Galton–Watson Theta-Processes in a Varying Environment
Journal article, 2024

We consider a special class of Galton–Watson theta-processes in a varying environment fully defined by four parameters, with two of them (θ, r) being fixed over time n, and the other two (an, cn) characterizing the altering reproduction laws. We establish a sequence of transparent limit theorems for the theta-processes with possibly defective reproduction laws. These results may serve as a stepping stone towards incisive general results for the Galton–Watson processes in a varying environment.

Branching Process

Limit Theorem

Varying Environment


Serik Sagitov

Chalmers, Mathematical Sciences, Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Yerakhmet Zhumayev

L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Stochastics and Quality Control

23672390 (ISSN) 23672404 (eISSN)

Vol. 39 1 25-39

Subject Categories

Probability Theory and Statistics



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