Responses to the covid-19 pandemic – summary of a questionnaire survey
Other conference contribution, 2023

Buildings Post Corona knowledge session is a possibility for academia, industry and organizations, and authorities to meet and discuss challenges related to healthy indoor environments. We start the session with presentations from the four universities, pitches from collaborating partners, and end with an open discussion. The aim is to share knowledge and also identify areas of mutual interest and new R&D-projects.

Programme for 6 October
10:00 Jonas Anund Vogel KTH – Welcome and Introduction
10:10 Lars Ekberg Chalmers – Responses to the covid-19 pandemic – summary of a questionnaire survey
10:25 Aneta Wierzbicka LTH – Higher toxicity of particles collected indoors compared to outdoors in occupied residences in Sweden
10:40 Thomas Olofsson – A survey of knowledge gaps in Sweden during the Corona pandemic
10:55 Jakob Löndahl LTH – Measurements of SARSCoV-2 in indoor air
11:10 Sasan Sadrizadeh KTH – Efforts to prevent cross-contamination in hospital buildings
11:25 Alan Kabanshi HIG – Indoor transmission of airborne infections
11:30 Jutta Kannisto Tamlink - E3 Excellence in Pandemic Response and Enterprise Solutions
11:35 Discussion
11:55 Summary

Buildings Post Corona is funded by FORMAS. Performed in collaboration with Akademiska Hus, Bengt Dahlgren, Einar Mattsson, Länsgården Fastigheter Örebro, Energi- och Miljötekniska Föreningen, Swegon, Tovenco, Fastighetsägarna, Svensk Ventilation, Boverket, Folkhälsomyndigheten, Lokalförvaltningen Göteborg, Geberit


Lars Ekberg

Chalmers, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Building Services Engineering

Buildings Post Corona Knowledge Session
online, Sweden,

Buildings Post Corona

Formas (dnr2021-02382.), 2021-11-01 -- 2025-11-30.

Driving Forces

Sustainable development

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Social Sciences Interdisciplinary


Business Administration

Public Health, Global Health, Social Medicine and Epidemiology

Areas of Advance


Health Engineering

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