy for increasing the strength was by developing a heat-treatable composition using thermodynamic simulations. This resulted in the development of a novel stainless tool-steel composition. This new material had excellent printability with a fully martensitic structure in the as-printed condition and possessed a yield strength of nearly 1600 MPa after aging. The precipitates were found to have relatively slow coarsening rates and therefore the material retained much of its hardness despite long aging times.


316L, maraging







mechanical properties






VDL, Chalmers Tvärgata 4C
Opponent: Prof. José Manuel Torralba, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain.


Dmitri Riabov

Chalmers, Industrial and Materials Science, Materials and manufacture

Effect of powder variability on laser powder bed fusion processing and properties of 316L

European Journal of Materials,;Vol. 2(2022)p. 202-221

Journal article

Investigation of the strengthening mechanism in 316L stainless steel produced with laser powder bed fusion

Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing,;Vol. 822(2021)

Journal article

3D printing, or additive manufacturing, is a technology that has gained quite some attention the last decade. Additive manufacturing has opened the possibility of home-consumers to be able to produce either self-designed, or designs shared by others in their own homes within a few hours. The additive process is somewhat like laying brick when building a house, or making something out of Lego, in a sense that it is done layer-by-layer – where a larger structure is created from smaller parts. This allows the creation of relatively geometrically complex parts that are difficult to produce otherwise. The benefit of producing complex parts in combination with the time that it takes to create a part has also sparked interest from various industrial sectors. One such sector is the medical implant sector, where additive manufacturing has enabled the manufacturing of custom metal implants at short time spans.

These implants are made more specifically by metal additive manufacturing, in a process that is called laser-based powder bed fusion. In this process, metal powder particles, approximately the size of a human hair, are fused using a laser. This is done by spreading a thin layer of metal powder, melting sections of this layer with a laser, and spreading another layer of powder, etc. The sections that are molten by the laser eventually are “built-up” to become a part.

 This thesis focuses on the influence of the metal powder on the final properties of the additively manufactured part. Or using the brick or Lego analogy, how different properties of individual bricks (for example, the shape, the color, the material) affect the final quality of the brick-wall or Lego component. Additionally, why metal additively manufacturing parts tend to be stronger as compared to their normal way of being produced. This was done by trying different metal powder grades within the additive process and carefully investigating the properties of the build parts (strength, quality, etc.). This knowledge can help in determining important powder properties for high-quality additively manufactured parts and how the strength of additively manufactured parts can be further improved.

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Materials Engineering

Metallurgy and Metallic Materials


Chalmers Materials Analysis Laboratory

Areas of Advance

Materials Science



Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 5161



VDL, Chalmers Tvärgata 4C


Opponent: Prof. José Manuel Torralba, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain.

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