Lars Ekberg

Professor at Building Services Engineering

Lars Ekberg is a Professor in indoor climate technology at the Division of Building Services Engineering. He also works as a consultant at one of the subsidiaries of Chalmers Industriteknik, CIT Energy Management AB.
Lars' research is focused on the chain of issues from human needs and wishes, via formulation of requirements to the design, construction and management of healthy, comfortable and energy-efficient buildings.
Lars work over a wide spectrum, with residential buildings on one end, and advanced laboratories with very stringent requirements on the other.

Image of Lars Ekberg

Showing 86 publications


Luftrenare i operationssalar i låginkomstländer

Jörgen Rutegård, Daniel Olsson, Lars Ekberg
Svensk kirurgi . Vol. 82 (1), p. 40-41
Magazine article

Luftflöde i vårdlokaler - Med ett fastighetstekniskt perspektiv

Peter J Filipsson, Lars Ekberg
Report - Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering (ACE)

Evaluation of replacement air systems – Avoiding negative pressure problems during cooker hood operation in airtight dwellings

Lars Ekberg, Per Kempe
The REHVA European HVAC Journal. Vol. 60 (2), p. 5-8
Magazine article

Ventilation strategies and children's perception of the indoor environment in Swedish primary school classrooms

Natalia Giraldo Vasquez, G. Beko, Pawel Wargocki et al
Building and Environment. Vol. 240
Journal article

En Roadshow på temat: Ventilation - problem eller lösning i dagens energisituation?

Lars Ekberg, Daniel Olsson
Other conference contribution

Återluft i livsmedelsbutiker

Maria Haegermark, Lars Ekberg
Report - The Swedish Energy Agency

Vehicle cabin air quality – influence of air recirculation on energy use, particles and CO2

Dixin Wei, Filip Nielsen, Hannes Karlsson et al
Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Vol. 30 (15), p. 43387-43402
Journal article

Challenges and Needed Remedies of Demand Controlled Ventilation

Panu Mustakallio, Schild Peter G., Lars Ekberg
The REHVA European HVAC Journal. Vol. 60 (2), p. 13-17
Magazine article

Covid 19 guidance for the Swedish construction and real estate sectors: results from a survey study

Lars Ekberg, Jonas Anund Vogel, Jakob Löndahl et al
The REHVA European HVAC Journal. Vol. 60 (2), p. 18-20
Magazine article

Enbart avstånd och handhygien räcker inte

Jonas Anund Vogel, Lars Ekberg, Aneta Wierzbicka et al
Magazine article

Ventilation i Sverige - En kunskapssammanställning

Lars Ekberg, Tomas Fagergren, Per-Eric Hjelmer et al
Report - Malmö university

Measured and perceived IEQ under different ventilation strategies in Swedish classrooms

Blanka Cabovska, Natalia Giraldo, Despoina Teli et al
17th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, INDOOR AIR 2022
Paper in proceeding

Size-resolved simulation of particulate matters and CO2 concentration in passenger vehicle cabins

Dixin Wei, Filip Nielsen, Lars Ekberg et al
Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Vol. 29 (30), p. 45364-45379
Journal article

Status of Ventilation in Sweden

Daniel Olsson, Lars Ekberg, Mats Persson
The REHVA European HVAC Journal. Vol. 59 (2), p. 52-55
Magazine article

Ventilation i Sverige 2021 - Enkät

Lars Ekberg, Daniel Olsson, Mats Persson
Report - Malmö university

Ventilation strategies and indoor air quality in Swedish primary school classrooms

Blanka Cabovska, G. Beko, Despoina Teli et al
Building and Environment. Vol. 226
Journal article

Buildings Post Corona

Lars Ekberg, Jonas Anund Vogel, Jakob Löndahl et al
The REHVA European HVAC Journal. Vol. 59 (2), p. 19-21
Magazine article

The REHVA European HVAC Journal - Editorial

Lars Ekberg, Olli Seppänen
The REHVA European HVAC Journal. Vol. 59 (2), p. 4-4
Magazine article

A study on the relationship between energy performance and IEQ parameters in school buildings

Blanka Cabovska, Despoina Teli, Jan-Olof Dalenbäck et al
E3S Web of Conferences. Vol. 246
Paper in proceeding

Låg luftfuktighet i svenska bostäder – ett problem?

