Evolution of Future Heating Systems - Modeling of an Expanding City Using a Dynamic Systems Approach
Doctoral thesis, 2023
The components of heating systems often have very long lifetimes, and given the urgency of phasing out fossil fuels, the constitutions of future heating will reflect decisions made in the near future. As there are high levels of uncertainty associated with several factors involved in the development of heating systems, the aim of this thesis is to investigate how different parts of the heating system can be developed in parallel and to maximal efficiency in different future scenarios.
A dynamic systems approach is used in which the supply and demand of an expanding heating system are investigated together and simultaneously over several decades. New housing is treated in a heterogeneous fashion by investigating several types of new housing. The cost-optimizing TIMES modeling framework is used in this thesis, and the heating system of Gothenburg is applied as a modeling case.
The modeling results show that the heating solution for future housing depends on the housing type and the construction year. Individual solutions, mainly ground-source and air-to-water heat pumps, are often cost-efficient for single family housing, as well as for apartment buildings. This is especially the case if the electricity price is low or if the use of biomass in the DH system is phased out. However, the utilization of low-grade excess heat or a lower DH temperature increases the use of DH in the future housing stock. Large-scale seasonal thermal energy storage units in DH systems are economically viable systems that, in some cases, can increase the use of DH for new housing, although the effect is rather weak. Nevertheless, storage systems can significantly reduce the strain on electrical grids during cold periods.
The choice of heating solution represents a serious challenge for the economics of DH systems, which have traditionally been the main heating solution in cities. The development of current DH systems has been incremental in the recent decades, while individual solutions have undergone a dramatic increase in their use. Without more-drastic changes in the investment in and operation of DH systems, the heating systems of the future may become more-decentralized and more-dependent upon electricity as their main energy source.
The findings of this thesis should be of interest to city planners and DH utilities, as the findings show that both the DH supply side and the heating solution for new housing are affected by many factors.
Heating system
Thermal energy storage
Low-heat-demand housing
Dynamic energy systems modeling
District heating
Climate policy
Karl Vilén
Chalmers, Space, Earth and Environment, Energy Technology
Vilén K, Lygnerud K, Ahlgren E. O. Policy Implications of Challenges and Opportunities for District Heating – the Case for a Nordic Heating System
Vilén K, Ahlgren E. O. Thermal Energy Storages as Part of the Evolving Heating System – Long-term Modeling of Interconnected Supply and Demand
Linear or mixed integer programming in long-term energy systems modeling – A comparative analysis for a local expanding heating system
Journal article
Communal or individual – Exploring cost-efficient heating of new city-level housing in a systems perspective
Smart Energy,;Vol. 10(2023)
Journal article
The impact of local climate policy on district heating development in a Nordic city – a dynamic approach
International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management,;Vol. 31(2021)p. 79-94
Journal article
Många komponenter i värmesystem har långa livslängder och det är brådskande att fasa ut användningen av fossila bränslen. Detta gör att hur framtidens fossilfria värmesystem ser ut kommer bero på de beslut som fattas i närtid. Denna avhandling undersöker hur olika delar av framtida värmesystem kan utvecklas kostnadseffektivt tillsammans under olika framtida scenarier eftersom det finns stora osäkerheter i de faktorer som kan påverka utvecklingen av värmesystem.
Resultaten indikerar att värmelösningen för framtida hus beror på byggnadsår och hustyp. Individuella lösningar, främst olika sorters värmepumpar, är ofta kostnadseffektiva för enfamiljshus, men även för lägenhetsbyggnader. Detta gäller i synnerhet vid låga elpriser eller om biomassaförbränning fasas ut från fjärrvärmesystemet. Utnyttjande av lågvärdig spillvärme eller en sänkning av fjärrvärmetemperaturen ökar användningen av fjärrvärme i framtida nya hus. Storskalig lagring av värme i fjärrvärmesystem är kostnadseffektivt och kan i vissa fall öka användningen av fjärrvärme, men påverkan är relativt liten. Lagring kan dock bidra med att minska belastningen på elnätet under kalla perioder.
Policy för hållbar värme-behovet av att förstå komplexa system
Swedish Energy Agency (P2022-00922), 2023-01-01 -- 2024-12-31.
Samverkan om framtida värme
Swedish Energy Agency (45990-1), 2018-07-01 -- 2021-12-31.
Driving Forces
Sustainable development
Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Energy Engineering
Areas of Advance
Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 5435