Challenges in the adoption of sustainable criteria in the Swedish property development industry
Paper in proceeding, 2023

The construction industry is facing an increased focus on sustainability and climate neutrality, causing property developers to implement new requirements into the procurement documents, which are also driven by the national agenda. This study explores the current state of sustainability practice among Swedish property developers and identifies the main obstacles to expand further the implementation of the sustainability criteria. How the property developers define and implement sustainability requirements has been assessed through qualitative semi-structured interviews, focusing on sustainability certification systems, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), and social sustainability. The results show usage of sustainability certification systems for marketing purposes and high awareness and practice of LCA, even though the accuracy of LCA was questioned. This study also identified guideline gaps for circular economy and social sustainability measurements, which could relate to low initiatives from the certification systems.


sustainable criteria

circular economy

social sustainability

sustainability certification systems

property developers


Nindya Desivyana

Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Environmental Systems Analysis

Orestis Farmakis

Chalmers, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering

Linda Cusumano


Chalmers, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering

Rasmus Rempling


Chalmers, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering

Procedia Computer Science

18770509 (eISSN)

Vol. 219 1752-1759

ProjMAN - International Conference on Project MANagement
Lisabon, Portugal,

Data-informed design with the help of artificial intelligence

NCC AB, 2021-01-11 -- 2023-05-31.

Development Fund of the Swedish Construction Industry (SBUF) (13949), 2021-01-11 -- 2023-05-31.

Driving Forces

Sustainable development

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Civil Engineering

Construction Management

Infrastructure Engineering

Other Civil Engineering

Building Technologies



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