Jan-Olof Dalenbäck, Lars Ekberg, Sarka Langer et al
Energi & miljö. Vol. 10
Magazine article

Funktionssäker och energieffektiv ventilation

Lars Ekberg
Other conference contribution

Study of the measured and perceived indoor air quality in Swedish school classrooms

Sarka Langer, Lars Ekberg, Despoina Teli et al
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 588 (3)
Paper in proceeding

PM2.5 and ultrafine particles in passenger car cabins in Sweden and northern China—the influence of filter age and pre-ionization

Dixin Wei, Filip Nielsen, Lars Ekberg et al
Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Vol. 27 (24), p. 30815-30830
Journal article

Nordic Collaboration to Reduce Transmission of Viral Disease in Indoor Air

Lars Ekberg
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

Indoor ozone/human chemistry and ventilation strategies

Christian Mark Salvador, G. Beko, Charles J. Weschler et al
Indoor Air. Vol. 29 (6), p. 913-925
Journal article

Indoor Temperature Variations in Swedish Households: Implications for Thermal Comfort

Despoina Teli, Sarka Langer, Lars Ekberg et al
Cold Climate HVAC 2018. CCC 2018. Springer Proceedings in Energy, p. 835-845
Paper in proceeding

Vätskekopplad värmeåtervinning - Förstudie

Peter J Filipsson, Lars Ekberg
Report - Energimyndighetens beställargrupp lokaler, BELOK

The SWESIAQ model - a systematic method for indoor environment investigations

Anders Lundin, Lars Ekberg, Gunnel Emenius et al
Healthy Buildings Europe 2017
Paper in proceeding

Winter thermal comfort and indoor air quality in Swedish grade school classrooms, as assessed by the children

Despoina Teli, Jan-Olof Dalenbäck, Lars Ekberg
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of Indoor Air Quality and Climate Ghent, Belgium July 3-8 2016
Paper in proceeding

Performance of Ionizer Assisted Air Filtration - Part 2 System optimization and energy saving

Lars Ekberg, Bingbing Shi
Report - Energimyndighetens beställargrupp lokaler, BELOK

Ionizer Assisted Air Filtration for Collection of Submicron and Ultrafine Particles—Evaluation of Long-Term Performance and Influencing Factors

Bingbing Shi, Lars Ekberg
Environmental Science & Technology. Vol. 49 (11), p. 6891-6898
Journal article

Indoor air quality in passive and conventional new houses in Sweden

Sarka Langer, G. Beko, E. Bloom et al
Building and Environment. Vol. 93 (P1), p. 92-100
Journal article

Beloks Totalmetodik: Handbok för genomförande och kvalitetssäkring

Mari-Liis Maripuu, Enno Abel, Lars Ekberg et al
Report - Energimyndighetens beställargrupp lokaler, BELOK

Ventilationsfilter och ultrafina partiklar

Bingbing Shi, Lars Ekberg
Energi och Miljö (Nr. 4, 2013.), p. ss. 56-58
Magazine article

Ozone treatment of extract air from a restaurant kitchen with heat

Lars Ekberg, John Woollett
Proceedings CLIMA 2013 – 11th REHVA World Congress
Paper in proceeding

Intermediate air filters for general ventilation applications: An experimental evaluation of various filtration efficiency expressions

Bingbing Shi, Lars Ekberg, Sarka Langer
Aerosol Science and Technology. Vol. 47 (5), p. 488-498
Journal article

Field Evaluation of Ionizer-Assisted Air Filtration

Bingbing Shi, Lars Ekberg
Proceedings of the CLIMA 2013 Conference
Paper in proceeding

Ozonbehandling av frånluft i restaurangkök med värmeåtervinning.

