Group assignments improve an online course
Paper in proceeding, 2023

We study the effects of a set of group assignments in an introductory mathematics course taught online. An analysis of the assignments that students turned in, of peer reviews and of answers to a questionnaire about the students’ experiences with the group assignments shows that the aims that the instructors had set for the assignments were fulfilled to a great extent. More specifically, the students appreciated social contact, they felt that they learned meaningful course content, and the socio-mathematical norms promoted in the assignments, where discussion and communication are rewarded,
were accepted by the students. The answers also indicate frustration towards peers who are not participating actively, difficulties discussing material without having time to process it alone first, and difficulties communicating mathematics online.

online teaching

socio-mathematical norms.

group assignments

mathematical discussion


Laura Fainsilber

Chalmers, Mathematical Sciences, Algebra and geometry

Linnea Hietala

Chalmers, Mathematical Sciences, Algebra and geometry

Proceedings Chalmers Conference on Teaching and Learning 2023

978-91-88041-54-8 (ISBN)

Chalmers Conference on Teaching and Learning 2023
Göteborg, Sweden,

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Educational Sciences




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