Central limit theorems for generic lattice point counting
Journal article, 2023

We consider the problem of counting lattice points contained in domains in Rd defined by products of linear forms. For d≥ 9 we show that the normalized discrepancies in these counting problems satisfy non-degenerate Central Limit Theorems with respect to the unique SL d(R) -invariant probability measure on the space of unimodular lattices in Rd. We also study more refined versions pertaining to “spiraling of approximations”. Our techniques are dynamical in nature and exploit effective exponential mixing of all orders for actions of diagonalizable subgroups on spaces of unimodular lattices.

Exponential mixing of all orders

Counting problems

Central limit theorems


Michael Björklund

Chalmers, Mathematical Sciences, Analysis and Probability Theory

Alexander Gorodnik

University of Zürich

Selecta Mathematica, New Series

1022-1824 (ISSN) 14209020 (eISSN)

Vol. 29 1 12

Subject Categories

Algebra and Logic


Mathematical Analysis



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