John Woollett, Lars Ekberg
Energi och Miljö (Nr 6-7, 2013.), p. ss. 50-52
Magazine article

Ventilation kräver samverkan mellan flera yrkesgrupper

Mattias Gruber, Per Fahlén, Lars Ekberg et al
Fastighetsförvaltaren (2), p. 38-39
Magazine article

Influence of Filter Fiber Material on Removal of Ultrafine and Submicron Particles Using Carbon Fiber Ionizer-Assisted Intermediate Air Filters

Bingbing Shi, Lars Ekberg, Anders Trüschel et al
ASHRAE Transactions. Vol. 118 (PART 1), p. 602-611
Paper in proceeding

Removal of ultrafine particles and particles of the most penetrating size by new intermediate class filters

Bingbing Shi, Lars Ekberg, Sarka Langer
Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2011 Conference, Austin, TX, USA, 6 pages
Paper in proceeding

Air Cleaning by Photo Catalytic Oxidation: An Experimental Performance Test

Ragib Kadribegovic, Lars Ekberg, A. Gilligan et al
ASHRAE Transactions. Vol. 117 (1), p. 426-433
Journal article

Performance of Ionizer Assisted Air Filtration - Evaluation of long-term performance and influencing factors

Lars Ekberg, Bingbing Shi
Report - Energimyndighetens beställargrupp lokaler, BELOK

Kan ventilationsfilter fånga ultrafina partiklar inomhus

Lars Ekberg, Bingbing Shi
Husbyggaren - SBR - Svenska Byggingenjörers Riksförbund. Vol. 1 (2011), p. 24-25
Magazine article

The effectiveness of portable air cleaners against tobacco smoke in multizone residential environments

Bingbing Shi, Lars Ekberg, Alireza Afshari et al
Proceedings of the CLIMA 2010 Conference: 10th REHVA World Congress 'Sustainable Energy use in Buildings', 8 pages
Other conference contribution

Removal of ultrafine particles by ventilation air filters

Lars Ekberg, Bingbing Shi
SWESIAQ conference Nordic Indoor Air Update, Stockholm,2010
Other conference contribution

Naborøg og overførsel af partielforurening

Alireza Afshari, N.C. Bergsøe, Bingbing Shi et al
HVAC - Magasin for klima- og energiteknik, miljø, bygningsinstalltioner & -Netværk. Vol. 1 (2010), p. 24-30
Magazine article

Quantification of ultrafine particles from second-hand tobacco smoke infiltration

Alireza Afshari, Bingbing Shi, Niels Bergsøe et al
Proceedings of the CLIMA 2010 Conference: 10th REHVA World Congress 'Sustainable Energy use in Buildings', 8 pages
Other conference contribution

Removal of ultrafine particles by ventilation air filters

Lars Ekberg, Bingbing Shi
9th International Healthy Buildings Conference and Exhibition, HB 2009; Syracuse, NY; United States; 13 September 2009 through 17 September 2009
Paper in proceeding

A step towards performance based ventilation – model for assessment of the impact of recirculation flow rates and air cleaning on indoor air quality

Ragib Kadribegovic, Lars Ekberg
Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2009, Syracuse, USA (Paper 178), p. 4-
Paper in proceeding

Ultrafine particles control strategy in printer rooms: model and experiment study on portable air cleaner and HVAC combination

Bingbing Shi, Lars Ekberg, Per Fahlén
9th International Healthy Buildings Conference and Exhibition, HB 2009; Syracuse, NY; United States; 13 September 2009 through 17 September 2009
Paper in proceeding

Behöver vi mera luft än dagens praxis?

