Responses to the covid-19 pandemic – summary of a questionnaire survey
Other conference contribution, 2023
Programme for 6 October
10:00 Jonas Anund Vogel KTH – Welcome and Introduction
10:10 Lars Ekberg Chalmers – Responses to the covid-19 pandemic – summary of a questionnaire survey
10:25 Aneta Wierzbicka LTH – Higher toxicity of particles collected indoors compared to outdoors in occupied residences in Sweden
10:40 Thomas Olofsson – A survey of knowledge gaps in Sweden during the Corona pandemic
10:55 Jakob Löndahl LTH – Measurements of SARSCoV-2 in indoor air
11:10 Sasan Sadrizadeh KTH – Efforts to prevent cross-contamination in hospital buildings
11:25 Alan Kabanshi HIG – Indoor transmission of airborne infections
11:30 Jutta Kannisto Tamlink - E3 Excellence in Pandemic Response and Enterprise Solutions
11:35 Discussion
11:55 Summary
Buildings Post Corona is funded by FORMAS. Performed in collaboration with Akademiska Hus, Bengt Dahlgren, Einar Mattsson, Länsgården Fastigheter Örebro, Energi- och Miljötekniska Föreningen, Swegon, Tovenco, Fastighetsägarna, Svensk Ventilation, Boverket, Folkhälsomyndigheten, Lokalförvaltningen Göteborg, Geberit
Lars Ekberg
Chalmers, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Building Services Engineering
online, Sweden,
Buildings Post Corona
Formas (dnr2021-02382.), 2021-11-01 -- 2025-11-30.
Driving Forces
Sustainable development
Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
Business Administration
Public Health, Global Health, Social Medicine and Epidemiology
Areas of Advance
Health Engineering