Super-localization of spatial network models
Journal article, 2024

Spatial network models are used as a simplified discrete representation in a wide range of applications, e.g., flow in blood vessels, elasticity of fiber based materials, and pore network models of porous materials. Nevertheless, the resulting linear systems are typically large and poorly conditioned and their numerical solution is challenging. This paper proposes a numerical homogenization technique for spatial network models which is based on the super-localized orthogonal decomposition (SLOD), recently introduced for elliptic multiscale partial differential equations. It provides accurate coarse solution spaces with approximation properties independent of the smoothness of the material data. A unique selling point of the SLOD is that it constructs an almost local basis of these coarse spaces, requiring less computations on the fine scale and achieving improved sparsity on the coarse scale compared to other state-of-the-art methods. We provide an a posteriori analysis of the proposed method and numerically confirm the method’s unique localization properties. In addition, we show its applicability also for high-contrast channeled material data.






Moritz Hauck

Chalmers, Mathematical Sciences, Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Axel Målqvist

Chalmers, Mathematical Sciences, Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Numerische Mathematik

0029-599X (ISSN) 0945-3245 (eISSN)

Vol. 156 3 901-926

Subject Categories

Computational Mathematics

Human Geography



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