Lars Ekberg, M Svartengren
VVS-Forum - Specialnummer om ventilation och inneklimat (4), p. 18-21
Magazine article

När lagen inte räcker till

Lars Ekberg
VVS-Forum - Specialnummer om ventilation och inneklimat (4), p. 104-106
Magazine article

Ventilation i BBR och andra regelverk

Lars Ekberg
VVS-Forum - Specialnummer om ventilation och inneklimat (4), p. 102-104
Magazine article

Nytt projekt för bättre luft - Chalmers ska studera luftreningsteknik

Lars Ekberg, Per Fahlén, Lennart Jagemar et al
Energi&Miljö. Vol. 79 (5), p. 63-
Magazine article

Evaluation of air filters regarding energy use

Lars Ekberg
Indoor Air 2008 Conference, Copenhagen. Proceedings vol. Paper ID:243
Paper in proceeding

Air cleaning technologies - Function requirements and energy efficiency

Ragib Kadribegovic, Lars Ekberg, Per Fahlén
Proceedings of Indoor Air 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark 17-22 August 2008 (Paper ID 243), p. 8-
Paper in proceeding

Behovsstyrning av komfort och luftkvalitet - Studier av nya systemlösningar

Ragib Kadribegovic, Per Fahlén, Lars Ekberg et al
Energi & miljö, Förlags AB VVS. Vol. maj 2008 (5), p. 1-
Magazine article

Revised Swedish Guidelines for the Specification of Indoor Climate Requirements released by SWEDVAC

Lars Ekberg
CLIMA 2007 - Wellbeing Indoors
Paper in proceeding

Värdering av luftfilter i samband med upphandling - Förstudie

Lars Ekberg, Anders Flyckt
Report - Energimyndighetens beställargrupp lokaler, BELOK

Characterization of indoor sources of fine and ultrafine particles: a study conducted in a full scale chamber

A Afshari, Uve Matson, Lars Ekberg
Indoor Air. Vol. 15 (2), p. 141-150
Journal article

Smutsig uteluft - Inget att ta in i husen

Lars Ekberg
VVS-Forum. Vol. 2005-10 (Teknik&Installation), p. 40-42
Magazine article

Trafik, rökning, stearinljus och stekning - Nanopartiklar både ute och inne

Lars Ekberg
VVS-Forum. Vol. 2005-10 (Teknik&Installation), p. 44-46
Magazine article

Measurement of Ultrafine particles: A Comparison of two hand-held Condensation Particle Counters

Uve Matson, Lars Ekberg
Aerosol Science and Technology. Vol. 38, p. 487-495
Journal article

Modelling of Indoor Concentrations of Ultra Fine Particles Based on Laboratory Measurements

Alireza Afshari, Uve Matson, Lars Ekberg
Proceedings of the Healthy Buildings 2003 Conference
Paper in proceeding

Indoor and outdoor measurements of ultra fine particles in a medium-size and large city

Uve Matson, Lars Ekberg
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference
Paper in proceeding

Impact of Ventilation Rate, Ozone and Limonene on Perceived Air Quality in Offices

Alireza Afshari, Lars Ekberg, H N Knudsen et al
Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference
Paper in proceeding

När ventilationen skall tjäna allergikern

Magdalena Kvernes, Lars Ekberg
Miljöforskning för ett uthålligt samhälle (3), p. 16-17
Magazine article

Pollen Allergen Concentrations in a Pre-school Building and a Day-care Centre

Uve Matson, Magdalena Kvernes, Lars Ekberg
Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference
Paper in proceeding

Long-term testing of gas adsorption filters for ventilation systems

Lars Ekberg, Ove Strindehag
Indoor Air 99 : proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate
Paper in proceeding

Modelling indoor air pollutant concentrations considering air mixing conditions

Martin Kraenzmer, Lars Ekberg
19th AIVC Conference "Ventilation Technologies in Urban Areas"
Paper in proceeding

Determination of ventilation rates by CO2 monitoring: assessment of inaccuracies.

Lars Ekberg, Martin Kraenzmer
Roomvent 98: 6th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms
Paper in proceeding

Checking of ventilation rates by CO2 monitoring.

Lars Ekberg, Ove Strindehag
17th AIVC Conference "Optimum Ventilation and Air Flow Control in Buildings"
Paper in proceeding

Relationships Between Indoor and Outdoor Contaminants in Mechanically Ventilated Buildings

Lars Ekberg
Indoor Air. Vol. 6 (1), p. 41-47
Journal article

Concentrations of NO2 and other traffic related contaminants in office buildings located in urban environments

Lars Ekberg
Building and Environment. Vol. 30 (2), p. 293-298
Journal article

Outdoor Air Contaminants and Indoor Air Quality under Transient Conditions

Lars Ekberg
Indoor Air. Vol. 4 (3), p. 189-196
Journal article

Volatile organic compounds in office buildings

Lars Ekberg
Atmospheric Environment. Vol. 28 (22), p. 3571-3575
Journal article

Indoor air quality in a new office building

Lars Ekberg
Proceedings of the ASHRAE IAQ 91 Healthy Buildings Conference, p. 125-127
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 12 research projects



Lars Ekberg Building Services Engineering
Sarka Langer Building Services Engineering
HSB Living Lab


Utredning Ventilation - Byggenskap och Vårdhygien

Lars Ekberg Building Services Engineering
Peter J Filipsson Building Services Engineering
Region Jönköpings län

1 publication exists

Dermal uptake of polycyclic aromatic compounds by work environment exposure

Lars Ekberg Building Services Engineering
Sarka Langer Building Services Engineering
Per Malmberg Chemistry and Biochemistry


Infection and contagion-proof care facilities in low-income countries

Lars Ekberg Building Services Engineering
Daniel Olsson Building Services Engineering
Bengt Ljungqvist Building Services Engineering
Berit Reinmüller Building Services Engineering
Catinka Ullmann Building Services Engineering

1 publication exists

Buildings Post Corona

Jan-Olof Dalenbäck Building Services Engineering
Lars Ekberg Building Services Engineering

4 publications exist

Ventilation in energy efficient multi-family buildings - part 2

Lars Ekberg Building Services Engineering
Jan-Olof Dalenbäck Building Services Engineering
Torbjörn Lindholm Building Services Engineering
Swedish Energy Agency


Run-around coil heat recovery

Jan-Olof Dalenbäck Building Services Engineering
Peter J Filipsson Building Services Engineering
Mohammad Mahmoud Building Services Engineering
Lars Ekberg Building Services Engineering
Anders Trüschel Building Services Engineering
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists

Energy performance and indoor environment quality in school buildings

Jan-Olof Dalenbäck Building Services Engineering
Despoina Teli Building Services Engineering
Blanka Cabovska Building Services Engineering
Sarka Langer Building Services Engineering
Lars Ekberg Building Services Engineering
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists

Energieffektiva lufkvalitetsystem för fordon

Jan-Olof Dalenbäck Building Services Engineering
Dixin Wei Building Services Engineering
Lars Ekberg Building Services Engineering
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists

Ways to Improving Indoor Environmental Quality in Swedish Schools

Jan-Olof Dalenbäck Building Services Engineering
Sarka Langer Building Services Engineering
Lars Ekberg Building Services Engineering
Despoina Teli Building Services Engineering
Blanka Cabovska Building Services Engineering

4 publications exist

Human occupants in the built environment, indoor air chemistry and ventilation strategies

Jan-Olof Dalenbäck Building Services Engineering
Sarka Langer Building Services Engineering
Lars Ekberg Building Services Engineering


Installationstekniska Miljöinnovationer - Etablering av samverkan mellan Sverige och Kina

Lars Ekberg Building Services Engineering

There might be more projects where Lars Ekberg participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.